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In 2008, the White Paper of Bitcoin, A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System, was released, opening a new horizon for block chain technology. Although it disappeared after 2011, the White Paper covered the world view of Bitcoin, which he most wished to transmit, and was read by those who entered every block chain. The following is a personal summary and comment .


1. Introduction


Trust model-based transactions:


(1) Increased costs of traditional financial intermediaries


(2) Payment transactions are reversible and fraud is unavoidable


Based on cryptography:


(1) Point-to-point transactions, no financial intermediaries


(2) Non-roll-back payment transactions to prevent fraud


Personal : This section emphasizes that the current traditional central financial model has many unavoidable problems that can be solved through the distributional books guaranteed by cryptography.


2. Tradings

每一位电子货币所有者通过对前一次交易和货币接受者的公钥(pubilc key)签署一个hash数字签名,然后发送给下一位所有者。

Each e-money owner signs a hash digital signature to the previous transaction and to the recipient's public key (pubilc key) and then sends it to the next owner.

(1)收款人使用付款人的公钥(public key)校验,是否是正确的付款人发送

(1) Payee verifies whether it was sent by the correct payee using the payee's public key (public key)


(2) Since the transaction has a payee's public key, only the payee can unlock and pass on the currency using his own private key


However, the above process remains problematic and does not solve the problem of double payment, i.e. the currency owner signs the same electronic currency and sends it to multiple recipients.
Traditional finance: whether or not the user makes a double payment


(a) personal point : solves the question of attribution of virtual currency through asymmetric encryption, both public and private keys, but the same currency can be paid by a belonger to more than one person, that is, double payment, and it is not enough to use encryption alone in the monetary system.
& nbsp (which implies that the monetary system must be accounted for);

3.时间戳服务器(Timestamp server)

3. Time stamp server


Implementation of a random hash (HSH) plus a time stamp for a set of data that exists in block form, connecting blocks into a chain that forms a block chain



personal point : actually gives the prototype of the bitcoin account and is the source of the name of the block chain (Blockchain), each block being a page of the account, the order of which is determined by the time stamp, and the Hash function guarantees the authenticity of the account book.


4. Workload certification (Proof-of-Work)


The calculation of a random number (Nonce), which calculates the random hash value (Hash) with the head of a block, meets the internal principle of “mining”.


Use of workload proof:
(1) The immutable nature of the chain of guarantee blocks (Blockchain), as the blocks form a chain, and if the blocks are to be modified, they have to complete all the work before, the higher the chain of blocks, the more difficult it is to tamper with the older blocks.
(2) The workload proves the essence of a CPU (in contrast to the traditional one IP vote, the cost for the attacker to obtain more votes will be substantial), and if most CPUs are honest, the correct chain will be extended as quickly as possible.


The model in the previous section of the personal comment : ensures the sequence and authenticity of books, but it is not possible to prevent artificially created multiple books, only one of which is accepted, so that a consensus mechanism must be created. The consensus mechanism in Bitcoin is the proof of workload (POW), the largest account book (Hash calculation), is the generally accepted correct account book.


5. Network


The network operates in the following steps:

(1) 新的交易向全网进行广播;

(1) New transactions are broadcast on the Internet;

(2) 每一个节点都将收到的交易信息纳入一个区块中;

(2) The transaction information to be received at each node is incorporated into a block;

(3) 每个节点都尝试在自己的区块中找到一个具有足够难度的工作量证明;

(3) Each node attempts to find a sufficiently difficult proof of workload in its own block;

(4) 当一个节点找到了一个工作量证明,它就向全网进行广播;

(4) When a node finds a proof of workload, it broadcasts to the entire network;

(5) 当且仅当包含在该区块中的所有交易都是有效的且之前未存在过的,其他节点才认同该区块的有效性;

(5) The validity of the block is recognized by the other nodes only when all transactions included in the block are valid and have not previously existed;

(6) 其他节点表示他们接受该区块,而表示接受的方法,则是在跟随该区块的末尾,制造新的区块以延长该链条,而将被接受区块的随机散列值视为先于新区快的随机散列值。

(6) Other nodes indicate that they accept the block, whereas the way to do so is by following the end of the block and creating new blocks to extend the chain, and treating the random hash value of the received block as a random hash value faster than that of the new zone.


