
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:40 评论:0
原标题:疯狂比特币暗藏巨大投资风险  比特币“价值不菲”,在国内著名交易平台FX BT C上,9月28日牌价为1比特币最高可兑换765.7元人民币。从3月暴涨到4月大跌,再到如今“币值”趋稳,比特币以一种货币的姿态走进更多中国玩家和投资客的...



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  比特币“价值不菲”,在国内著名交易平台FX BT C上,9月28日牌价为1比特币最高可兑换765.7元人民币。从3月暴涨到4月大跌,再到如今“币值”趋稳,比特币以一种货币的姿态走进更多中国玩家和投资客的视野。在小众市场上,它被用于支付、汇兑、贮藏,甚至向衍生品业务演进,吸引众多投资者参与其中。专家表示,目前中国已成为全球比特币交易“最活跃国家之一”。

Bitcoin’s “value is good” on its famous national trading platform, FX BT C, with a card price of up to RMB 765.7 on September 28. From March to April, the currency has stagnated, and now the currency has stabilized, and Bitcoin has moved into the eyes of more Chinese players and investors in a currency stance. In small markets, it is used for exchange, storage, and even for derivatives, attracting a large number of investors.


However, this unsupervised virtual currency, which is not issued by the central bank, is not as solid as one would have expected, and many investors have lost a lot of money in the run-up and fall of the Bitcoin.


Virtual currency into real transactions


Although Bitcoin is a virtual cyber currency, in some countries some businesses have already supported Bitcoin payments. Statistics show that 7,500 businesses and hotels globally accept Bitcoin.


The coffee shop on Heinz Street in Beijing, "Custody Coffee" is a business that was paid by Bitcoin earlier in the country. "Betcoin's customers, just as we were interested in new things, accepted Bitcoin." The shop operator, Huang Fen, said that less than one bitcoin had been received since the payment was accepted and that, despite the small amount of transactions, the received bitcoin would soon be bought by Internet buyers, who were “touching for it”.


Kwok Ping of Sichuan Yingsan, an employee of the Twilight Television Marketing Network, posted a message on Twitter saying that the Twilight TV that he sold was paid in bitcoin and that the price of the deal was set in the renminbi. He said on the phone: “I am a marketing man, especially brave enough to accept new things, and accept bitcoin payments can also increase brand influence.” Until the reporter was cut off, no consumer had bought television from Koo Ping in bitcoin.


Bitcoin is a digital virtual currency generated automatically by open-source P2P software based on a complex set of algorithms. In 2008, an individual named “Middle-Hear” posted a study on the Internet, outlining for the first time the idea of Bitcoin. In 2009, he set up an open-source project for the system to announce the birth of Bitcoin.

  和法定货币相比,比特币的特点在于一是去中心化,没有一个集中的发行方,而是由网络节点的计算生成,谁都有可能参与制造比特币;二是全世界流通,可以在任意一台接入互联网的电脑上买卖,不管身处何方,任何人都可以挖掘、购买、出售或收取比特币;三是匿名性,在交易过程中外人无法辨认用户身份信息;四是总量有限,根据程序算法,全世界比特币的总量到2140年将达到上限——— 2100万个。

By comparison with the legal currency, Bitcoin is characterized by decentralization, with no centralized issuer, but by the calculation of the network node, in which anyone may be involved in the manufacture of Bitcoin; by the worldwide circulation of a computer connected to the Internet, wherever it may be, anyone can dig, buy, sell or collect bitcoin; by anonymity, with no identification of the user during the transaction; and by a limited volume, which, according to procedural algorithms, will reach the ceiling of the world's total bitcoin by 2140 — 21 million.


Bitcoin is traded more frequently in Internet shops than in real-estate stores. Mr. Jiangsuzhou is the owner of a treasure-hunting shop, owned by a foreign brand, for baby and child items, where he claims on Twitter that his shop supports the Bitcoin deal, and that commodity prices are converted on the basis of the best bitcoin and renminbi prices.


