Welcome to your new friends in the currency ring! The purpose of this paper is to open up the veil of the digital currency world to help you quickly integrate into and seize the opportunity of the blue sea. You know that, despite the heat of the currency today, the currency ring is still small, and most people only know the name of bitcoin and do not look into it. This is your chance — you who have entered the currency circle — to take a step ahead of the public, not to miss the opportunity, to follow the pace, and not to fall behind.
新人起步,心态调整与知识积累1. 初入币圈,焦虑与兴奋交织实属常态。全新的概念、迥异的传统金融,需时间适应与调整,以开放心态拥抱这一神奇领域。
1. The convergence of anxiety and excitement in the first currency circle is the norm. A whole new concept, vastly different traditional finance, takes time to adapt and adjust in order to embrace this magical field with an open mind.
2. 你可能被90后一年暴富的故事所震撼,萌生掘金之念。然而,懵懂与无知相伴,焦虑与失眠相随,却又兴奋于金矿在前,亟待挖掘。此阶段,废寝忘食,心系行情,实乃人之常情。
2. You may be shocked by the rich story of the year after 90 by the idea of extracting gold. However, ignorance, anxiety and insomnia are associated with the excavation of the gold mines.
3. 面对“如何用人民币购币”这道入门难题,羞于启齿亦无妨。昔日我亦曾困于此,暗自观察,默默寻觅答案。最终发现OTCBTC等平台,微信、支付宝便捷交易,解一时之急。然币圈日新月异,此类平台或已难满足需求,适时更新知识库至关重要。
Faced with the introduction of “how to buy a currency in the renminbi” it is no harm to be ashamed of myself. I was stuck here, watching and searching for answers.
币圈生态与自我提升1. 币圈兼容并蓄,各有所长。知识盲点无处不在,持续学习乃立身之本。此处聚集的多为乐于求知、敏于时事、积极进取之人,正能量满溢。
1. The currency is inclusive and well-functioning. Knowledge blindness is everywhere, and continuous learning is the essence.
2. 作为过来人,我深知新人痛点,愿以谦卑之心,分享实用经验,助你避坑前行。无论知识深浅,勇于提问,勤于学习,方能步步为营,收获颇丰。
2. As one of those who have come before me, I know the pain of the newcomers and would like to share with you practical experience and help you to avoid the pit. No matter what knowledge, courage, diligence and learning, I am able to make a great deal of progress.
3. 遇到困惑不再羞愧,反视为成长良机。问题即知识入口,解惑即进步阶梯。将“不好意思”转化为“求知若渴”,你将在币圈之路愈行愈远。
Faced with confusion is no longer a shame, but rather an opportunity to grow. The problem is the knowledge portal, and the puzzle is the step of progress. Turning “I'm sorry” into “I'm hungry for knowledge”, you will be further away from the currency circle.
稳赚平台推荐——ExinOne1. 对于“何处购买各类币种”的经典疑问,我直言不讳:新人首选ExinOne。随着深入币圈,你自会接触更多平台,但ExinOne的用户体验无疑最佳。
As you go deep into the currency circle, you will reach out to more platforms, but Exinone's user experience is certainly the best.
2. 笑来老师的《定投——大佬的自我修养》一书,堪称新人必读。书中详解定投策略,电子版可微信索取。而定投的最佳实践场域,非ExinOne莫属。其被誉为“定投神器”,10元起投,搭配“余币宝”生息功能,实现币生币。
The book "Designate-The Big Man's Self-Repair" of the teacher is a mandatory book for newcomers. The book details the delivery strategy, and the electronic version is available. The best practice area is not the ExinOne. It is called the "Designate Thrower" and 10 dollars is offered, coupled with the "Royal Treasure" function, to achieve the value of the coin.
3. ExinOne诞生于去年,甫一亮相便惊艳四座。其简洁易用的设计,解决了小白购币难题,犹如理财APP般亲切。我有幸参与其征文活动并斩获一等奖,亲证其福利丰厚。现平台正大力推广,推出诸多福利活动,新人参与可轻松获利。
3. Exinone was born last year, when he was surprised to see four. Its simple and easy-to-use design solves the problem of small white money purchases, as friendly as a financial APP. I had the privilege of participating in his essay campaign and winning a first-class award for my well-being. The platform is now being promoted, with many welfare activities, and newcomers can benefit easily from their participation.
4. 如朋友所示,ExinOne收益可观,买卖便捷,无需繁琐操作。故凡有新人询问购币途径,我必推荐ExinOne。且平台持续优化,客服群服务周到,下载注册无障碍,助你轻松上车。
As your friends show, ExinOne is profitable, easy to buy and sell, and does not have to be cumbersome.
In 2019, the editor-in-chief suggested that you and I should move forward together, take advantage of high-quality platforms such as ExinOne, secure the currency and add value to its wealth. I am the old Lo, speaking for the small white currency, and look forward to sharing the joy of success with you on the journey of the currency!
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