
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:44 评论:0
币圈下一个百倍币大揭秘,这几个赛道绝对不能错过! The next 100-fold circle is a secret. These lanes must not be miss...



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The next 100-fold circle is a secret. These lanes must not be missed!


author: Zzz


Editor: Kiki


There are hundreds or even tens of millions of dollars in every cycle of encryption, and if you can catch one or two, your overall gain will rise.

其实在 2023年,已经诞生了不少的百倍币项目,例如 meme 币板块、brc20 板块等,已经出现了不少的百倍币项目,但能抓住机会的却少之又少。

Indeed, in 2023, a number of 100-fold projects, such as meme, brc20, etc., had been created, but few had been able to take advantage of the opportunity.


But there are always opportunities in the encryption market, missed and missed, and there will certainly be new 100-fold projects in the future, and what is important is how we can seize these opportunities.


In order to increase the probability of capturing a 100-fold project, we may wish to start with the 100-fold project that emerged in the last cycle and see what the characteristics of the 100-fold project are, which may provide us with some useful clues.

分析上一轮周期中出现的百倍币项目,我们可以参考 Rocky_Bitcoin 大神整理的数据。

To analyze the hundreds of coin items that appeared in the last cycle, we can refer to the data compiled by the Great Rocky_Bitcoin.

一、上轮牛市百倍币特征 1、赛道

I. A hundred-fold feature of the Upper Bulls. 1, track.








GameFi: 5


DeFi: 3


IOT: 3


NFT: 2


Cross-link: 3


Cloud computing: 2


Yuan cosmos: 2


Oracle: 1

可以看到在这61个百倍币项目中,L1 占比是最高的。

As can be seen, the L1 ratio is the highest in these 61 100-fold projects.

之所以百倍币项目中 L1 的占比是最高的,这也与上一轮市场周期加密行业背景有关。

The reason for the highest percentage of L1 in the 100-fold project is also related to the background of the encryption industry in the last round of the market cycle.

在上轮周期,以太坊公链一家独大,还属于 PoW 时代,不仅交易 gas 费用较高,而且 TPS 比较低,交易确认速度慢,一个加密猫游戏几乎要拖垮整个以太坊网络,对于当时的以太坊来说,难以承载起区块链技术的大规模应用。

During the last cycle, Ether’s public chain was unique and belonged to the Pow era, where not only was it more expensive to trade gas, but TPS was lower, transactions were slow to confirm, an encrypt cat game almost had to drag down the entire Ether network, and it was difficult for the then Ether to carry out large-scale applications of block chain technology.

在这样的行业大背景下,越来越多的 L1 区块链出现,致力于解决以太坊区块链所面临的突出问题,所以在百倍币项目中 L1 的占比是最高的。

Against this industry background, an increasing number of L1 block chains are emerging to address the salient problems faced by the Etherm block chain, so the L1 ratio is the highest in the 100-fold project.

经过上一轮市场周期的基础设施建设和沉淀,以太坊区块链面临的 gas 费用高、速度慢等问题已基本得到解决,不但出现了 Solana 等 L1 区块链,而且出现了 OP、Arb 等 L2 区块链,这些区块链大大降低了交易费用,提高了交易速度。

Through the construction and deposition of infrastructure in the last round of the market cycle, the high cost and slow pace of the gas sector chain have been largely addressed, not only through the emergence of the L1 block chain, such as Solana, but also through the emergence of the OP, Arb and other L2 block chains, which have significantly reduced transaction costs and increased the speed of the transaction.

在 meme 币板块,诞生了 doge、shib 等百倍币,这与马斯克在推特上只言片语的提及有很大关系。

The birth of 100-fold doge, shub, etc. on the meme coin plate has a great deal to do with the reference to only a speech on Twitter by Musk.

除了 L1、meme 之外,在上一轮 DeFi 牛市中,DeFi 板块也出现了一些百倍币项目,另外,GameFi 板块也诞生了较多的百倍币项目。

In addition to L1, meme, in the previous round of the DeFi cattle market, the DeFi plate had some 100-fold projects and, in addition, the GameFi plate had more 100-fold projects.

每一轮市场周期的百倍币项目,都与当下市场的热点叙事有很大的关系,在这一轮周期中,L1 赛道出现百倍币项目的概率不大,因为 L1 所面临的性能和交易费用问题,目前 L2 等基本上已经很好地解决了。

The 100-fold project for each market cycle is highly relevant to the hot-spot narrative of the current market, where the probability of a 100-dollar project on the L1 track is low, because the performance and transaction costs problems faced by L1 are now largely well addressed, such as L2.


2. Market value ranking

引用下 Rooky_Bitcoin 的分析,从市值排名来看,2020年3月份,市值前600的币种中,诞生了61个百倍币(二级市场)。

According to Rooky_Bitcoin's analysis, in March 2020, 61 hundred times more were born in the first 600 currencies (the second-tier market).

市值排名 TOP100,总共有11个,占比 18%

The market is ranked TOOP 100, 11 in total, 18%.

市值排名 TOP100-TOP300,共有 21个,占比 34.4%

Market value ranking TOOP 100-TOP 300, 21 or 34.4 per cent

市值排名 TOP300-TOP600,共有 22个,占比为 36%。

The market value is ranked TOOP 300-TOP 600, with a total of 22, or 36 per cent.

因此,市值排名 TOP300 的币中,诞生了 32个百倍币,基本上相当于在10个币中,其中有一个是百倍币,相当于十里挑一。

As a result, 32 100-fold coins were born out of the market value ranking TOOP 300, roughly equivalent to 10, one of which was 100-fold, equivalent to one in ten miles.


3. Time of possession


As can be seen, each of the hundreds mentioned above has been held for more than a year.


