What are the bitcoin miners? The types of mine machines commonly used in bitcoin digs are ASIC machines, GPS machines, IPFS machines, and FPGA machines. These are the usual types of mine machines that investors can choose after comparing the type of miners. Many investors do not know what type of bitcoin miners are, and the small editor then brings out a detailed list of bitcoin miners.
ASIC矿机 ASIC矿机是指使用ASIC芯片作为核心运算零件的矿机。ASIC芯片是一种专门为某种特定用途设计的芯片,必须说明的是它并不只用于挖矿,还有更广泛的应用领域。这种芯片的特点是简单而高效,例如比特币采用SHA256算法,那么比特币ASIC矿机芯片就被设计为仅能计算SHA256.所以就挖矿而言,ASIC矿机芯片的性能超过当前顶级的电脑CPU。因为ASIC矿机在算力上有绝对的优势,所以电脑、显卡矿机开始逐渐被淘汰。 The ASIC miner is a mine that uses the ASIC chip as a core computing component. The ASICI chip is a chip that is specifically designed for a specific purpose, and it must be stated that it is not only for mining, but also for a wider range of applications. This chip is characterized by simplicity and efficiency, such as the fact that Bitcoin uses the SHA256 algorithm, so that the Bitcoin ASI chip is designed to calculate only SHA256. Thus, in the case of mining, the ASI chip has a greater performance than the current top computer CPU. GPU矿机 GPU Miner GPU矿机,简单的解释就是通过显卡(GPU)挖矿的数字货币挖矿机。在比特币之后,陆续出现了一些其他数字资产,比如以太坊、达世币、莱特币等等,其中一些币所用的算法与比特币并不相同,为了达到更高的挖矿效率,矿工们做了不同的测试,最后发现SHA256算法的数字货币使用ASIC挖矿效率最高。而Scrypt 等其他算法的数字货币用GPU显卡挖矿效率最高,于是催生出了专门的GPU矿机。 The GPU miner, a simple explanation, is a digital money miner that digs through a card (GPU). After Bitcoin, there are a number of other digital assets that emerge, such as the same algorithms as Bitcoin, Dalcoin, Leitco, etc., some of which are used differently than bitcoins, and which are tested differently to achieve higher mining efficiency, the miners finally find that the digital currency of the SHA256 algorithm is the most efficient in mining with ASIC. IPFS矿机 IPFS类似于http,是一种文件传输协议。IPFS要想运行,需要网络中有许许多多的计算机(存储设备)作为节点,广义的说所有参与的计算机,都可以称作IPFS矿机。而IPFS网络为了吸引更多的用户加入成为节点,为网络做贡献,设计了一种名叫filecoin的加密货币,根据贡献存储空间与带宽的多少,派发给参与者(节点)作为奖励。狭义的说,专门以获取filecoin奖励为目的而设计的计算机,称为IPFS矿机。由于IPFS网络需要的是存储空间以及网络带宽,所以为了获得最高的收益比,IPFS矿机通常会强化存储空间、降低整机功耗等方面。比如装备10块以上大容量硬盘,配备千兆或更高速度的网卡,使用超低功耗的架构处理器等等。 IPFS is similar to http, a file transfer protocol. In order for IPFS to operate, it requires a large number of computers (storage equipment) in the network as nodes, and in a broad sense all participating computers can be called IPFS machines. In order to attract more users to join as nodes, the IPFS network has designed an encrypted currency called filecoin to provide incentives for participants (nodes) depending on the size of their contribution storage space and bandwidth. In the narrow sense, computers designed to obtain the filecoin reward, called IPFS machines. Because the IPFS network requires storage space as well as bandwidth, the IPFS mine usually enhances storage space, reduces whole machine power, etc. FPGA矿机 FPGA Miner FPGA矿机,既使用FPGA芯片作为算力核心的矿机。FPGA矿机是早期矿机之一,首次出现在2011年末,在当时一度被看好,但活跃期并不长,后逐渐被ASIC矿机与GPU矿机取代。FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array),中文名叫现场可编程门阵列。比较通俗的理解是,FPGA就是把一大堆逻辑器件(比如与门、非门、或门、选择器)封装在一个盒子里,盒子里的逻辑元件如何连接,全部由使用者(编写程序)来决定。 The FPGA mine machine, which uses the FPGA chip as the core of the algorithm. The FPGA mine machine was one of the early machines, first seen in late 2011, and was once seen, but not for long, and was gradually replaced by the ASIC mine machine with the GPU miner. The FPGA (Field-Programme Gate Array), called the in situ programmable door array, is more commonly understood to be a lot of logical devices (such as doors, non-doors, doors, selections) that are contained in a box, all linked to the user (preparation process). 如果FPGA里面写的是挖矿程序,那么造出来的就是FPGA矿机,而且由于FPGA灵活度高,所以不只是可以支持比特币的SHA256算法,也可以支持GPU矿机擅长的Scrypt算法。FPGA矿机活跃的时期,相比同时代的CPU、GPU矿机,FPGA虽然算力性能不占优,但功耗要低很多,综合功耗比很高。 If FPGA is written as a mining program, then FPGA is created, and because of the flexibility of the FPGA, it is possible to support not only the SA256 algorithm in Bitcoin, but also the Scrypt algorithm that the GPU miner is good at. The FPGA miner is active, and FPGA is less effective than the co-generation CPU and GPU miner, but much less effective than the combined one.
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