
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:41 评论:0
编者按:本文为专栏作者深潮TechFLow授权创业邦发表,版权归原作者所有,作者宋小丸。Author: The author of the column is TechFLow, which authorizes the State of...



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Author: The author of the column is TechFLow, which authorizes the State of Entrepreneurs to publish. The copyright belongs to the original author, Song Xiaomaru.


At last, Bitcoin came to $11,000 , while precious metals such as gold, silver and silver were out of history.


“Golden” and “Bitcoin Cows” are on Twitter, and there's a hot message: "Is Bitcoin Cows really here? Can gold still be bought?"



In the course of the year, while Bitcoin experienced a fall of $4,000 in “312”, most of the time it was 9,000-10,000 dollars, or even called a “stable currency”.


What exactly is the strong that lets Bitcoin break $11,000 like a cloud arrow?

  1. 比特币被美国联邦法院定义为货币,是大涨的原因吗?

    Is Bitcoin defined as a currency by the U.S. Federal Court as the reason for the huge increase?

  2. DeFi带来的财富效应,引起以太坊大涨,进而刺激比特币价格;

    (a) The wealth effect of DeFi, which triggered a huge rise in the Etherm, which in turn stimulated bitcoin prices;

  3. 比特币竟是美联储放水、美元弱势的受益者;

    Bitcoin is the beneficiary of the Fed's water supply and the weakness of the dollar.

  4. 经济陷入滞胀,资产价格却大涨,警惕滞胀风险。

    The economy has stagnated, while asset prices have risen sharply to guard against the risks of stagnating.


Prior to

华盛顿特区首席法官 Beryl A.Howell说:“货币通常意味着一种交换媒介、支付方式或者价值存储手段,而比特币就是这样的东西。”

Chief Justice Beryl A. Howell, Washington, D.C., said: “Money usually means a medium of exchange, a means of payment or a storage of value, and that's what Bitcoin does.”


has been said to represent an officially recognized legal “identity card” of Bitcoin, which has resulted in a significant increase in currency prices.


In fact, however, in most states of the United States, bitcoin is recognized by state law as money (Money) and therefore requires financial license plates to carry out transactions related to bitcoin.


is nothing new at all. ’s founder of inclusive global capital, Chai Kailong, wrote that a judge in Washington, D.C., merely reaffirmed that bitcoin is a currency in state law, a fact that is well known to the American digital currency trading community.

重申此事是为了对地下比特币交易平台的运营商Larry Dean Harmon进行刑事指控。

This was reiterated in order to bring criminal charges against Larry Dean Harmon, the operator of the underground Bitcoin trading platform.


According to United States federal law, carrying out money-related operations requires the appropriate licence plates, and Harmon is accused of operating unlicensed money transfer operations while engaging in money-laundering. Harmon allegedly argued that Bitcoin was not a “currency” and that his platform was not a “remittance business” under the United States Code, which was ultimately rejected.


A number of people believe that reiteration of the matter is good for bitcoin and unknown, and that this is essentially bitcoin profit, which means that the regulation of bitcoin in the United States will continue to be high-handed.


US Federal Court determines that Bitcoin is Money, not Currence. is translated as “money or money”, but Money is broader, and Currence generally refers specifically to the legal currency in circulation, such as the United States dollar.


At the federal level, it is the Federal Reserve that really has the best say in characterization of digital currencies. The Fed is not a real currency.


sums up that bitcoin is money, but it's not a currency in circulation.


So Bitcoin's official ID card is just a part of people's will, and the increase in this round of Bitcoin is not so much related to recent regulatory policy.


What's the real reason why Bitcoin's really up?

在行业资深人士看来,本轮比特币大涨的逻辑是 DeFi代币的财富效应。

In the opinion of senior industry figures, the logic behind the sharp increase in the Bitcoin in this round is the wealth effect of DeFi.

OKEx Research首席研究员William表示,在加密货币市场来看,DeFi概念是这次上涨的主要推动力,由ETH领涨,并带动了包括BTC在内的加密货币市场整体上涨。

William, the principal researcher, OKEx Research, stated that the DeFi concept was the main driving force behind the increase, with the ETH rising and the overall rise in the encrypt currency market, including the BTC.

DeFi是Decentralized Finance(去中心化金融)的缩写,Compound领衔的“流动性挖矿”带来DeFi代币的暴涨,十倍币、百倍币的神话吸引投资人涌入。

DeFi is the acronym of Decentralized Finance (decentralized finance) , and Comboud's title of “mobility mining” has led to a surge in DeFi's currency, with myths of ten-fold and 100-fold attracting investors.

过去4个月内,DeFi的锁仓价值翻了 4 倍,从10 亿美金到 40 亿美金。

In the last four months, the value of DeFi's lockup has doubled four times, from $1 billion to $4 billion.

