According to the Trademark Office Network of the National Directorate of Commerce and Industry, Tetsu Technologies (Shenzhen) Ltd. applied this month for several trademarks such as infcoin, Bodun Planet, Bodun Star, Boding Coin, Qbanking, LinkBanking, etc.
On 30 July, the teeming response indicated that the web-based registration of trademarks had nothing to do with the issuance of currency and that the tether block chain would not carry out the ICO (the first issue of a token for the block chain project).
At both national meetings this year, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of TSC, Mating, asked about how to look at the block chain, stated that “the block chain is a good technology, but it is still in the early stages of development, that there is a need for effective application models, and that the news is actively exploring the use of the block chain in various scenarios.” & nbsp;
It was described that the tungsten block chain is a technology developed autonomously at the bottom of the block chain and is dedicated to building an open service platform for the block chain to address trust issues among business enterprises.
In response, it was stated that the teeming block chain had never been involved in any form in activities related to the issuance or transaction of tokens, nor had it cooperated with any of the agencies.
The tether chain is more contextual and has been explored in the areas of supply chain finance, games, forensics, digital assets, public searchers, logistics and taxation.
In March of this year, Quinter announced that it was working with the China Logistics and Procurement Association to develop block supply chain alliances and cloud manifest platforms. Based on the cloudbill platform, electronic consignment sheets will replace paperbills, electronic signatures will replace handwritten paper signatures, and they will be distributed, encrypted, non-manufactured, etc. through block chain technology, guaranteeing the authenticity and security of shipping order data and achieving “trustworthiness, security, efficiency gains, mitigation”.
In May of this year, Tan and the State Revenue Service of Shenzhen set up an innovative laboratory called the Smart Tax. Together, the two sides are moving forward with the country's first block-based digital invoice solution, exploring new invoice ecology, hoping that each invoice will be detectable, verifiable, credible and traceable, and that block-chain technology will be used to manage the flow of invoices, making the flow of invoice data a reality.
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