The combination of block chains and material networking is undoubtedly one of the best combinations of the times, and I believe that the future contribution of these two technologies to humanity and to society as a whole will be endless and difficult to estimate.
We've all heard of Iot and Blockchai.
我们大多数人都很清楚这两种技术如何重新定义连接,在很多情况下,互联网本身也是如此。一些技术爱好者甚至认为Blockchain和IoT将成为新互联网的基础,因此我们目前所处的时代也被称为Web 3.0时代。
Most of us are well aware of how these two technologies can redefine connectivity, and in many cases the Internet itself. Some technology fans even think that Blockchain and Iot will become the foundation of the new Internet, so that our time is also known as Web 3.0.
相对于早期的互联网(Web 1.0)时代,Web 2.0时代内容不再是由专业网站或特定人群所产生,而是由权级平等的全体网民共同参与、共同创造的结果。任何人都可以在网络上表达自己的观点或创造原创的内容,共同生产信息。
Compared to the early days of the Internet (Web 1.0), the content of Web 2.0 is no longer generated by professional websites or by specific groups of people, but by the participation and co-creation of all Internet users with equal rights.
随着网络服务形态的多元化,去中心化网络模型越来越清晰,也越来越成为可能。Web 2.0兴起后,Wikipedia、Flickr、Blogger等网络服务商所提供的服务都是去中心化的,任何参与者均可提交内容,网民共同进行内容协同创作或贡献。
As web services are diversified, decentralised network models become clearer and more possible. With Web 2.0, the services provided by web-servers such as Wikipedia, Flickr, Blogger, etc., are decentralised, and any participant can submit content, and web users work together to create or contribute content.
Then, with the advent of more easy-to-use decentralised web services, the features of Web 2.0 became more apparent. The creation of services that are more suitable for ordinary Internet users, such as Twitter and Facebook, made it easier and more diversified to produce or contribute to the Internet, thus increasing the motivation of Internet users to contribute and lowering the production threshold.
Decentralization is the future of technology. For a long time, the concept of “decentralization” has attracted the interest of most people in the field of science and technology.
Decentralization is not about the center, but about the node to freely choose the center and the centre. In short, centralization means that the node determines the node. Node must rely on the centre, and node must leave the centre without survival. In the decentralization system, no one is a node, no one can become a node. No centre is permanent, but it is phased, and no centre is mandatory for node.
But what makes Blockchain and Iot so special in many technologies, so important? Why do they bring the world a new technological era together? And why do you get training and certification in Iot and Blockchain to start a career as bright as Sirius in the night sky?
Before we explore in depth how Blockchain and Iot can change the world, let us look at the two technologies separately in order to have a basic understanding of each of them.
i. Material networking (IOT)
Physical networking is only a network of physical equipment embedded in electronics, software, sensors, implementers and hardware connections, which are often used in our daily lives.
The attachments to these devices enable them to connect and exchange data when necessary. On the basis of intent and purpose, we can see them as intelligent devices that almost everyone is accustomed to.
Applications for networking of goods include:
1. Smart home systems
2. Dressed equipment
3. Smart cars
4. Smart grids
Currently, most material networking structures require a central hub or server that allows data to be stored and transmitted between a number of devices in the network. Although this approach is good, it does have several fatal loopholes. We will see how Blockchain addresses these issues to improve the current network system.
According to an independent study reported by Forbes, the global goods network market is expected to triple from $157 billion in 2016 to $457 billion in 2020. Only four years! The average annual growth rate is 75 per cent.
Block Chain (Blockchain)
For those who do not understand the little white, the block chain is a list of records linked and protected by encryption technology, which are growing and stored in a system consisting of all nodes in a given network.
As the definition indicates, the technology is stored in a central server by storing data in all equal nodes of the network. The block chain makes the data immutable, and once recorded, the data in a block is irreversible.
Today, block chain technologies are available to almost all government departments. These include:
1. Financial sector and encrypted currency
Data storage and transmission
3. Smart property
4. Smart contracts
According to a study by Godner, Blockchain will add $3.1 trillion in business value by 2030. This is a very important new market.
三、Web 3.0:区块链和物联网---价值物联网
Web 3.0: Block chains and object networking - Values networking
Let us now look at how the souls of Blockchain and Iot combine to create new dynamism for the time of the 3.0 Internet.
1. Large data management
Obviously, the amount of data is enormous when there are multiple and different devices in the network and each one collects data on an ongoing basis. In addition, the network is managed by a central server, which is responsible for thousands or millions of devices.
This makes it very important to set up three things: a storage system sufficient to handle all data, a system capable of processing data and an efficient collection and delivery system.
While this seems simple, all three types of resources are difficult to access and are very difficult to maintain, both at cost and in technology.
Blockchain solves the problem very elegantly. In the block chain network, there is no central server to manage the data. On the contrary, each node has a copy of the data that can be handled independently.
Once the parameters are passed, the network tries to obtain consistency from all the other nodes in the system. Once there is consensus, the transaction can be handled. The same method can be used in the network to eliminate many of the problems posed by the central server.
2. Uninterrupted operations to improve safety and privacy
One of the greatest shortcomings of the centralised system is that all data collected and processed are stored on the central server. If the central server fails, all equipment will stop responding. Moreover, if the server is hacked into, all available data will be compromised. This could have very serious consequences.
The block chain network is almost impossible to break. All data stored in the network are encrypted and accessible only to those involved in the network or to nodes. Most importantly, because of consistency algorithms, the data cannot be tampered with.
Moreover, data are not stored centrally, and there are no problems of downtime or non-responsive equipment due to, for example, server delays. Nothing is possible until there is a block chain, but precisely because the block chain does not require a third-party connection. They can generate point-to-point connections to build trust.
3. Lower costs and more stable systems
And, logically, most of the products are very expensive in terms of specialization. Using distributed accounts to remove central servers will, in turn, reduce the overall cost of the system.
More importantly, these servers, because they are uniquely designed and professionally executed, are very expensive to maintain. If you use distributed rather than centralized systems, this will save you a lot of money.
In addition, the network of goods operates in a green and environmentally friendly manner on the block chain, with central servers usually very powered and sometimes requiring additional equipment to cool it.
The equipment may have unnecessary environmental impacts, such as emissions problems. However, when decentralised methods are used, the problem is fundamentally solved.
IV. Summary
These are several ways in which block chains and object networks work together to change the operation of modern technology. Let's look back at how Blockchain solves the problems of the current network:
1. The block chain is very secure and can be used to trace data sources. It can also prevent data from being duplicated and tampered with.
2. The deployment of material networking equipment is often complex. Distributed account systems can easily provide for the identification, identification and seamless bridging of the material network equipment and secure data transmission, which makes the deployment simpler and safer.
3. Without the need for a third party, the object network sensor can exchange data directly with the target, notarized on the web, which protects the IOT device from tampering with data
4. The block chain supports the anonymity of the equipment and community autonomy, guaranteeing equal exchange of data between data integrity and independent data.
5. Since there is no need for intermediaries, the use of block chains can significantly reduce the deployment, operation and maintenance costs of material networking equipment.
The combination of block chains and material networking is undoubtedly one of the best combinations of the times, and I believe that the future contribution of these two technologies to humanity and to society as a whole will be endless and difficult to estimate.
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