蚌埠一小区地下车库疑建“比特币”工厂 相关部门介入调查

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:46 评论:0



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In recent days, a number of households in the Bay Bay area have reported that noise in the 16th floor of the area continues to noise, seriously affecting the lives of the residents. At 3 p.m. on 28 August, journalists accompanied the authorities to find out about the situation and, following preliminary investigations, confirmed that it was a privately modified and illegally closed garage, suspected of being a “bitcoin” processing site, according to the physical evidence at the site. At the same time, there is a similar house in the district's commercial premises.



“It's strange to hear noises like air conditioning outside the garage, but it's not clear where it came from.” For some time now, Ms. Lee, a resident of the Bay Bay Bay area, has been beset by noise from the garage. It is known that several households in the area have been affected by noise to varying degrees and have been reflected in different ways.


In the afternoon of August 27, after learning about the noise in the downtown garage, he and another owner went to the second basement of the 16th building. On the east side of the elevator room, they found a house that had been closed by multiple drop-off places. “The place was more hidden in the underground garage, and people would not go there, and it was true that the sound of the blast was heard and the walls were particularly hot, and I think there was a problem.” Through the opening of the air fan fan fan, the two of them found that the well-organized shelves were operating, and it was clear from what they understood that there were at least 200 “bitcoin” machines operating. “This is the bitcoin mining machine, which is not small.”

### 检查整治中。

<p><strong>现场:屋内设备已被搬空</strong></p><p><strong> site: the equipment in the house has been removed </strong></p>
<p>8月28日下午三时,大皖新闻记者进入恒大御景湾小区,在16号楼地下二层,通过排气百叶扇可以看到,里面是一大堆置物货架,但货架上已经完全腾空。</p><p>On 28 August, at 3 p.m., Dajun journalists entered the Gangan Bay area, on the second floor of the 16th floor, as seen by the exhaust fan, which contained a large cargo shelf, but which had been completely emptied.</p>
<p>“除了这一处,还有一处商业房也是一样的摆放,”另一位热心业主将记者带到11号楼216商铺门面房,在这里可以看到:现场大门紧闭,通过几个地面排气口,看到屋内是和16号楼地下车库里类似的置物货架。这位热心业主介绍,这几处排气口本来也是塞起来的,他们觉得可疑,后来才打开的,现在可以看到,里面也只有空空的货柜了。</p><p>“In addition to this, there is a commercial room that is the same,” another interested owner takes a journalist to the 216th storehouse in the 11th building, where it can be seen: the site gate is closed, and through several ground vents, it is seen inside a similar shelf in the garage in the 16th floor. The hot owner introduces that the vents were also plugged in, and they were opened only after they were suspicious, and now it can be seen that there are only empty containers in it.</p>
<p>同时,赶到现场的蚌埠市蚌山区政府相关负责人表示,可以初步判定,封堵地下车库车位,进行这类活动肯定未经批准,辖区物业办、城管部门及警方要落实责任,28日当晚,必须将这处封闭的现场清理整改完毕。同时,对于两处货架上之前摆放的物品展开调查,严格按照执法程序处理。</p><p>At the same time, the relevant government officials who arrived at the site said that it was possible to make a preliminary finding that the blocking of parking spaces was not authorized, that the property offices of the Bailiwick, the municipal authorities and the police were responsible for carrying out such activities, and that the closed site had to be cleaned up and modified on the evening of the 28th day. At the same time, the items previously placed on the shelves were investigated and dealt with in strict accordance with law enforcement procedures.</p>
<p><img src=### 小区正门。

# # the main gate of the sub-district.</p>
<p><strong>质疑:物业竟称不知情</strong></p><p><strong> Challenge: Property does not know </strong></p>
<p>大皖记者了解到,蚌埠恒大御景湾小区于2015年建成,其物业公司为金碧物业有限公司蚌埠分公司。对于小区内为何出现这种情况,记者随后在现场找到了金碧物业有限公司蚌埠分公司一名负责人,面对记者的询问,他拒绝回答,并表示一概不知。在随后的追问中,这位负责人干脆选择了离开。</p><p>In response to a question from a journalist who refused to answer and said he did not know anything about it, he simply chose to leave. In the ensuing questioning, the incumbent chose to leave.</p>
<p>下午5时,大皖新闻记者再次来到16号楼地下室,原本封闭的车位改建成的房间已经被破拆,屋内只剩空空的货架。</p><p>At 5 p.m., once again, the journalists went to the basement of Building 16, and the rooms that had been converted to closed spaces had been demolished, leaving empty shelves.</p>
<p>采访中,多位业主对物业的做法表示了严重质疑,在地下车库这样的封闭空间内,搭建这样大型工程,物业为何没有发现?屋内设施的用电和通讯网络也均是通过小区物业顺利接通,物业为何会不知情?同时,张勇反映,他是8月27日下午五点多反映该情况的,为何八点多再次去查看时,这么多台机器会不翼而飞?为此,小区的业主们向大皖记者表示,他们希望有关部门能够严格调查,彻底解决问题,给小区住户一个交代。</p><p>During the interview, several owners expressed serious doubts about the practices of the property industry. In a closed space such as the underground garage, the construction of such a large-scale project was not found in the property industry. The electricity and communications network in the house were also well connected through the small property industry, and the property industry was not aware of it. At the same time, Zhang responded that he had reflected the situation more than 5 p.m. on 27 August, why would so many machines fly when he visited again at 8 p.m.? To that end, the owners of the small area indicated to the journalists that they wanted the authorities to conduct a rigorous investigation, solve the problem thoroughly, and give the small household a hand.</p>								<div class= 美化布局示例



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