网络游戏虚拟货币许可证 Virtual Currency Licence for Network Game 网络游戏虚拟货币是指由网络游戏经营单位发行,网络游戏用户使用法定货币按一定比例直接或间接购买,存在于游戏程序之外,以电磁记录方式存储于服务器内,并以特定数字单位表现的虚拟兑换工具。 Virtual currency for network games is a virtual conversion tool that is issued by a network game operator and is purchased directly or indirectly by network game users in a proportion of the legal currency, outside of the game program, stored on the server in the form of an electromagnetic record, and expressed in a given digital unit. | |
申办要求 | 1、"网络游戏虚拟货币发行企业"是指发行并提供虚拟货币使用服务的网络游戏运行企业。“网络游戏虚拟货币交易服务企业”是指为用户间交易网络游戏虚拟货币提供平台化服务的企业。同一企业不得同时经营以上两项业务。 1 & quot; network game virtual currency issuer & quot; is a network game running enterprise that issues and provides a virtual currency service. "Wet game virtual currency trading service enterprise" is an enterprise that provides a platform service for a virtual currency of a network game between users. 2、"网络游戏虚拟货币发行企业"需符合设立经营性互联网文化单位的有关条件。 2 & quot; Virtual Currency Issuer for Network Game & quot; subject to the requirements for setting up an operational Internet culture unit. 3、"网络游戏虚拟货币交易服务企业"需符合设立经营性互联网文化单位的有关条件,商务主管部门关于电子商务(平台)服务的有关规定。 3 & quot; Virtual Money Trading Service for Cyber Game & quot; subject to the conditions for the establishment of an operational Internet culture unit, relevant provisions of the business authorities on e-commerce (platform) services. |
申办周期 | 1、提交审核(1个工作日) 1. Submission for review (1 working day) 2、运作沟通(10个工作日) 2. Operational communication (10 working days) 3、审批通过(5个工作日) 3. Approval (5 working days) 4、取证送达(3个工作日) 4. Service of evidence (3 working days) |
申请条件 | 1、有企业的名称、注册地址、组织机构和章程 Name, registered address, organizational structure and by-laws of the enterprise 2、运营游戏需注册资金100万人民币,非游戏产品需100万人民币 2. Operating games requires registration of RMB 1 million and non-player products require RMB 1 million 3、不少于8名计算机专业本科的业务管理人员和专业技术人员 3. Not less than 8 Operations Managers and Professional Technicians in the Professional Computer Undergraduate Section 4、企业需具备运营所需的设备及工作场所 4. Enterprises need to have the equipment and workplace they need to operate 5、企业需具备完整的业务发展计划及运营管理措施; The enterprise needs to have a complete business development plan and operational management measures; 6、拟计划开展业务需符合《互联网文化管理暂行规定》《网络游戏管理暂行办法》相关规定; 6. The proposed operation is subject to the provisions of the Interim Provisions for the Management of Internet Cultures and the Interim Measures for the Management of Cyber Plays; 7、拟计划开展游戏产品业务需符合《中华人民共和国文化部令第49号令网络游戏管理暂行办法》相关规定; 7. The proposed operation of the games product is subject to the relevant provisions of the Provisional Measures for the Management of Network Games under Order No. 49 of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China; 8、设立经营性互联网文化单位,应当符合所在地文化单位的企业总量、企业结构和企业布局等当地政策规划。 The establishment of an operational Internet culture unit should be in line with local policy plans such as the total number of enterprises in the local cultural unit, the structure of the enterprise and the layout of the enterprise. 申办企业提供: offers: 1、营业执照副本复印件 1. Copies of business licences 2、验资报告 2. Audit reports 3、公司章程 3. Statutes of the company 4、办公场地租赁协议及业主产权证明 4. Rental agreements for office space and proof of owner's title 5、8名人员身份证及学历证扫描件 Scanning copies of identification cards and educational credentials for 5 or 8 persons 6、网站内容中含有拟申请经营产品的内容 6. Content of website containing content of business products to be applied for |
网络游戏虚拟货币发行企业 | |
申办条件 | 一、已有《网络文化经营许可证》的企业需要提交下列文件: 1、申请书; 1. Application; 2、变更互联网文化单位申请表; 2. Application forms for changes in Internet cultural units; 3、《网络文化经营许可证》原件; 3. The original version of the Act on the Establishment of Cyber Cultures; 4、业务发展报告(需包括网络游戏虚拟货比表现形式、发行范围、单位购买价格、终止服务时的退还方式、用户购买方式、用户权益保障措施、技术安全保障措施等内容); 4. Business development reports (need to include, for example, the manifestations of virtual ratios for network games, the scope of distribution, unit purchase prices, the manner in which services are refunded upon termination, the way in which users purchase, user rights safeguards, technical security measures, etc.); 5、依法需要提交的其他文件。 5. Other documents required by law. 二、未申请《网络文化经营许可证》的企业需提交下列文件: II. Enterprises that do not apply for a licence to operate a cyberculture are required to submit the following documents: 1、申请设立经营性互联网文化单位所需的材料; 1. Material required to apply for the establishment of an operational Internet culture unit; 2、设立互联网文化单位申请表; 2. Establishment of an application form for an Internet culture unit; 3、业务发展报告(需包括网络游戏虚拟货币表现形式、发行范围、单位购买价格、终止服务时的退还方式、用户购买方式、用户权益保障措施、技术安全保障措施等内容); 3. Business development reports (need to include virtual monetary expressions of online games, distribution coverage, unit purchase prices, mode of return upon termination of service, user purchase modalities, user equity guarantees, technical security measures, etc.); 4、依法需要提交的其他文件。 4. Other documents required by law. |
网络游戏虚拟货币交易企业 | |
申办条件 | 一、已有《网络文化经营许可证》的企业需提交下列文件: 1、申请书 1. APPLICATIONS 2、变更互联网文化单位申请表 2. Application forms for changing Internet cultural units 3、《网络文化经营许可证》原件 3. Original licence for the operation of cyberculture 4、业务发展报告(需包括服务(平台模式、用户购买方式、用户权益保障措施、用户账号与实名银行账户绑定情况、技术安全保障措施等内容) 4. Business development reports (need to include services (platform model, user buyout, user rights safeguards, user account number and real name bank account binding, technical security measures, etc.) 5、依法需要提交的其他文件。 5. Other documents required by law. 二、未申请《网络文化经营许可证》的企业需提交下列文件: II. Enterprises that do not apply for a licence to operate a cyberculture are required to submit the following documents: 1、申请设立经营性互联网文化单位所需的材料; 1. Material required to apply for the establishment of an operational Internet culture unit; 2、设立互联网文化单位申请表 2. Application form for the establishment of an Internet cultural unit 3、业务发展报告(需包括服务(平台)模式、用户购买方式、用户权益保障措施、用户账号与实名银行账户绑定情况、技术安全保障措施等内容) 3. Business development reports (to include service (platform) models, user acquisition modalities, user rights safeguards, user account number and real name bank account binding, technical security measures, etc.) 4、依法需要提交的其他文件。 4. Other documents required by law. |
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