目前,DeFi主要基于以太坊公链,也就是说,ETH 是用户进入 DeFi的入场券,大部分用户需要锁定以太坊来参与DeFI投资。

At present, DeFi is based mainly on the Etherm chain, which means that ETH is the user's entry ticket to DeFi, and most users of

DeFipulse数据显示,在过去的一个半月时间,整个DeFi链上锁定ETH数量涨了 60%。

DeFipulse data show that over the past month and a half, the number of locks on the entire DeFi chain has risen by 60 per cent.

另一种不可忽视的解释是,以太坊的上涨是因为即将到来的ETH 2.0。最近, 以太坊创始人V神也透露,正在推动ETH 2.0 阶段1 的实施工作。

Another explanation that cannot be ignored is that the rise in the Etherm is due to the coming ETH 2.0

在过去一周内,以太坊涨了 35%。比特币涨了 18.7%,且上涨集中在近三天。

In the past week, the Etherium has risen by 35%. Bitcoin has risen by 18.7%, and the rise has been concentrated in almost three days.

以上这些数字,归纳总结成币圈的逻辑就是,DeFi和 ETH 2.0 带动 ETH 上涨,而ETH 的上涨刺激了比特币的大涨。

The logic behind these figures, summing up into currency circles, is that DeFi and ETH 2.0 drive the ETH up, and the ETH up stimulates the bitcoin up.

但根据CMC数据,整个加密货币市场 63%由比特币主导,而以太坊市值只占 11%。比特币市值是以太坊的约 6倍。

But according to CMC data, 63% of the entire encrypted currency market is dominated by bitcoin, while the market value of Ethio is only 11%. Bitcoin is about six times more than the market value of Taicha.


“If only price increases drive money to enter and no newcomers to enter, there is no valid reason to stimulate price increases in bitcoin. has raised objections.


The Orange Book, for its part, argues that DeFi is such a small, segmented area that it attracts essentially entrepreneurs in the DeFi industry, as well as customers who used to play Dapp and trade in coins. High operating and cognitive thresholds make it difficult to attract users outside the circle.


The sharp rise in bitcoin, and DeFi is perhaps just a lead. The real cause of the huge rise in bitcoin, perhaps from outside the circle, is that there's only money there that moves hundreds of billions of dollars.


Except for Bitcoin, gold, silver, and United States shares... Nearly all assets are in a state of rising and rising prices.


Nine years later, on 27 July, international gold prices broke the threshold of $1940 and reached an all-time high; the price of silver also rose sharply, rising by over 7 per cent on Monday, at $24.50 per ounce, bringing it to a new high of nearly seven years.


The only thing missing from


In the view of trader Mike, the weak cycle of the United States dollar is the trigger for higher prices for all types of assets.


Prior to 28 July, the United States dollar index had fallen for nine consecutive trading days and, after falling through the 95th gate, it had fallen to 93.47, and had further slashed its two-year low .


There are four main reasons for the fall of the dollar and the rise in gold and bitcoins, as well as for the risk-eating factors :

  1. 全球疫情愈演愈烈,美国疫情反弹;

    The global epidemic is on the rise, and the American epidemic is rebounding;

  2. 中美关系紧张,对立加剧;

    (a) Tensions and increased confrontation between China and the United States;

  3. 逆全球化趋势加剧;

    (b) Increased counter-globalization trends;

  4. 美国大选加剧不确定性。

    The general elections in the United States have increased uncertainty.


According to statistics, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States on 28 July exceeded 4.37 million, resulting in 150,000 deaths, with an average of more than 2,600 new cases per hour, the highest in the world.


There is no doubt that the increase in the epidemic will drag the entire US economy. Investors expect that the US recovery will be difficult to win over other countries and choose to continue selling the dollar.

“美元岌岌可危,”道明证券(TD Securities)驻纽约资深外汇策略师Mazen Issa表示,“此刻,美元疲弱的心态已经根深蒂固了”。

, “The dollar is at risk,” said Mazen Issa, a senior foreign exchange strategist in New York, , who stated that “at this moment, the weak mentality of the dollar is deeply entrenched”.


In addition to the impact of external factors, the biggest crisis in the United States dollar was its own, the high debt of the United States Government, and the continued release of water by the Federal Reserve was putting the dollar at risk and contributing to a sharp rise in gold.


Nothing new in the world!


From December 2008 to June 2011, the Federal Reserve purchased US$ 2.3 trillion in national debt and kept borrowing costs close to zero to support economic growth and helped drive the gold price to a record high of US$ 1921.17 in September 2011.


The data show that the size of US federal debt is now close to US$ 26.5 trillion. As the “first buyer” and the “take-over” of US debt, in the face of rising debt size, the Fed has set in motion a model of unlimited quantitative easing, the printing machine is fully functional, and a massive campaign of support for debt acquisition is under way.


Recently, the Fed’s balance sheet has contracted slightly, but this is also when the side effects show that there is already enough “money” in the market and sufficient liquidity. , however, the previous flood of water, the epidemic has intensified and the economy continues to be depressed, making it necessary for these funds to seek better income allocation to ensure that they do not depreciate, and thus to seek a global layout.


