As the markets of the currency world are changing rapidly, so many news events are occurring every day in the currency circles, and on March 27, as usual, a series of important news and events has resurfaced in the currency circles, so let me give you a detailed overview of the news reports of March 27th.
比特币鲸鱼助推反弹 7万美元成新支撑点
Bitcoin whales bounced back $70,000 into a new support point
Recently, Bitcoin prices have risen significantly, breaking the $71,000 mark for the first time since March 15. This volatility has been driven not by accident, but by a combination of multiple factors, including the continued growth of large Bitcoins holders, market expectations generated by the upcoming halving of bitcoins, and widespread optimism among institutional investors.
Bitcoin price signals are complex, and market dynamics portend future direction 3月26日,在华尔街的交易中,比特币(BTC)价格波动不定,为市场多头带来了混合的信号。尽管该数字货币已成功突破自2021年以来的69,000美元历史高点,但对于其未来的价格趋势,市场似乎仍持有一定的保留和不确定性。 最近,加密货币交易所Coinbase宣布,计划将更多客户和公司的USD
Coin(USDC)稳定币余额转移到自家的二层区块链Base上。这一举措旨在提升交易效率并降低相关成本。 Recently, the Encrypted Currency Exchange Coinbase announced plans to transfer more customers and companies USD Coin (USDC) to their second-tier block chain of Base. This initiative aims to improve transaction efficiency and reduce associated costs. Coinbase副总裁Max
Branzburg于3月26日在社交媒体上公布了此消息。他指出,通过将资金转至Base,Coinbase可以更低廉的费用和更迅速的结算时间,来管理和保护客户的资金。 Max Branzburg, Vice-President of Coinbase, released this information in social media on 26 March, noting that by transferring funds to Base, Coinbase could manage and protect clients' funds at lower cost and faster settlement times. ......【点击即可阅读新闻详细内容】 ........................................................................................................... 哈什德克斯比特币现货ETF登陆美市场 最近,资产管理巨头哈什德克斯宣布其在美国推出的比特币期货交易基金(ETF)已顺利转型为现货比特币ETF。这一重大调整不仅展示了该公司在比特币领域的深化布局,同时也为广大投资者带来了更加多样化的投资策略选择。 Recently, the asset-management giant Hashdeks announced that its Bitcoin Futures Trading Fund (ETF) in the United States had been successfully transformed into an off-the-shelf Bitcoin ETF. This major adjustment not only demonstrated the firm’s deeper configuration in the bitcoin area, but also offered investors a more diversified investment strategy. ......【点击即可阅读新闻详细内容】 ........................................................................................................... 香港推实物比特币ETF,与美现金模式不同 Hong Kong in-kind bitcoin ETF, different from the cash pattern of the United States 香港金融监管机构正着手推行现货比特币交易所交易基金(ETF)的实物创造模式,有望为当地比特币ETF发行商带来广阔的市场前景。相较之下,美国的比特币ETF市场依旧坚持现金创造模式,两种模式之间的差异显而易见。 Hong Kong’s financial regulators are moving toward the spot Bitcoin Exchange Trading Fund (ETF) physical creation model, which is expected to provide a broad market outlook for local Bitcoin ETF issuers. By contrast, the United States’ Bitcoin ETF market continues to adhere to the cash creation model, and the difference between the two models is clear. ......【点击即可阅读新闻详细内容】 ........................................................................................................... 美国法院指控KuCoin需确保用户资产安全 近期,著名的加密货币交易所KuCoin遭到了来自美国纽约南区(SDNY)检察官以及商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)的联合起诉。尽管如此,该交易所强调其用户资产未受到任何影响,并且平台的运营一切如常。 Recently, the famous encrypted currency exchange, KuCoin, was jointly sued by prosecutors from the Southern District of New York (SDNY) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Nevertheless, the exchange stressed that its users’ assets were not affected at all, and that the platform operated as usual. ......【点击即可阅读新闻详细内容】 ........................................................................................................... SEC拟罚Ripple 20亿美元,称其财力足够支付 最近,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)就区块链公司Ripple未经注册的证券销售行为,提出了一项罚款和处罚的初步裁决。SEC向纽约南区地方法院提交的文件显示,Ripple需支付近20亿美元的罚款和退款,具体包括大约8.76亿美元的退款、约1.98亿美元的判决前利息以及等额的民事罚款。 Recently, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a preliminary ruling on fines and penalties for the unregistered sale of securities by the block chain company Ripple. The SEC submission to the District Court for the Southern District of New York showed that Ripple had to pay nearly $2 billion in fines and refunds, including approximately $876 million in refunds, approximately $198 million in pre-judgement interest and civil fines. ......【点击即可阅读新闻详细内容】 ...........................................................................................................
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