A typical example of this is Bitcoin, where only two dollars were available at the beginning to buy a pizza, but with years of grinding, bitcoin is now also high in the water, rising all the way, and raising curiosity about bitcoin.
1、比特币本质 One. Bitcoin essence. 其实比特币是一种虚拟的货币,它也是只是一个数字,并不是我们所熟知的人民币这种类型的货币,同时比特币也具有去中心化的特点,如果比特币盛行的话,那对前台的流失和流动也有非常大的影响,所以笔者认为比特币并不会盛行,但是依然有非常多的人坚信比特币是可以获得巨额利润的,所以有非常多的炒币玩家进入比特币的市场,但是也有非常多的人依靠比特币发家致富,也有非常多的人依靠比特币跳楼导致家破人亡。 In fact, Bitcoin is a virtual currency, and it is just a number, not a currency of the kind that we know well, but also a decentralized currency, which, if Bitcoin were to prevail, would have a very significant impact on the loss and flow of the front desk, so I think Bitcoin is not to be prevalent, but there are still a lot of people who believe that Bitcoin is profitable, so there are a lot of monetizers entering the Bitcoin market, but there are a lot of people who depend on Bitcoin for their wealth and a lot of people who depend on Bitcoin to jump and destroy their homes.
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