近期很多厂商都推出了自家的挖矿主板,但这些新芯片产品不仅成本高,而且可靠性也没有经过考验,怎么低成本、高效又稳定挖矿呢?来看铭瑄 MS-B85-BTC,挖矿业多年验证的好板!
Many manufacturers recently launched their own mining board, but these new chip products are not only expensive but also untested for reliability. How can they be low-cost, efficient and stable?
铭瑄 MS-B85-BTC是一款挖矿专用的ATX大板,基于MS-H87U3 PRO方案设计,这个方案经过山东烟台等多个“矿场”多年挖矿考验,没有出过任何问题,返修率极低,是经过考验证明成熟、稳定的挖矿好板。
Ming & nbsp; MS-B85-BTC is an AATX board dedicated to mining, based on MS-H87U3 & nbsp; PRO programme, designed to be tested for years in several “mine mines” such as the Shandong Smoke Station, without any problems, has a very low rate of rehabilitation and has proven mature and stable.
铭瑄 MS-B85-BTC采用第三代挖矿强化供电,相数达到7相,并且采用了黑金全固电容、全封闭电感等优质料件,供电部分没有任何空焊,豪华的用料为稳定挖矿提供了保障。
Ming & nbsp; MS-B85-BTC uses a third generation of mining for enhanced power supply of up to 7-phases, and high-quality materials such as full-fixed capacitation, full-confined electrical sense, which does not have any empty welding, and luxurious materials provide security for stable mining.
该主板配备6条PCI-E插槽,其中3条是PCI-E X16插槽,3条是PCI-E X1插槽,最高可以支持6卡挖矿,并且BIOS已经为挖矿调整好,插上就能直接挖矿,无需设置。
The panel is equipped with six PCI-E slots, three of which are PCI-E X16 slots, three of which are PCI-E and X1 slots, which can support mining up to six calories, and BIOS has been adjusted for mining, so that the plugs can be directly mined without setting them.
铭瑄 MS-B85-BTC还采用了PCI-E稳压电容设计,利用插槽周边配置的黑金固态电容为PCI-E供电进行滤波、稳压,有效提升了挖矿显卡的稳定性。
Ming & nbsp; MS-B85-BTC has also adopted PCI-E steady-pressure caption designs that effectively enhance the stability of the mine-dwelling card by using the black gold solid capacitors configured around the slots to filter and stabilize the PCI-E power supply.
The use of super-large radiators in the main plate is one of the secrets of the fact that it has been able to stabilize mining for such a long period of time.
铭瑄 MS-B85-BTC采用B85芯片设计,支持LGA1150接口的4代、5代CPU,并且支持LGA115x和LGA775两种散热器,兼容旧U和旧散热器让挖矿者可以进一步降低平台的成本,把更多预算花在挖矿的核心硬件,显卡之上。
Motion & nbsp; MS-B85-BTC uses the B85 chip design to support 4- and 5-generation CPUs at the LGA 1150 interface and to support LGA115x and LGA775 radiators, which are compatible with old U and old radiator so that miners can further reduce the cost of the platform and spend more of their budgets on core mining hardware, visible cards.
铭瑄 MS-B85-BTC基于挖矿业多年验证的方案设计,采用第三代挖矿强化7相供电,搭配PCI-E稳压电容和超大型散热片,运行稳定高效,返修率极低,而不到400元的超值价格搭配支持旧U、旧散热,更可显著降低挖矿平台的成本,想加入挖矿大军的不容错过。
Ming & nbsp; MS-B85-BTC, based on a multi-year programme for mining, uses a third generation of mining for enhanced 7-phase power supply, combined with PCI-E steady voltage capacitors and super-large radiators, operating in a stable and efficient manner, with a very low rate of back-up, while the overvalued price of less than $400 supports old U, old evasive heat, can significantly reduce the cost of mining platforms, and there should be no missed attempts to join the mining army.
本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注明来源:挖矿多年验证好板 铭瑄B85矿板即将到货//mb.zol.com.cn/641/6413735.html
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