As bitcoin values continue to grow, more and more people are willing to try, but struggle to understand where to start, and this paper will guide you in how to dig bitcoins.
For newcomers, it is first necessary to download software or mobile wallets. The software wallets are stored on your personal computer, and the mobile wallets are one of the smartphone applications. Both types of wallets are safe, can be downloaded free of charge, and are suitable for small bitcoin transactions.
You can find a list of certified security wallets on the official bitcoin website.
If you want to further improve security, you can consider investing in hardware wallets. Hardware wallets of well-known brands like Tresor or Ledger, for example, are equivalent to a flash drive, because they are not connected to the Internet, so they are hard to hack. If you want to hold bitcoin for a long time, hardware wallets are a good option, but they must be kept safe.
It is also important to enable all security features on a wallet. After choosing a bitcoin wallet, make sure that it has the highest possible level of security set up to protect your bitcoin. Double identification is used to protect your account number, and when you log in, the system sends you the authentication code by text or e-mail, and only by entering the correct authentication code can you access your account number, which greatly reduces the risk of hacking.
Before deciding which cloud mining service provider to use, you need to study the various cloud mining service providers in the market.
Genesis, Hashflare and Minex are among the more popular cloud mining services.
Watch out for cloud mining scams, scrutinize the terms of the service, and check the legitimacy and credibility of the platform.
Pay attention to cloud mining services that promise excessive returns or claim to be able to achieve balance-of-payments or profitability in the short term, which are highly likely frauds. No cloud service company can guarantee a specific rate of return or short-term balance-of-payments or profit.
Through cloud mining, you can lease access to the mine for a period of time.
Contracts generally last between one and three years, but there are also longer-term contracts. While shorter contract terms may provide lower prices, this does not mean that you can earn money faster.
合同价格各异,从几百元的小型合同到数十万元的大规模合同都有。比如,2019年,Genesis推出了为期2年的比特币挖矿合同,价格为350元,你可以获得1 TH/s(即每秒1 Tera哈希或每秒1,000,000,000,000哈希)。虽然听上去很多,但如果想在两年内在这么小的规模上实现收支平衡,这几乎是不可能完成的任务。当然,你也可以签订一份为期5年的合同,价格为4万,速率为25 TH/s。
The contract price varies from a few hundred dollar small contracts to hundreds of thousands of dollars in large-scale contracts. For example, in 2019, Genesis introduced a two-year Bitcoin mining contract at a price of 350 dollars, and you can get 1 TH/s (i.e. 1 terahashi per second or 1,000,000 ha/s). While it sounds a lot, this is almost impossible to do if you want to achieve a balance of payments on such a small scale within two years. Of course, you can also sign a five-year contract at a price of 40,000 at a rate of 25 TH/s.
Once you have a contract, the pond starts to serve you. Every time you get your account number bitcoin, the bitcoins are shown in your cloud mining service account. When you accumulate a certain amount of bitcoins, you can transfer them to your wallet.
一些云挖矿服务可能会按固定的时间表支付收益,比如每个月或每个季度支付一次。还有一些服务商只要你的收益达到了最低金额,就可以随时提取收入。这个最低金额在0.05 BTC到0.00002 BTC之间。
Some cloud mining services may pay their earnings on a fixed schedule, such as once a month or every quarter.
You can also dig with your own computer hardware. But it's important to note that mining equipment is expensive and power-intensive. You can set different parameters on an online mining calculator to determine whether your equipment is worth digging.
There is a mining calculator on CryptoCompare that can help you analyse the mining capacity of the equipment.
If you're just getting in touch with mining, you may not know all the relevant information, such as the cost of a pond or the cost of electricity. However, the more detailed you provide, the more accurate you calculate the profitability.
The ASIC miner is a specially designed integrated circuit (ASIC) designed to dig bitcoin. In short, it is a computer chip that needs to be power-driven. The prices of ASIC miners vary depending on the rate and efficiency of Hashi.
例如,Bitmain Antminer S15的最大哈希速率为28 TH/s,耗电功率为1596W。根据你的电费情况,在一年的时间里,你可能在这台矿机上赚到了价值约1500元的比特币。然而,考虑到矿机的成本大约在10000元至15000元之间,以4000美元的比特币价格,你可能需要至少7到10年的时间才能开始盈利。
For example, Bitmain Antminer S15 has a maximum Hashic rate of 28 TH/s, with a power consumption rate of 1596 W. Depending on your electricity costs, you may have earned about $1,500 in bitcoins over a year on this mine. However, given that the cost of the mine is between $10,000 and $15,000, at a price of $4,000, it may take you at least 7 to 10 years to start making a profit.
Connect the power to the ASIC mine machine and then connect it to the router.
Enter the IP address of the router in the web browser. This will take you into the management page of the router. Click on the Connected Device and find the IP address of the ASIC miner. Copy the IP address of the ASIC miner and paste it to the web browser, so you can configure the miner.
When you connect the hardware, you can start digging bitcoin. There's a lot of different mining programs on the market for you.
The two most popular mining software items are CGminer and BFGminer, although both are command-line-based procedures, and if you are not a very technologically familiar user, there may be some challenges.
EasyMiner, with a more intuitive and user-friendly graphical interface, is well suited for beginners.
The ponds are a group of miners who join forces to share Hashi's capabilities in order to dig bitcoin faster. Joining the ponds allows you to compete with large mining teams with huge Hashi's capabilities. You can join the ponds without having to pay anything in advance. Instead, the ponds will charge between 1 and 2 per cent for services.
除此之外,BitMinter、CKpool和Slush Pool也是非常成功的矿池,深受用户的喜爱。
In addition to this, BitMinter, CKpool and Slush Pool are very successful ponds that are very popular with users.
If there are no ponds, you may have to wait a few years to see the benefits. But with a pond, you may start making profits in a few days or months.
After selecting a pond and registering a miner’s account, visit the configuration screen of the ASIC miner and enter the IP address of the pond. Enter the user name and password you created in the pond.
After entering this information, save your settings.
You can now visit the pond accounts to see how the machine is and assess how it works.
The pit may take up to one hour to show the Hashi ratio of the miner.
When you extract bitcoins, these bitcoins appear in your pond accounts. The pits may have their own payment schedules, for example, once a month or every quarter, or you can manually transfer bitcoins from accounts to wallets.
一些矿池可能要求你的比特币余额达到一定数额(通常是0.001 BTC左右),才能将其转移到钱包中。
Some ponds may require a certain amount of bitcoin (usually around 0.001 BTC) in order to transfer it to their wallets.
Thank you for reading! In fact, the essence of mining is to consume cards and energy and turn idle time into valuable bitcoins, don't you think?
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