
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:41 评论:0
原标题:比特币并非完全去中心化,连总量都可以改Original title: Bitcoin is not...



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Original title: Bitcoin is not completely decentralised. Even totals can be changed.



Image source: Visual China


The idea of centrifugalization of blocks is an extension of two core logics, hypotheses, and even misunderstandings. For example, the recent Chen Weissung War claimed that decentralization would reshape the relationship between the factors of production and free productivity.


In the case of bitcoin, there are two principles of decentralisation:


First, as a block chain product, because its liquidation capacity is spread over a number of computers in the Bitcoin network rather than relying on a centralized server, Bitcoin is decentralized.


Second, according to the bitcoin design, liquidation capacity is distributed on a number of computers, and major changes to the bitcoin process are to be voted on. Thus, in theory, Bitcoin’s decision-making is democratic, so it can also be described as decentralized in this sense.


The first concept of decentralisation is well understood and practical, and can be said to be the best social or financial application for distributed networks. But this is not the focus of the global grid, which we do not. Read the previous bitcoin doctrine I understand.


Bitcoin's Decentralised Autonomy Mechanism

比特币网络需要网络中的电脑上加载比特币客户端程序。负责维护比特币客户端程序开发组叫做Bitcoin Core,简称Core。对于每次版本更新,比如,出bug了,Core提出修改方案,然后通过程序向所有节点发起投票邀请。作为一个节点,我可以投票,大多数票通过后修改方案生效。所以比特币程序的修改要满足大多数节点的需求。

The Bitcoin network requires computers on the network to load the Bitcoin client program. The Bitcoin Core, short of Core, is responsible for maintaining the Bitcoin client development group. For each version update, for example, bugs, Core proposes a modified version and then initiates an invitation to vote through the program to all nodes. As a node, I can vote, and most votes take effect. So the bitco process changes to meet most nodes.


The general process is as follows:



For more details, please refer to https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/28187573.


Theoretically, it's very scientific. But voting is not one bitcoin, but one CPU. What does that mean?


Bitcoin's interest is wrong.


There is a common misconception that the Bitcoin network is controlled by all bitcoin users. This is wrong.


It says that bitcoin's voting mechanism is in node. This means that bitcoin's defenders represent the interests of all nodes. What difference does it make?


There's a conceptual confusion: not every bitcoin holder has a node. You download a third-party wallet, like Blockchai.info or coinbase, that buys bitcoins, and we're only users. If you buy bitcoins through a centralized exchange, you can't see bitcoins online in bitcoins.


In addition, it does not matter how much bitcoin each person holds, because one node counts as one vote.


So what kind of person is the node? In Bitcoin's design, apart from Core, there's a large proportion of miners who get a reward for digging and selling. Miners contribute their computer numeracy to the Bitcoin network and get a bitcoin gain. So the Bitcoin client program works closely with the miners, so Core votes when it changes the program. If the miners don't do well, the Bitcoin network doesn't exist.


In the case of traditional concepts, the group of miners is the main shareholder of the Bitcoin network; Core is more like a board of directors or management.


So, in short, if you just hold bitcoin without a node, bitcoinnet doesn't represent your interest, you're just a user.


Would you say, what's wrong with that?


Yes, it concerns the gold content of bitcoin decentralised.


The theoretical possibility that bitcoin was modified


We usually believe that the ownership of Bitcoin is decentralized, i.e. my bitcoin possession, and will never be tampered with.


Unlike when I'm paying the balance of the treasure, if Ma's dad likes it, he can take it in theory; if everyone thinks I'm joking, I'll change it: unlike when I'm paying the balance of the treasure, if Ma's dad likes it, he's taking more than 0.1 per cent of the sum every year when I pick up more than 200,000.


What about the Bitcoin title, which cannot be tampered with? There's a little truth to it, but it's not absolutely true.


In theory, Core can also modify any part of the Bitcoin process with the consent of the miners. Assuming that Core and the miners agree to subsidize the miners by charging 0.1% of the fees from other Bitcoin holders.


By doing so, the amount of bitcoins has increased by 0.1%, which is equal to the excess currency of 0.1%. Under other conditions, the excess currency is equal to the redistribution of wealth to the group receiving the incremental currency and to the charging or taxing of other groups.


Taxed Bitcoin holders have no means because they do not have the right to vote; they can only vote by foot, sell bitcoin, or endure the cost.


So bitcoin is technically supportive of super-exploitation; it's an inherently client program, and nothing can't be changed. It's like the logic of French coins, whether it's gold or not, it's negotiable.


But what's it like in reality?


BitcoinFix: Dog Blood Show


The reality is much more complex.


