2022加密货币交易平台排名 分别是币安、B网(Bittrex) 、P网(poloniex) 、Bitfinex、Kraken(K网)、Bithumb 、bitFlyer、火币Pro、OKCoin、Allcoin这十个。
2022 The encrypted money exchange platform is ranked as the ten accounts of currency, B Net (bittrex), P Net (polonix), Bitfinex, Kraken (Knet), Bitsumb, BitFlyer, Firebill Pro, OKCoin, Allcoin.
Second place: B Net (bittrex)
Introduction: Bittrex, established in 2015 as the United States Bitcoin Exchange, supports more than 200 trading pairs, and the Bitterex team, comprising companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Qualys and BlackBerry, has more than 50 years of professional security and development experience in dealings.
Third: PNet
Introduction: Poloniex was established in 2014 as one of the world's leading encrypted currency exchanges, popularly known as the P-Net. Poloniex platforms can trade in a variety of bounties. Poloniex is a digital currency exchange in the United States, a more formal trading platform with more than 100 large currencies and currently supports more than 100 transactions. The site is full of English, but it is relatively simple to operate.
In Hong Kong, China, Bitfinex is one of the largest and most advanced bitcoin trading platforms in the world, supporting transactions in virtual currency such as Taiku, Bitcoin, Lightcoin, and Ether Classic, with a daily turnover of more than 3 billion yuan. Offering currency transactions, dollar-to-currency transactions, currently supporting more than 60 transactions. Registration is very simple. In 2016, Bitfinex was about 120,000 bitcoins stolen through social media.
Brief: Kraken, based in San Francisco, was established in 2011 as the Bitcoin Exchange, with the largest volume of transactions in the euro and can also be traded in Canadian dollars, United States dollars, pounds sterling and Japanese yen. Currently, more than 40 mainstream coin transactions are supported. Kraken has been recognized as the best and most secure currency exchange by independent media .
In summary: Headquartered in Korea, which currently supports 10 mainstream currency transactions, Bitimb holds 75.7% of the Korean Bitcoin market, one of the five largest bitcoin exchanges in the world, trading more than 13,000 bitcoins a day, or about 10% of the world’s Bitcoin trade. The Exchange is also the world’s largest e-Tahrir market. Although the Korean Won is currently the fourth largest currency market in Bitcoin, lagging behind the United States dollar, the renminbi, and the Japanese yen, the Korean dollar market is the largest market in the Pacific.
简介:总部位于日本;Bitflyer由高盛前员工创立,意图填补MtGox倒下后日本比特币交易市场的空缺,目前已获两轮融资,投资方包括三菱UFJ金融集团旗下的三菱UFJ资本有限公司( Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.),日本电通集团旗下的风投公司电通数码控股公司(Dentsu Digital Holdings, Inc.)等。
Introduction: Bitflyer, founded by a former employee in Goldman Sachs to fill the gap in the Japanese Bitcoin trading market following the fall of MtGox, has now received two rounds of financing from Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Ltd. (Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.) and from the Japan Telecom Corporation Digital Holdings Inc. (Dentsu Digital Holdings, Inc.) under the flag of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group.
eighth place: military tenderPro/strong>
Brief: The Democratic Republic of the Congo's currency network, which is operated by China's first and current largest Bitcoin trading platform, is undoubtedly the country's first-ranked Bitcoin trading platform.
简介:Allcoin是Cascadia Fintech Corp.旗下的全球数字货币交易平台,总部位于加拿大温哥华。于2013年9月12日在加拿大证券交易所上市(股票代码“CK”)。
Brief: Allcoin is a global digital currency trading platform under the flag of Cascadia Fintech Corp., headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange on 12 September 2013 (equity code CK).
EuroOKEX assets amounted to $9,835 million, with a total of 703 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $27,951 million.
E-O-OKEx uses GSLB, distributed server cluster, distributed storage, multi-organic high-speed memory trading engine, cold wallet >, private keylined heat , based on the proposed use of secure technology
2, Binance
The netting assets amounted to $17,864 million, representing a total of 1,060 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $81,205 million.
Binance is the leading international block
3、B网 3, net B B网资产32.64亿美元,共有639个交易对,24小时成交额2.67亿美元。 Net B assets amounted to $3.264 billion, with a total of 639 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $267 million. Bittrex成立于2014年,是美国的数字资产交易所,国内用户称其为""B网""(不知道大B哥有没有股份在里面),提供币币交易、美元OTC交易,用户多而且活跃,新币上线速度也很快。Bitterex团队成员是来自微软、亚马逊、Qualys和黑莓等各大公司的高新尖人才,他们在交易方面拥有非常丰富的服务经验(但是应该没有50年那么久)。 Bittrex was founded in 2014 as a digital asset exchange in the United States, with domestic users calling it the "B Net" (not knowing if Big B had any shares in it), offering currency transactions, US dollar OTC transactions, many and active users, and the speed with which the new currency is going online. The Bitterex team is composed of very new and sophisticated people from various major companies, such as Microsoft, Amazon, Qualys and BlackBerry, who have a great deal of service experience in trading (but less than 50 years). 免责声明:本文为转载,非本网原创内容,不代表本网观点。其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。 如有疑问请发送邮件至:bangqikeconnect@gmail.com If you have questions, send an e-mail to: bangqikecontract@gmail.com
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