“a number of transactions were made, amounting to 1,000 yuan, and most of the payers were local bitcoin fans.” Mr. Xin said, “If a foreign customer wants to buy bitcoin, he can hit me first, and I will deliver bitcoin to him when I receive it, entirely on the basis of trust.” He said that Bitcoin was now very easy to make, but that it would have to pay a different percentage of the charges.


As Bitcoin’s awareness increases, many bloggers post news on social media sites, such as microblogging, that bitcoin can be paid for. There are also web links that reproduce foreign items that can be purchased in bitcoin, including Ferraris and BMWs, but the authenticity of these links has not yet been confirmed.


can't make enough money to sell miners

  通过软件运行特定算法,与远方服务器通讯 后 得 到 比 特 币 的 方 式 被 称 为 “ 挖 矿 ” 。“‘挖矿’的人永远成不了富人,真正赚大钱的是提供挖矿工具的人。”一位网友在博客中如是写到,事实似乎印证了他的看法。

By running a particular algorithm through the software, the formula of communicating with a remote server is called "mining mine". "The man who digs the mine will never be rich, and it is the person who provides the tools to dig the mine that makes the real money." As one of the web users wrote in his blog, the facts seem to support his view.


As Bitcoin becomes more and more well-known, newcomers enter the circles of the original crowd, and “mining” becomes a popular word. When the number of “minings” increases, access to bitcoin becomes more and more difficult, and computer hardware is more and more demanding.


In order to improve mining efficiency, the miners have been upgrading their computers in a variety of ways, mainly by upgrading their hardware to a computer's visible card, with hundreds less and thousands more of them operating with a high frequency. Using this device may only get a few bits of bitcoins a day.


Since the total number of Bitcoin releases is contained at 21 million, meaning that the larger the number of people who dig, the more harvests will diminish as the number increases, and the higher the demand for computer hardware. In the world of Bitcoin, the income of today’s single “mining” day may not match the cost of electricity consumed by computers, with more “miners” choosing to dig together together, distributing revenues regularly through software, and trading platforms in exchange for cash.


Butterfly is a piece of hardware specifically designed for “mining” by a company called the Butterfly Laboratory in the United States, which sells at a very high cost. On the company’s official website, prices range from over $200 to over $2,000 depending on its configuration.


There are also a number of Internet shops in the country that purchase the equipment, and the Economic Reference Reporter observed in an online shop that the equipment was based on different configurations, ranging from $2996 to $55599, and that it was scheduled to arrive as soon as possible for two months, with the possibility that it could be postponed. Sales, despite the high price, were unusually hot. Two of the most expensive items were handed over within a week, amounting to more than $100,000.



Domestic and foreign investors can convert bitcoins into United States dollars and renminbis and other currencies at a certain rate of exchange through a number of professional trading platforms. The freeness and theoretical scarcity of bitcoins have led to a large number of investors.

  在国内,比特币诱发了许多投资者的投资热情。据专业网站Bitnodes统计数据显示,目前美国有近3 .67万个活跃比特币“节点”,中国紧随其后,有2 .21万个,比位列第三的德国多出近一倍。比特币交易平台B T C C H IN A负责人向《经济参考报》记者表示,目前国内预计有数万人参与比特币投资。今年“4·20”芦山地震期间,公益组织壹基金还曾获捐230多枚比特币,当时价值20万元左右,这也被看作是比特币在国内发展的一次标志性事件。

According to the professional website Bitnodes, there are currently nearly 3670,000 active Bitcoin “nodes” in the United States, followed by 221,000 in China, nearly twice as many as the third largest German. The head of Bitcoin trading platform B T C C H IN A said to the Economic Reference Reporter that tens of thousands of people are currently expected to invest in Bitcoins.

  投资者可在几个著名的交易平台,像买卖外汇一 样 按 照 当 时 牌 价 购 入 或 卖 出 , 例 如 国 内 的FX BT C平台、国外的M T G O X平台等。

Investors may purchase or sell on several well-known trading platforms, such as FX BT C platform in the country, MT G O platform abroad, and so forth, at the right price.

