从默默无闻到名声大噪,从最初的虚拟货币到投资品再到捐赠品,比特币一步步在中国蹿红。近日,记者在网上发现,作为商品、投资品的比特币在淘宝已有10多家卖家将其作为结算货币,比特币的“支付功能”已渐显。同时,淘宝上销售这种比特币及相关产品的卖家也多达100余家。另一方面,比特币的涨幅也令人震惊:2009年创建时仅5美分,今年4月份最高已经膨胀到了266美元,不过,眼下又跌至100多美元。 From silence to fame, from initial virtual money to investment to donations, Bitcoin has been a big hit in China. In recent days, journalists have discovered online that there are more than 10 sellers of Bitcoin as a commodity, investment, and that Bitcoin’s “payment function” has become apparent as a settlement currency. 比特币究竟是什么?它的存在合法吗?市场认可度有多少?记者进行了相关调查。 What exactly is Bitcoin? Is it legal? How much is market recognition? 兴起: rises: 变身“捐款” Changed “contributions” “谁能用人话告诉我,比特币到底是什么?”在翻阅了数篇枯燥晦涩的报道和入门教程后,网友“真真”崩溃了。在她看来,这种复杂而庞大的交易逻辑,已经超乎了大众的认知。 “Who can tell me in human terms what Bitcoin is?” After reading a number of boring stories and introductions, the Internet’s “real” collapsed. In her view, this complex and huge logic of transactions is beyond the public’s perception. 2009年初,比特币诞生于一个外界知晓甚少的密码学讨论小组。一个名为中本聪的神秘人兴奋地阐述了自己的构想,并真的将它 “开采”了出来,吸引了不少网友围观。“简单来说,比特币就是一种虚拟的网络货币。如果你电脑争气又聪明,就可以帮你赚到比特币了。”网上一名行家总结说,新的比特币是由网络节点在完成一个特定数学问题计算之后生产出的,这些数学问题都需要相当的运算能力才能破解,“电脑配置越高,运算速度就越快,挖掘比特币的效率也就越高。” At the beginning of 2009, Bitcoin was born in a small-known cryptography discussion group. A mysterious person named Bint was excited to articulate his ideas and actually “exploited” it, attracting a lot of online crowds. “Simply put, Bitcoin is a virtual cyber-currency. If you're smart and smart, you can earn bitcoin.” One of the online writers concludes that the new bitcoin was produced by the network node after completing a certain mathematical problem, which required considerable computing power to solve. “The higher the computer configuration, the faster it is, the more efficient it is to dig bitcoins.” 随着网友们对比特币的深度挖掘,其知名度与影响力在全世界迅速蔓延开来。最近在中国,关于比特币最大的新闻就是,壹基金宣布,地震后已经收到233个比特币的捐款,折合人民币将近22万元。 Its visibility and influence have spread rapidly around the world as Internet users dig deep into bitcoin. More recently, in China, the biggest news about bitcoin is that a fund announced that it had received 233 bitcoins of donations after the earthquake, equivalent to nearly 220,000 yuan. ??身价: ♪ Strong ♪ ♪ Price: ♪/strong ♪ 4年涨幅几千倍 4 years of growth thousands of times 大概世界上没有任何一种货币比虚拟货币比特币的增长轨迹更加刺激。2009年诞生之初,比特币的身价极其低廉,仅5美分左右。但之后随着影响力提升,身价犹如坐上直升机,疯狂上涨。在2011年,曾经有报道说,过去一年涨幅最高的货币是澳元,它兑美元的涨幅是27%;然而同样的一年之内,比特币兑美元,却是从0.5美元,涨到了13美元,涨幅高达2600%。并且比特币丝毫没有放松大涨的势头,今年年初,比特币还徘徊在20美元左右,四月就一路冲到了每比特币兑换266美元! In 2011, it was reported that the highest-growing currency in the past year was the Australian dollar, which rose 27% against the United States dollar; in the same year, however, it rose from 0.5 to 13 dollars, an increase of 2600%. And there was no easing of the momentum, and at the beginning of the year, Bitcoin was hovering around 20 dollars, and in April it hit 266 dollars for every bitcoin. 昨日,记者打开比特币中国交易平台看到,当天每比特币兑换人民币已经回落到了724元,即100多美元,成交量为5860元。 Yesterday, journalists opened the Bitcoin China trading platform and saw that every bitcoin that day had fallen back to $724, or more than $100, with a transaction of $5860. 惊人的比特币行情,让一批人搭上了这趟财富的过山车。一位最近刚刚加入比特币圈子的网友描述了自己的感受:“关注比特币这一个月来,我几乎都没有睡过觉,眼睛一闭一睁,又涨了十几块,或者又跌了十几块,太刺激了。”他甚至想要卖掉房子,把全部的资金投入到比特币的投资中。 The amazing bitcoin deal, which brought a group of people on a mountain ride of wealth. A recent online friend who joined the Bitcoin circle described how he felt: "I've barely slept in the month of watching bitcoin, closed my eyes, raised more than a dozen pieces, or dropped more than a dozen pieces." He even wanted to sell the house and put all his money into Bitcoin's investment. 应用: app: 实现支付功能 achieves payment functions 比特币能用来干什么?这是外界看不懂其如此火爆的另一个原因。 What can bitcoin do? That's another reason why the outside world doesn't know it's so hot. 一项调查显示,全球有上千商家表示接受比特币作为货币结算。而目前,比特币在中国也出现井喷的势头,在“淘宝”搜索页面,“比特币”的相关项约有400多个“宝贝”。记者在上百家相关淘宝店铺发现,除了热卖比特币外,网店还销售比特币的配套用品,如比特币4核矿机等项目。记者看到,由于比特币目前价格比较高,多数卖家销售的比特币都是0.001比特币为单位。