& nbsp; digital money has a very deep source of block chains. Like the stories in the novels, there's an old, little-known story about outstanding things, like digital money and block chains.
In fact, they were not invented in the first place by Nakamoto, but by a mysterious institution known as the Landing Code Punk Wind. In the first place, this institution was made up of only a simple personal gathering in 1992, consisting of three technical giants who withdrew from the second line, Eric & Middot, a mathematician at the University of California at Berkeley; Burt (d), Tim & Middot, an intel worker who withdrew from the second line; May, Robert & Middot, a computer biologist; and Gilmore and the 20 friends they had invited, mainly to discuss some of the problems related to process and cryptography.
But in the face of the economic crisis of 2008, when they thought that assets should not be controlled by a centralized centre, they conceived a solution that was posted online and became the first miner in Bitcoin, creating an electronic cash system that was not controlled by any organization or agency.
Thus, block chain technology has notable features of decentralisation, openness, independence, security and anonymity, and responds to today's demands for information protection and disclosure from all walks of life.
Both to safeguard data security and to avoid data processing being influenced by human subjectivity and system failures; and to the greatest extent possible, to hide their detailed information in order to protect privacy.
Block chains: refers to chains that are connected by a series of data blocks (i.e. blocks) and that are connected by: blocks N+1, which contain the Hashi value of blocks N. And the chains of such data blocks, which are stored and maintained by widely distributed, large number of server nodes, each with a complete copy of the block chain (i.e., the block chain data is stored with a high degree of redundancy and is held in “ everyone & & rdquao; real & & & & & & & & & rdquao; data democracy & & ; that is its charm.
Digital currency: is another form of existence and circulation of the legal currency, which exists in numerical terms as opposed to the banknotes and coins currently in circulation. The legal existence of the digital currency is statutory and is based on block-chain technology.
But the chain of blocks has evolved from nothing to the present, and where the chain appears, there must be a currency, as if it were a light-and-shadow relationship, which is reasonable, and what is the relationship between the digital currency and the chain of blocks?
Digital money is organically linked to block chains, which are the bottom of the technology and the most important technological tool. The most successful practice in block chains is innovation in the monetary sphere, which, as one of the technologies for digital money, also includes mobile payments, credible and controlled cloud computing, cryptographic algorithms, and so forth, while Bitcoin’s style informs people of the technological framework and vast applications of block chains.
Digital currency is the form of an encrypted currency, which exists in a form that requires encryption, so digital currency needs to be supported by block chain technology, which is also the most advanced technology in the world and is being studied by many of the world's well-known enterprises, and the prospects for its development are unlimited.
First, in the context of the birth of the block chain, digital money is a chicken-egged and egg-eating chain. The concept of digital currency is the reason why the technology applied to the block chain is created, but also because block chain technology is the foundation of the bottom, making Bitcoin’s payment ideal a reality.
Then it was asked whether, in the absence of Bitcoin, it would have an impact on the current block chain system. This would have been true, because when Nakamoto proposed the block chain, it gave it a particularly important character, which was decentralization.
The decentralized nature of the traditional public-chain chain chain, as conceived in China, is quite different from what is currently perceived in the country as a union chain, a private-sector chain. Union-to-private chain is more inclined to multi-centricity, or weak centralization, and they still operate without centralizing giants.
But without the centralization of the giants, why should we maintain the operation of the block chain system?
Thus, in order to stimulate participation in data maintenance, there is a digital monetary incentive in the traditional block chain system, where mining incentives are available for participation in the data processing of the block chain.
This has created a positive cycle of digital money incentives for users to maintain the traditional block chain, which, once the digital currency is removed from the system, will be broken and the entire system will naturally not be able to sustain, so that, in the absence of bitcoin, applications such as block chains would have to have an impact on the current block chain, perhaps the current strong decentralized traditional public chain chain chain would no longer exist.
That is why digital money and block chains are inseparable. Although there are many types of block chains, from a technical point of view, the block chain technology can be completely independent even without a digital currency, for the mainstream part of the current block chain, that is, the traditional public chain, the block chain is an integral part of the digital currency, which is part of the block chain, and once the incentive system for digital money is absent, the block chain either loses its centrality or cannot be maintained at all.
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