A friend familiar with Bitcoin knows that bitcoin has a lot of forks, candy, you have a bitcoin, and some people suddenly send you another one one day without any cost or value. My God, Bitcoin is amazing, not without extra hair, but with a bonus.

分叉,来自于神仙打架。比特币有两个核心群体,除了维护程序的Core,还有矿工。因为比特币网络是分布式网络,理论上矿工是分在在全球各地的个人。但是,随着挖矿的难度的增加,不是每个人都能稳定的挖到,挖矿的结果跟买彩票一样,所以很多矿工抱团,约定一起挖,有福共享,挖出来的大家均分。这就形成了矿池。矿池越来越大,大的矿池,头部的几家联合起来,占了超过50%的算力。下面这张图( http://www.qukuai.com/pools)  统计了2月25日前一个月的算力分布。

Bitcoin has two core groups, in addition to the maintenance program Core, and the miners. Because the Bitcoin network is a distributed network, theoretically the miners are part of individuals across the globe. But, as the difficulty of digging increases, not everyone can steadily dig, the results of digging are the same as buying lottery tickets, so many miners have agreed to dig together, share well, and share equally. This creates a pool. The ponds are growing, large ponds, and several headlines together account for more than 50 per cent of the calculation. This is the figure below (http://www.qukuai.com/pols) & nbsp; and a month before 25 February.


过去几年,比特币因为运算量激增,原来的区块容量太小,1M,不够用了。所以Core就计划升级区块。这是对程序的一次重要修改,所以要有大家的支持。几个大矿池及背后的股东(DCG的Barry Silbert、比特币大陆)和Core在具体方案上发生了分歧。

In the past few years, Bitcoin has been unable to upgrade the blocks because of the surge in volume, the original size of the blocks being too small, and one M. Core has planned to upgrade the blocks. This is an important modification of the process, so there is a need for support. There are differences between several large mining ponds and the shareholders behind them (the DCG's Barry Silbert, Bitcoin mainland) and Core on specific options.


The pond proposes to increase block capacity directly, with 1M below 2M, or directly to 8M, to solve the underlying problem. This is essentially a solution, but it is not the solution Core has tested over the past few years, and it is not necessarily stable. The advantage for the pond is that the upgrading of block capacity means an increase in the number of geometry requirements for computer computing, so only professional miners are willing to buy such computers.


Core objected, suggesting that the Segwit+Molnt network, which technically equals a bus lane by the side of the road, is a dilatory strategy, and has been tested over the past few years. But, Core is not simply “for the tribe.” Core’s core members are all in a company called Blockstream, a company that owns a patent for the lightning network.


So the “principal shareholders” and the “Council” of Directors of the Bitcoin network were consulted on how to expand their reach. In 2016, a compromise plan was negotiated in Hong Kong, resulting in Core’s members refusing to develop the compromise version of Core’s delegates, which was simply aborted; in 2017, several ponds held their own meetings in New York and launched a different version of SegWit X; Core didn’t even recognize the version; the UASF version was launched for sniper purposes; and the UAHF was launched to counter sniper attacks.

这些版本你来我往,有的成功有的失败,其中最成功的是UAHF,这个的Token叫做Bitcoin Cash。

These are the versions you come to me, some of the successes and some of the failures, the most successful of which is UAHF, and this Token is called Bitcoin Cash.

普通的比特币持有者并不熟悉香港共识、纽约共识,大家拿到了价值不菲的Bitcoin Cash,都很开心。

Ordinary Bitcoin holders are not familiar with the Hong Kong Consensus, the New York Consensus, and everyone is happy to have the valuable Bitcoin Cash.


However, through the magnanimous programme, we see: nothing in the Bitcoin network is unalterable, and if it cannot be changed, a new one is created; decentralized does not give decision-making power to all users, but rather to nodes, while powerful players are not promoting changes in the rules in order to maximize their interests; and because of the existence of the two main interests of Bitcoin, Core, the pond, there are still checks and balances.


The way of the future.


Bitcoin is imperfect as a first-generation block chain product, and it doesn't represent all block chain products. Ether is a work that draws on bitcoin experience.


But much more of the block chain product that worries us, although the total is constant, open-source, non-manufacturing, is essentially a group of developers and major shareholders, miners, and not even a substantial voting mechanism. And even more, most Token is in the hands of the founding team.


How to achieve community autonomy, safeguard the interests of all users, and truly decentralize in any block chain product is not only a technical problem, but also a political one. A 100% democratic decision-making process is inefficient, and an organization cannot allow all its members to vote without great detail, which is tantamount to a national referendum every day.


What will the future look like?

(来源:钛媒体    作者:teenager)

(Source: titanium media & nbsp; & nbsp; author: teenager)




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