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How do you build the digital money-carbing software? Let's get it together.
What's a brick arbitrage? What's the principle?
has a large number of digital money exchanges today, influenced by a variety of factors. Prices may vary between exchanges over the same time period. The price difference is arbitrage, and this arbitrage through price differentials has little or no risk in the digital money market. Artificial arbitrage often has many uncertainties, but through quantitative models, quantitative arbitrage systems develop solutions to capture arbitrage opportunities and develop arbitrage strategies, and process algorithms automatically issue trade orders to the exchange, quickly and accurately capture opportunities, and efficiently stabilize earnings. This is the charm of quantitative arbitrage.
Digital brick arbitrage
1, cross-municipal hedge
, also known as direct arbitrage bilateral arbitrage, ensures the transfer to denominated currency by discovering that the same transaction has a price difference between two different exchanges, and engaging in a high-sale and low-buying-out of the profit margin.
假设Huobi EOS/USDT价格为8,Okex EOS/USDT价格为10.遵循高买低买原则。假设在Huobi持有100个USDT 在EOS持有10个EOS 。
assumes that Huobi EOS/USDT prices are 8 and Okex EOS/USDT prices are 10. Follow the high-buy low-purchase principle. Assuming that there are 100 USDTs in Huobi and 10 EOS in EOS.
1)在Huobi买入10个EOS花费80个USDT,则在Huobi 账户变为持有10个EOS、20个USDT.
1) Buying 10 EOS in Huobi costs 80 USDTs and holding 10 EOS, 20 USDT. in Huobi account
2)在Okex卖出10个EOS得到100USDT,则在Okex 账户变为持有0个EOS,持有100个USDT。
2)) 10 EOS sold in Okex received 100 USDT, and 0 EOS held in Okex accounts and 100 USDT held.
黑色箭头: 当高价市场持有交易币或低价市场持有计价币、法币时,可以进行双向循环对冲套利。
black arrow: Two-way cycle hedges can be made when a high-value market holds a currency of exchange or a low-value market holds a currency of account or a French currency.
黄色箭头: 当在高价市场无基础货币EOS或低价市场无计价货币USDT时,从事套利需先在低价市场进行法币充值
yellow arrow: When there is no base currency in high-price markets, EOS, or USDT in low-value markets, arbitrage requires French currency charging in low-value markets
Blue arrow: Cycle arbitrage is possible when circular arbitrage benefits are greater than arbitrage costs and there is a French account path. (Handing bricks manually requires time risk)
2、 跨市三角对冲套利
2, cross-municipal triangulation
, also known as indirect arbitrage or multilateral arbitrage, is a arbitrage using three or more currency exchange rate differentials at the same time in three or more trading markets, and a triangular arbitrage using a cross-exchange rate mispricing error.
3, in-station triangulation
基于三角套利原理,同一交易所三个交易对形成的差价进行交易,不需要提币动作可限循环进行。以1万块投入来算,即使一次套利收益仅0.1%,如果一天执行1千次套利,则一天收益变成2.17万 年化收益,永动不需要提币充币。
is based on the triangular arbitrage principle, whereby three transactions on the same exchange are traded for the resulting difference, without the need to raise currency in a limited loop.
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