ICO:国内各种基于以太坊ERC2.0标准发行的tokens 经常采用ICO方式
ICO: Various tokens in the country based on ERC 2.0 standards often use the ICO approach
IFO: The most famous is BCC.
IMO: The most well-known playbook, known as "Strapke", was criticized as a disguised ICO by the China Internet Finance Association (CIFA).
IEO: Most commonly issued after ICO has been banned
ITO:initial token offering,首次通证发行,发行方式和ICO一样,私募认购融资后,上交易所流通。因为coin叫代币——有代替法币之意——比较敏感,政策风险较大,于是换个概念,叫token,意为通证,其实还是ICO。举例,今年8月份ITO的VeChain(唯链)。
ITO: Initial token offering, first issue of a pass, in the same way as ICO, after private subscription financing, goes to the exchange. Because Coin is known as a token — there is a preference for French currency — it is more sensitive and the policy risk is greater, then it is a different concept, token, meaning a pass, but actually ICO. For example, in August of this year, ITO's Ve Chain.
IBO:采用bancor算法的发行方式,用原生币兑换新币,随着新币剩余发行量越来越少,兑换比例越来越高。2018年9 月,基于 EOS 的侧链 FIBOS ,该项目初始兑换比例为 1EOS:1000FO,不到两周已经有大约 85W 个 EOS 参与兑换,兑换比例渐渐升高到 1:450 左右。
IBO: In September 2018, the EOS-based side chain FIBOS, using the bancor algorithm to exchange the new currency in its original currency, increased as the remaining circulation of the new currency became smaller. The initial conversion rate for the project was 1EOS:1000FO, with approximately 85W EOS participating in the conversion in less than two weeks, gradually rising to around 1:4550.
STO:security token offering。
I'm sure there are more concepts in the future. This paper is continuously updated.
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