  据介绍,目前国内的比特币交易平台以赚取交易手续费为生,每笔手续费占交易总额的0 .1%到0 .6%不等。在F X B T C上,每隔几十秒便会有买入卖出的交易,金额大都在几百上千元人民币之间。而在另一家平台B T C C H IN A上,交易量也异常火爆,并且可以利用支付宝对账户进行充值。巨大的交易量使得这些平台的手续费收入非常可观。

At present, the Bitcoin trading platform in the country earns its living by earning transaction fees, ranging from 0.1% to 0.6% of the total. On F X B T C, transactions are bought and sold every dozens of seconds, mostly between hundreds and thousands of yuan.

  今年以来,比特币甚至开始向衍生品业务演进。近日,全球首支比特币E T F(温克莱沃斯比特币信托基金)申请IPO,计划融资2000万美元。英国亿万富豪、外汇交易商乔·刘易斯(Joe L ew is)也看好比特币发展,计划向一家比特币设备制造商A valon公司投资2亿美元。总部位于爱尔兰的外汇经纪商A vaT rade也在近期宣布推出比特币差价合约交易产品,所有A vaT rade客户都可通过其交易平台进行比特币交易。

In recent days, the world’s first Bitcoin ET F (Winkleworth Bitcoin Trust) has applied for an IPO to finance $20 million. Billionaires in Britain and foreign-exchange dealer Joe Lew is also looking at Bitcoin and planning to invest $200 million in a Bitcoin equipment manufacturer, A valon.



The investor’s involvement has made the bitcoin world, which was originally a “fever friend,” “excitement.” While several bitcoin investors interviewed by the Economic Reference Journal disagree on whether to invest in heaven or in hell, the huge risks that lie behind them are all the same.

  在国内几个较大的比特币投资交流群中,投资客和新手们火热的交流着。投资风险不断被这些人提及,老手建议菜鸟们如果想介入比特币投机,需要 对 比 特 币 有 充 分 的 了 解 。 在 交 易 平 台B T C C H IN A首页,红色字体的风险提示鲜明的提醒着投资客注意风险:比特币没有涨跌停限制,交易24小时开放,价格易受控制,入市须谨慎。

In several of the country’s larger bitcoin investment exchanges, investors and newcomers exchange. Investment risks are constantly mentioned by these people, who suggest that rookies need to have a full share of bitcoin if they want to get involved in bitcoin speculation.

  比特币诞生之初只是极少数程序员手中的玩具,并不值钱。2010年4月25日比特币首次公开交易时,每比特币的市场价仅为0 .03美元。但最近两年来其价格一路飙升,今年1月,1比特币的价格在15美元左右,4月10日,比特币价格最高达到266美元,随后又暴跌至50美元,近期维持在100美元左右震荡。

Bitcoin was born as a toy in the hands of a very small number of programmers and was not worth money. When Bitcoin first opened its deal on April 25, 2010, the market price was only $0.03 per bitcoin.

  “我在比特币达到历史高点的前一周把这几年开网店的近一半的收入,约4万元买了40个比特币。”网店店主佳彦说,“接下来一周像做梦一样,B T C的比价一路飙升,我的4万元在一周的时间里整整翻了一倍”。

“I bought nearly half of the earnings of these years' Internet shops in the week before Bitcoin reached its highest point, and about $40,000 bought 40 bitcoins.” The owner of the Internet store, Yoshihiko, said, “The next week, like a dream, B.T.C.'s price has soared, and my $40,000 has exactly doubled in a week”.


However, Yoshiniya was not lucky. On the night that one bitcoin was at a height of over $200, he did not throw out for a variety of reasons: “When I looked at the price the next day, it was “back to pre-liberation” and lost a lot of money. He believed that Bitcoin’s short-term investment risk was greater than the usual investment tool.


Joong, a senior Bitcoin figure in Zhejiang Ningbo, has been concerned about Bitcoin for more than a year. In his view, the Bitcoin investment threshold is low and is a 24/7 round-the-clock round-the-clock transaction, with no high investment cost. “It is best to be a hobbies like a collection, and the risk is great. People see price increases, but they don't see a fall, so they don't want to risk their lives.”





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