The silent bitcoin of that year, which now stands at a high level of tens of thousands of dollars, has evolved into a new form of value storage and transfer in this warm and controversial baptism, in spite of its dramatic swings. As a result, the financial derivatives market, launched under the Tobitco doctrine, has grown in heat, and the currency circle has given rise to numerous myths of wealth creation, and has cost a lot of investors who have gone blindly into it, many of whom are still obsessive.
币圈跑路币大盘点:1. SPC
- 发行价:2.6元
- 现价:0.39元
- Issue price: $2.6
- Present price: $0.39
SPC project, which seeks to apply block chain technology to space, plans to use satellites as block chain accounting nodes to secure space data processing and quantum communication encryption. The project began with an infinite amount of light, completed a $1 billion private solicitation in a short period of time, and attracted a large number of big people, including Xue Junko, for endorsement.
2. HEC
- 发行价:0.41-0.45元
- 现价:0.0556元
- Issue price: 0.41-0.45
- Present price: 0.0556
Heroes Chain HEC attempts to integrate block chain technology into lottery operations, claiming that legal lottery technology will be made available globally. The project was supported by the Government of Cambodia at an early stage and several celebrity stations, but soon the momentum for power has deteriorated as a result of false propaganda, falsification of membership in the team.
3. Arts
- 发行价:0.66元
- 现价:无
- Issue price: 0.66
- Present price: Without
the art chain project is trying to crack the counterfeiting and copyright of art with block-link technology, but unfortunately exposes the scandal of copying information from overseas art repositories for false propaganda. Moreover, the project team, even the fictional desk consultant, is demanding refunds, which eventually leads to the physical control of the project and the chain of art being characterized as a fraud case.
(A detailed description of the seven other runner-ups is omitted below)
In order to safeguard financial market stability and safeguard investors' rights and interests, the People's Bank of China has explicitly requested the relevant subjects that have completed the clearing arrangements for the issuance of money in exchange, to deal with the risks properly, and to stress the need for a counter-money finance transaction platform with the relevant authorities to take stringent measures to close their websites and set up an APP. In addition, the Central Bank has urged investors to be vigilant, to guard against fraud, and to actively report information on violations.
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