Gold, if it is not allowed to do so, becomes the ideal value-avoidance asset in the eyes of financial institutions.

德意志银行顶级策略师Jim Reid指出,在货币的长期历史中,法定货币将成“过眼云烟”,黄金是绝对货币对冲工具。

According to the top German bank strategist, Jim Reid, in the long history of the currency, the legal currency will be “overlooking” and gold is an absolute currency hedging tool.


Reid concludes that gold is absolutely a currency hedging tool. is not only so, but, more importantly, whatever the next monetary system is, gold is a transitional asset.


In addition to gold, bitcoin, which is considered “digital gold”, has also become a vulnerable beneficiary of the Federal Reserve, with the United States dollar, and is easier to lift because of its small market value.


“It is difficult for the general public to understand a new type of investment like Bitcoin, and therefore `strong' has been perceived by some as having the same risk avoidance function as gold and has been promoted, attracting a portion of the money and, to some extent, contributing to the price increase of bitcoin


Almost all asset prices are rising, and some are looking for financial freedom. Some see the danger: a crisis, a weak economy, and even a recession.


Why is asset prices still rising? Is this sustainable?


This reminds us of the economic difficulties of the United States in the '70s -- stagnating!


The so-called stagnating is a combination of stagnant growth and inflation.


According to Keynesian economic theory, the expansion of government spending to stimulate the economy, while leading to inflation, can always reduce unemployment, boost the economy, and this reverse movement of inflation and unemployment, known as the “Phillips curve”, is called.


But after the 1970s, the Phillips curve failed and high inflation coexisted with high unemployment and low growth.


In 1980, inflation in the United States was 13.55 per cent, GDP growth - 0.26 per cent. During this period, people suffered the double blow of unemployment and inflation, and Keynes’ stimulus failed.

如今, 美国经济滞涨的身影再次出现。

Today, the economic stagnation of the United States has reappeared.

摩根士丹利亚洲区前主席Stephen Roach表示,由于美国巨大的预算赤字,美元的崩溃或许难以避免。在进口越来越多更贵的外国产品后,通胀会升温,并且利率跌至负值。”

Stephen Roach, former chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, said that the collapse of the United States dollar might be inevitable because of the huge budget deficit in the United States. When more and more expensive foreign products are imported, inflation will warm and interest rates will fall to negative values.”


According to Roach, the United States economy may even be stagnating at the end of the 1970s.


In the eyes of money scientists, the reason for the stagnating was that the growth rate of the currency exceeded the rate of economic growth and that monetary policy was failing, and Friedman therefore put forward the term “inflation is a monetary phenomenon at any time and in any place”.


The global economy has seen a vicious circle of


Global economic growth is low, and in order to avoid a recession, central banks have to maintain low, even negative, interest rates, but the return on investment in the real economy is decreasing.


In the absence of significant progress in productivity, economic development is driven by rising debt, which is growing in scale and never stopping globally, and even more debt is needed to sustain the current GDP stock.


Where's all this money printed out of thin air?


There is no doubt that large sums of money generated from borrowing have opted to pursue a small amount of assets and to push asset prices up, creating huge bubbles, such as the United States stock market.


Who gets the dividends of these asset bubbles? The answer is obvious, rich people.


Banks never send charcoal in the snow, they only add flowers, and they prefer to lend money to the rich at very low interest rates.


The rich get low-cost money and then invest it in bubble-potential assets, such as building markets, stock markets, even gold, and bitcoin, with the result that asset-price bubbles expand. The wealth of the rich increases further, and the gap between the rich and the poor widens.


According to TechFlow Researcher Lee, unlike the full price inflation of the 1970s, the new stagnation is “economic stagnation and asset bubble price inflation” as a result of targeted water discharges that benefit a few people today.


Credit easing has not promoted economic growth, increased wealth creation and increased the gap between rich and poor.


The economy was being stimulated by banknotes, and the credit-law system, which had continued after World War II, had been challenged, while the new crown epidemic had accelerated the process and, as a result, ultra-sovereign assets such as gold and bitcoin had been pursued.


“As ordinary people, it is recommended that assets be more rationally configured and, over a long period of time, that the stocks of China's core companies be increased, that gold be properly configured, and that Bitcoin be used as a hedge”


In any case, the days when Bitcoin is called the stable currency are temporarily over. A strong rise, a hot search of the “bitcoin cow” will attract a wave of newcomers to the market.

投资有风险,入门需谨慎。根据 William 的说法,目前比特币的RSI指标(相对强弱指标)已经突破 80,这预示着市场已经进入了超买状态,“如果此时买入比特币,会面临较大的风险”

Investments are risky, and the entry is cautious. According to William, the current RSI indicator for Bitcoin (relatively strong and weak) has broken 80, which portends that the market is already in a state of overpurchase and that “if it buys bitcoin at this time, it will be at greater risk” .


The view presented here does not constitute an investment proposal.


Please contact the original author at editor@cyzone.cn>.




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