If the workload certificates are completed and broadcast simultaneously, two links of the same length (load of work) may emerge as a result of network transmission, a situation that waits for the next workload certificate to be found to determine which of the longest.


web-wide nodes (miners) will compete for the right to write new blocks into the block chain (accounts) by trying to complete the workload certification, and if someone is completed and confirmed as valid, all nodes will turn to the right to write for the next block.


6. Incentive


(1) A certain amount of new electronic currency is available as an incentive through the completion of workload certification


(2) Another incentive is transaction costs, which, if all Bitcoins (21 million) are in circulation, will be entirely dependent on transaction costs to protect the currency from inflation


Incentive systems also serve to encourage nodes to remain honest, and if an attacker has a great deal of arithmetic, it is likely that he will use it to dig for more money than he would attack the Bitcoin network.


personal point : network nodes (miners) must have a corresponding incentive to compete for bookkeeping rights, otherwise no one has the incentive to do so, i.e. account keepers can get a certain amount of new bitcoins and transaction fees. (Bitco's output is 50 bitcoins, halved every four years, halved twice in 2018, currently 12.5.)


7. Recovery of hard disk space

交易信息构成Merkle树的形态,通过merkle树的原理可知,只需要根节点(root)与路径即可验证交易的正确性,使得用户只需要存储区块头(含有Merkle root),在需要时获取Merkle树路径即可校验一笔交易。

The transaction information forms the form of the Merkle tree, the principles of which are known by the Merkle tree, which requires only root (root) and path to verify the correctness of the transaction, so that the user only needs to store blocks (containing Merkle root) and obtain the Merkle tree path when needed to verify a transaction.

不含全部交易信息的区块头(Block header)仅80字节,区块生成速率约为10分钟一个,每一年只产生数据4.2MB

Blockhead (Block header) that does not contain all transaction information is only 80 bytes, blocks are generated at a rate of about 10 minutes and data are generated only 4.2 MB per year


& nbsp;


8. Simple payment confirmation


If you do not run a full network node, the payment can also be verified.


9.价值的组合与分割(Combining and Splitting Value)

9. Combining and Splitting Value


Each time a transaction is initiated, more than one input can be entered, with only two outputs: one for payment and the other for change.


Personal comment: bitcoin as a currency requires flexible features that can be used to split mergers and make transactions very flexible by input output partitioning and consolidation.
& nbsp;


10. Privacy


Traditional models: financial intermediaries provide some privacy protection


Bitcoin: The address generated by the public key, while the transaction is broadcast on the Internet, the information available to the public is that only one person has sent a certain amount of bitcoin to another person, but it is not possible to identify who these persons are.


(1) because the public and private keys are randomly generated, knowing only that the public key Hash does not know exactly who made the transaction
(2) the private key holder of a public key address, who is free to dispose of the locked currency on the address, but no one knows who is the true private key holder
& nbsp;


11. Calculating


Even with a great deal of arithmetic, the attacker can only change his own transactional information, try to recover the money he has just paid (double payment) or reject another person’s transactional information. There is no way to create value or loot another person’s currency.


This is followed by more mathematical calculations, no further details, and interested self-reading of the White Paper.



(1) Because there is only arithmetic and no private key, it is not possible to loot another person's currency at will.


(2) While he may reject another person's book of dealings, the damage does not actually result in monetary loss to others.


(3) He may also attempt to make double payments, but it is still difficult to complete double payments if multiple blocks (e.g., six or more) are identified in a large transaction. Moreover, such an attack can easily be detected, and the Bitcoin community can respond quickly.


To sum up, 51% of arithmetic attacks are costly, but the benefits are small, and if 51% of arithmeticals are captured, the proceeds of an attack may well be much less than those of an honest node for mining. Of course, if someone aims to destroy Bitcoin’s network and completes 51% of arithmetic attacks, it is bound to affect bitcoins, but it is not possible to kill bitcoins.



White Paper Link:


Author: Aaron




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