Virtual Money Trading Platform faces a life or death test
新京报讯 (记者金彧)9月8日,监管当局决定关闭中国境内虚拟货币交易所的消息不胫而走,这涉及“币行”、“火币网”和“比特币中国”等为代表的所有虚拟货币与法定货币之间的交易所。
On 8 September, the regulatory authorities decided to close the virtual currency exchange in China, which involved all the virtual and legal currency exchanges represented by the “currency line”, the “mign currency network” and “bitcoin China”.
According to the news, virtual currency such as Bitcoin was hit by a “black weekend.” The price of bitcoin jumped from $28,000 to around $230,000 in two days, a decline of more than 17 per cent.
On September 10, journalists from the New Kyoto newspaper were informed by several independent sources that the regulatory regime would close down platform transactions in the country between Bitcoin, the virtual currency represented by Tai Tai, and the legal currency, such as the renminbi. As the domestic virtual money exchange platform currently handles virtual currency exchange transactions, such as the legal currency and the Bitcoin currency, industry sources believe that the coal net, the OKcoin, and the Bitcoin China platforms will be affected.
交易平台一旦暂停此项业务,国内比特币投资者在交易平台上提现人民币将受阻。 不过,记者从上述信源还获悉,虚拟货币之间的币币交易不受限制。业内人士分析称,比特币与人民币的场外交易通道并未被堵死。
Once the trading platform is suspended, domestic Bitcoin investors will be prevented from raising the renminbi on the trading platform. However, journalists have learned from the above sources that currency transactions between virtual currencies are not restricted.
According to regulators close to the Beijing City Financial Work Bureau, on the evening of 7 September, the Beijing Governance Office (based in the Beijing City Financial Work Bureau, known as the Beijing City Task Force for the Specialized Management of Internet Financial Risks) worked late by more than 10 p.m. and issued a circular on cooperation in the clean-up of virtual money trading platforms (hereinafter referred to as the Circular).
On 8 September, the head of the Bitcoin platform, organized by the Beijing Office of Reconstruction and Management, convened a meeting to request that a comprehensive clean-up process be carried out by the platform for the issuance of funds in exchange and the virtual money exchange platform.
“This reorganization is similar to the previous ICO restructuring document, except that the object of the reorganization was changed from a money-financing transaction platform to a virtual money-trading platform.” According to the above-mentioned sources, the Circular requires the platforms to immediately stop the exchange between legal and virtual currencies; the platforms are not allowed to provide services such as pricing, information intermediation, etc. for virtual currency.
The meeting was also confirmed by a statement of 8 September from the Bitcoin trading platform’s national network. The platform’s statement stated that, in accordance with the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Money Issued Finance issued by seven ministries, including the Central Bank, and the spirit of the September 5th and September 8th Financial Work Sessions of the Beijing City Financial Work Bureau, a comprehensive clean-up of the money issue finance transaction platform and the virtual currency trading platform was required.
According to media sources, close to regulators, some of the Bitcoin trading platforms have been turned into money-laundering routes for illegal economic activities and price-fixing by dealers, and should be banned as soon as possible.
According to several insiders, the regulation of the virtual currency platform, including Bitcoin, this time was not to ban bitcoin, but to eliminate the passage of large amounts of bitcoins to statutory currencies (the renminbi, the United States dollar, etc.) and temporarily isolate the risk.
■ 市场反应
> market response
Partial platform suspends transactions and withdraws
For the news that the virtual money exchange platform would be overhauled, platforms such as the currency network, the exchange network, the national network, etc., have announced a moratorium on transactions or withdrawals.
9月7日,币库网发布公告称,已暂停一切交易,并于9月30日停止全面服务(关闭网站);9月8日晚,国交网发布公告称,平台所有币种9月8日17:30全部暂停交易。 同日晚间,币盈网也在官网发布公告称,该网已于9月4日停止数字资产对人民币的交易,平台将于9月10日15:00关闭提现功能。
On 7 September, the Network issued an announcement stating that all transactions had been suspended and that full services had been discontinued on 30 September (closing the website); on the evening of 8 September, the National Network issued an announcement stating that all transactions in all the currencies of the Platform had been suspended on 8 September at 17:30; and on the evening of the same day, the Network issued an announcement stating that the Network had stopped trading digital assets against the renminbi on 4 September and that the Platform would close its current functions on 10 September at 15:00.
However, in a statement issued on the evening of 9 September by the Signal Network, OKCoin and others, the Bitcoin trading platform stated that no notification had yet been received from the regulatory authority and that the platform trade was normal.
Officially, the OKCoin bank states that if the news is true, the OKCoin bank will stop the Bitcoin to the renminbi and transform it into an information platform for digital asset point-to-point transactions.
Interviews with journalists were informed that a large bitcoin trading platform in the country had been set up in Hong Kong ahead of schedule.
The biggest drop in bitcoin prices in two days was more than 20%.
The price of Bitcoin fell by more than 17% from 8 to 10 September, near $28,000. In addition, the LTC, ETH, etc., fell sharply.
According to the data provided by OKcoin, on 10 September, Bitcoin had the lowest transaction value of $21,500, compared with $28,600 at 2100 on 8 September, with a maximum fall of nearly 25 per cent for the two days. However, on 10 September, at 2100, the price of Bitcoin was $23553, a decline of 17.6 per cent for the two days.
At 2100 hours on 10 September, the price of Leitco fell 8.56 per cent on that day. However, at 497.4 yuan on 8 September, the price fell by 26.4 per cent on two days, at 2100 hours on 10 September, at 4.82 per cent on that day, and at 2024 on 8 September, at 19.96 per cent.
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