文章来源:互联网作者:binance交易所app下载发布时间:2024-03-29 16:01:00
Source of articles: Internet author: binance Exchange app downloaded release time: 2024-03-29:00
比特币是一种数字货币,由一种特殊的算法生成。比特币的投放量非常有限,最后发售总量将达到 2100 万只。那么,比特币为什么是 2100 万呢?比特币每个区块多少币? 下面,我们一起来看看。
Bitcoin is a digital currency, generated by a special algorithm. Bitcoin has a very limited amount of investment, with a total final sale of 21 million. So, why is Bitcoin 21 million? How much for every block of Bitcoin?
The total supply of Bitcoin is at most 21 million, a ceiling that was established in the Bitcoin founding block and implemented through the Bitcoin consensus rule.
This is more than a man-to-man contract and is largely unbreakable.
At present, some 186 million bitcoins have been excavated, which means that some 2.4 million bitcoins have not been excavated, making it increasingly difficult to excavate bitcoins.
This fixed cap design is one of the core characteristics of Bitcoin, making its money supply predictable and transparent.
By contrast, there are no fixed supply ceilings for traditional currencies, the supply of which is determined by the central banks of each country and can be adjusted as needed.
1. Scarcity: The limited availability of bitcoins makes bitcoins a scarce asset. This scarcity allows Bitcoins to grow steadily over the long term and protects their holders from inflation.
Transparency: Since the supply of bitcoins is fixed, anyone can know the number of bitcoins that are being excavated and the pace of future excavations. This transparency can increase predictability in bitcoins and reduce uncertainty and volatility in the market.
3. Resistance: As Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency, no agency or government can intervene in its supply, which gives Bitcoin a great advantage in resisting censorship and protecting privacy.
III. How much for each block of Bitcoin?
比特币的初始发行量是21.000.000枚。这是一个固定的数字,因为比特币的设计者之一萨托希·中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)在2008年发布白皮书时就已经确定了这个数字。这也是比特币的最大发行量,不会再有更多的比特币发行出来。
The initial distribution of Bitcoin was 21.000. This is a fixed number, because Satoshi Nakamoto, one of the designers of Bitcoin, identified this figure when the white paper was released in 2008. This is also the largest distribution of Bitcoin, and no more bitcoins will be issued.
Bitcoin’s block chain consists of a series of blocks, each containing Hash, trading and other information from the previous block. Bitcoin’s mining process creates a new block by calculating the Hashi value of the block.
在比特币刚开始的时候,每个区块的产出是50个比特币。这意味着每当一个新的区块被挖出来,矿工会获得50个比特币的奖励。这个奖励被称为“区块奖励”(block reward),是矿工挖矿的主要动力之一。
At the beginning of Bitcoin, the output of each block was 50 bitcoins. This means that every time a new block is dug out, the mining union gets 50 bitcoins.
However, Bitcoin’s block output is regular. Whenever 210,000 blocks are excavated, Bitcoin’s block reward is halved. This process is called “halving” because each block’s output is halved.
By 2021, the Bitcoin block incentive had been halved three times. The first was in 2009, the second was in 2012, and the third was in 2016.
At present, the output per bitcoin is 6.25 bitcoins per block. This is determined after the third half of 2020. This also means that in the next half cycle, output per block will be halved until the final output is 0.
讲到这里,相信大家对于比特币为什么是 2100 万,以及比特币每个区块多少币都有一定的了解了。 总的来说,比特币的 2100 万总量是为了确保其稀缺性、价值稳定性、生命期、渗透性和去中心化水平、可持续性等各个方面考虑而设置的。这个数在比特币的设计中起着非常重要的作用,也是比特币可以成为一种独特的数字货币的重要因素之一。而比特币每个区块的产出是一个重要的指标,它对比特币的供应价格都具有重要的影响。比特币的区块奖赏是慢慢减半的,这意味着比特币的供给量将日益减少。这可能会致使价格上涨,却也可能会致使一些矿工退出市场,算率降低,价格下降。比特币的区块奖赏还将继续减半,直至最后的产出为 0 。
By and large, a total of 21 million bitcoins is set to ensure its scarcity, value stability, lifetime, penetration, decentralisation, sustainability, etc. This figure is very important in the design of bitcoins, and it is one of the key factors that bitcoins can be a unique digital currency. And bitcoin’s output is an important indicator, and it has an important impact on bitcoin’s supply price.
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