一位卖家告诉记者,“比特币在中国出现得相对较晚,他现在以1.5元的价格出售0.001比特币完全是为了让大家体验比特币的购买和使用流程。” A survey shows that thousands of businesses around the world have indicated that they accept bitcoin as a monetary settlement. And now, Bitcoin has the momentum of blow-outs in China, and there are about 400 bitcoins of “bitcoin” related items on the Treasures search page. A reporter at hundreds of related treasures shop found that, in addition to selling bitcoins, the Internet store sells bitcoins, such as the Bitcoin 4 nuclear mine. Journalists see that most sellers sell bitcoins in 0.001 bitcoins because Bitcoin is currently more expensive. A seller told journalists that “bitcoins appeared relatively late in China, and now sells 0.001 bitcoins at a price of $1.5 in order to allow everyone to experience the purchase and use of bitcoins.” 不仅如此,一些淘宝店还出现了将比特币作为正式结算货币的店铺。记者发现,淘宝网站中有10多家的店铺支持比特币支付,商品包括节能灯、手机、十字绣、古董等实物,也有 “周易服务”等虚拟物品。在一家支持比特币支付的节能灯店铺,一款节能灯商品的下面写着大字标注:“接受比特币支付,按时价同等价格购买。”记者联系到上述店铺的店主,该店主表示支持比特币主要是想方便一些新兴的比特币爱好者。据店主介绍,他的店铺已做成了3笔比特币支付的生意,折合2000多元人民币,“要进行交易,首先需要先将比特币打入我的比特币钱包中,比特币进行交易主要是建立在信任的基础上。”他说。 In addition, some of the shopkeepers have found that there are more than 10 shops on the site that support Bitcoin payments, including energy-saving lamps, mobile phones, embroidery, antiques, and virtual items such as “weekly services.” In a shop that supports Bitcoins’ payments, there is a big sign on the bottom of an energy-saving lamp: “takes bitcoins and buys them at the same price on time.” Journalists contacted the shop owner of the shop, who expressed support for Bitcoins mainly to facilitate some of the emerging bitcoins. According to the shop owner, his shop had already made three bitcoins to pay, matching the 2,000 yuan, and “to make a deal first, Bitcoins would have to be traded into my bitcoins wallet, and the bitcoins would be traded primarily on the basis of trust.” He said. 风险: Risk: 银监局:国内暂无监管 Superintendency of Banks: No supervision in the country 比特币存在于点对点(P2P)网络中。和现实生活中货币最大的区别在于,比特币不由特定的发行机构发行,它是由计算机按照特定的算法,经过大量的计算产生,它是由每一个参与到比特币网络中的人来发行、管理的。 Bitcoin exists in the point-to-point (P2P) network. The biggest difference with real-life money is that bitcoin is not issued by a particular issuer, it is generated by computers according to a particular algorithm, and it is distributed and managed by everyone involved in the Bitcoin network. 一方面是非政府发行的虚拟货币,另一方面日渐实现了货币支付功能。究竟比特币的存在合法吗? On the one hand, it is a virtual currency issued by a non-governmental organization, while on the other hand it is increasingly realizing the function of monetary payment. Is the existence of bitcoin legal? 对此,青岛银监局相关工作人员表示,眼下网络科技以及电子商务发展迅速,而相关的法律法规却没有同步出台,这导致部分支付方式已经游离在监管之外。比特币是一新兴事物,目前还在监管之外,没法界定是否合法,而他们并未接到上级下发的相关通知和法规。 In response, Qingdao Bank officials said that Internet technology and e-commerce were growing rapidly, while the relevant laws and regulations were not synchronized, which led to partial payment being out of control. Bitcoin was an emerging matter, was still outside regulation and could not be defined as legitimate, and they did not receive notification and regulations from their superiors. ??律师: ♪ Strong ♪ ♪ Lawyer: ♪/strong ♪ 或将受限被打压 “我建议普通市民不要盲目地大批量购买,以免损失惨重。”山东一诺律师事务所蓝孝峰律师分析称,比特币投资目前主要有两大风险。第一来自监管层面,随着比特币的功能范围扩展,最终将引起各国政府监管。没有哪个国家会允许这种不由中央银行发行、不受监管、却又冲击法定货币的虚拟货币的存在。第二重风险来自安全层面。比特币虽然由于技术和算法设置可以避免被伪造、避免通货膨胀,但是却存在重大的安全隐患,一旦被黑客攻击,仍可能会给持有者造成损失。 “I recommend that ordinary citizens not buy blindly and in large quantities so as not to lose a lot of money.” A lawyer from Lan Xiao Feng, a law firm in Shandong, analyses that Bitcoin is currently exposed to two major risks. First, it comes from the regulatory level, which, with the expansion of Bitcoin’s functional scope, will eventually give rise to regulation by governments. No country would allow the existence of a virtual currency that is not issued by the central bank, unsupervised, but that shocks the legal currency. The second major risk comes from the security dimension. |
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