In less than half a year, BTC has recreated a new record, which has prompted BTC to again become the focus of the entrepreneurial investment industry, and it is precisely because of the fact that it has been mentioned again that, in order to invest in the project
How do new beginners copy money? An example of a new start-up process.
How do new beginners copy money? An example of a new start-up process.
I. Estimating market prospects and collecting recommendations
中国香港俩位九零后数字货币投资人——马光健(KK)及刘胜钧(Harvey)表明,她们注意到国内每一次出招严查,比特币价格尽管发生狂跌,但迅速就发生反跳拉涨,证实具增值发展潜力。但是,包含马克斯、摩根银行首席总裁戴蒙等许多 投资家及银行间市场们时常批判BTC等数字货币,觉得它是一种骗术,沒有一切投资价值。殊不知,专业人士觉得,这是由于这种金融家“担心”BTC,BTC最底层技术性将来将对传统式金融企业导致重特大冲击性。
II. Establishment of electronic account storage
If the investor feels that the investment in bitcoin is justified, then bitcoin can be invested in different ways, but an electronic account should be set up before the purchase is selected to store BTC or TX from a different way.
When the money clips are downloaded free of charge, the client gets a personal account serial number or exclusive QRCODE, which is used for transactions. The money clips are hot and cold , the hot money clips are wired, the methods are easier to use, download on the first button of a mobile phone or computer, and when used in the home most commonly used by Blockchain Wallet, where more than 100 million purchases have been recorded, but the amount is very high, and it is proposed to sell them in detail.
Selection of different trading rules
1.BTCATM简易便捷;不用事先作帐户备案,并会以密名买卖,顾客立即资金投入钞票后,便可在ATM机扫描仪本人比特币钱包内的QRCODE开展买卖,一部分ATM机也可以打印出出私秘金钥,顾客可自主将取得成功购买的BTC存进“钱夹”,这为非常简单便捷的方式 ,与此同时没有限制进场费,只需是钞票便可。
1. BTCATM is easy and easy to buy and sell without having to file an account in advance and under a secret name. The customer immediately invests money in the banknotes, QRCODE can buy and sell in the ATM scanner's own wallet in bitcoin. A part of the ATM machine can also print out a private key, and the customer is free to deposit the successful BTC into a “money clip”, which is a very simple and convenient way, without limiting the cost of entering the market, simply by means of banknotes.
2.零距离就近原则买卖:相近商品拍卖平台般,Localbitcoins会以顾客所在城市精准定位,找寻位处邻近地区商家,交易双方可立即沟通交流讨价还价,并自主定好交割方式 。这类交易规则可一手交现钱,一手交BTC”。
2. At zero distance, the principle of proximity: As close to the auction platform for commodities, Localbitcoins will be located in the customer’s city precisely, looking for dealers in neighbouring areas, and the parties to the transaction can immediately communicate with each other to negotiate and decide on their own methods of delivery.
3.交易中心买卖:销售市场上面有好几家来源于世界各国的虚拟货币交易所,成交额很大的交易中心包含,火币网、火币网、OKEX、Bitfinex,Bitstamp,Gemini及Gatecoin。近日每一个比特币价格近4,000美金,但投资人也可挑选只选购0.一个BTC。支付方式 一般选银行电汇,申请办理帐户程序流程较繁杂。服务费则依据各交易中心而定,以Gatecoin为例子,服务费由0.02%至0.35%不一。
The sale market contains several virtual currencies from all over the world exchange, with high turnover centres comprising wire, currency net, OKEX, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Gemeni ='target=, general bank wire transfer, applying for less than 0.0 per cent of the transaction cost of the transaction centre.
(iv) Preparation of documents in advance and application for bank openings:
Before buying BTC through a trading centre, customers are required to apply for personal accounts on the exchange website, submit personal information, including the following documents prepared in advance, and usually wait a few days to receive a definitive e-mail after a successful submission of the entire document. The document contains identity documents (passport visa/identity document), a residence certificate (coal credit card bill for utilities), a financial institution’s household document, a mobile phone number, and a personal photograph taken by a hand-held ID lighting file.
V. The risks are so great that they cannot be ignored:
Despite the fact that the digital currency appears to be expensive, because it is an alternative type of investment that involves a very high risk, a high price volatility, a sudden drop of more than a hundred dollars in the middle of the day, is still regarded as illegal in several countries and inadequate to ensure that investors are not. In addition, there is a risk that the trading center will be hit by hackers, with Bitfinex, one of the trading centres, being hit by hackers last year, causing about $65 million in bitcoins to be stolen and investors’ assets to be paid in the east.
What's the copying method?
1. The balance of the project's investment, and do not borrow the money to borrow the currency - - the money plus the viability of the project's investment
2. Strictly selective use of value currency and realistic and effective asset-positioning plan - a strategy for investing in Xiangyang projects
3、加仓—–入场以后有回调函数的状况很一切正常,因此 要有效分派资产,分批号干预。
3. Cascading - - The condition of the callback function after entry is normal, so that assets are effectively assigned and lot numbers are intervened.
4. Discontinuing from being fully dry, effectively assigning warehouses, and not having to put raw eggs in a bamboo basket, is a reasonable risk reduction.
5- Looking at the quadrant — — look more at the latest developments in the financial sector, early knowledge, early penetration, early earnings.
6 - Dissipation of thinking, resistance to stockbrokers, markets and the like, takes advantage of the situation.
7- Contract buy-in, incompleteness, a rate of 20-50, not a 100-string bar, not a one-night rush of wealth, but a steady profit.
To control its own collection — to control its own holdings is more important than anything — it is not necessary to operate physically, it is not easy to lose without risk, and it is not necessary to look more into its own property, whether it is managed, or whether it is effective.
At the bottom of your heart, there is no need to be afraid. The currency market always makes you grow, and your mental state is more critical than your physical operation.
For investors, the key point in the case of currency repossessing is that there is no need to be blind, that there are many beginners in the currency, that they start to copy, that they see inside, that some say, throw out, or fall, and follow the practice immediately, which is actually the dumbest, because many people have hands that are short of goods, either they create anxiety, or they create anxiety, that is, they make you cheap delivery, some people can't stop them, and throw out all the goods in your hand. If you throw them out, they come cheap. You sell them, you sell them cheap, you lose money, the man who produces anxiety, you earn cheaply, and the money is always offered, important or self-discriminating.
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