Moreover, the time when the purchase price is lower and the price of bitcoin is generally synchronized, and the time when the price is higher and the price of bitcoin is generally synchronized.

众所周知,2021年比特币价格出现了双顶,第一次突破 6万美元是在三四月份,第二次突破是在11月份,可以看到,这些百倍币的卖出高点时间,大多也都分布三四月份和十一月份。

As we all know, in 2021, the price of bitcoin peaked, with the first breakthrough of $60,000 in March/April and the second in November, and it can be seen that most of these 100-fold sales took place in March/April and November.


4. Prices


From the prices of these 100-fold items, we can see a clear pattern: prices are generally lower, and more than 50 of the 61 items have purchase prices below one, i.e. with decimal places.


This pattern may be explained by the tendency to buy these lower prices, so that the holdings are larger, although the total value remains constant, at least the holdings appear to be higher, and for those prices with multiple decimal places, the elimination of one zero represents a tenfold increase in the price. Human nature is the case, and people are often irrational in dealings.

更详细的百倍币项目分析,可以参考 Rooky_Bitcoin 在推特上分享的分析报告。

More detailed analysis of the 100-fold project can be found in the analysis shared on Twitter by Rooky_Bitcoin.


ii. 100-dollar track in the city of roulette


Each cycle has its own mainstream narrative, so we can only refer to the pattern of 100-fold projects in the previous cycle.


Since the market environment and the last cycle have changed considerably (and of course some intrinsic logic has not changed), we can make some predictions in the context of current market trends.


So, which lanes would the 100-fold project be likely to be on this round? Let's make a simple prediction based on the current encryption market.


1. Bitcoin Ecology

在当下这波牛市中,比特币生态无疑是表现最亮眼的,基础协议 Ordinals 彻底开启了比特币生态,上一波牛市中的 DeFi 将会复刻到这一轮的比特币生态。

In the current bovine, the Bitcoin ecology is undoubtedly the brightest, and the underlying agreement, Ordinals, has completely opened up the Bitcoin ecology, and the DeFi in the last bovine will re-engineer this cycle of Bitcoin ecology.


Moreover, there is a broader consensus that Bitcoin is the base asset of the cryptomarket and that Bitcoin's ecological release potential will be much greater than other public chain ecology.

因此,比特币生态 DeFi 应用的市值,大概率会远高于其他公链生态 DeFi 应用的市值,在对比特币生态中的 DeFi 应用估值时,不妨更具想象力一些。

As a result, the market value of the Bitcoin Eco-DeFi application is likely to be much higher than that of other public-chain eco-deFi applications, and it may be more imaginative to apply the DeFi valuation in the Bitcoin ecology.

目前,在比特币生态中,DEX、Lending、预言机、比特币二层等赛道,其实已出现了多个百倍币甚至千倍币项目,像 ORDI 这样的铭文代币都是万倍以上的涨幅。

At present, in Bitcoin ecology, there are several hundred-fold or even a thousand-fold rises in DEX, Lending, Prophecy, Bitcoin, and second-tier tracks, such as Ordi.


For the current Bitcoin ecology, however, it can be said that the pattern is uncertain and that each project has the opportunity to become the leader of its track.

虽然 Multibit(MUBI)作为跨桥链龙头,Bitstable 作为稳定币龙头,项目官网已上线并且已跑出了不少的实际数据,暂时处于所在细分赛道的领先地位。

Although Multibit (MUBI) is the locomotive of the cross-bridge chain, Bitstable is the pole of stability, the network of project officers is on the line and has run a lot of actual data, and is temporarily at the forefront of the segmented track.

但对于 DEX、Lending、Staking、衍生品交易、预言机等细分赛道来说,目前并未出现明显的龙头项目,甚至许多项目还处于炒概念的阶段,网站都还没有上线。

However, for the breakdown of the track such as DEX, Lending, Staking, Derivative Trades, Prophecies, etc., there are no obvious flagship projects at present, and even many are in the conceptual stage, and the web site is not yet online.

在比特币 DeFi 基础设施的这些细分赛道,未来一定会出现更多十倍、百倍币项目。

In these segments of the Bitcoin DeFi infrastructure, there will surely be more than 10 times and 100 times more projects in the future.

比特币除了复刻以太坊 DeFi 的疯狂外,不排除未来会出现一些仅适合比特币生态的细分赛道出来。

Bitcoin does not preclude the future emergence of a few sub-tracks that are only suited to Bitcoin's ecology, apart from the madness of Taiwan DeFi.


In addition, Bitcoin faces problems similar to those faced by Ether, such as the slow pace of confirmation of transactions and the high cost of Gas, which are even more serious in the Bitcoin ecology, which provides an opportunity for the Bayer2 solution in Bitcoin.

目前已有多个项目在做比特币 Layer2 了,未来,在比特币 Layer2 赛道也将会诞生一些十倍甚至百倍的优质项目。

There are now several projects in Bitcoin Layer2 and, in the future, at the Bitcoin Layer2 track, a number of high-quality projects 10 times or even 100 times will be born.

其实,比特币生态发展的未来轮廓,似乎已经越来越清晰了,再加上比特币产量减半、现货比特币 ETF 等,比特币生态将会诞生最多的百倍币项目,一定要多关注。

In fact, the contours of the future of Bitcoin's ecological development seem to be becoming clearer and, together with the halving of Bitcoin production, the spot bitcoin ETF, etc., will have to focus more on the 100-fold projects where the Bitcoin ecology will be born.


In short, in this cow market, the Bitcoin ecology is a major narrative, and more high-yielding quality projects will be created.

2、Solana 生态

2. Solana Ecology

除了比特币生态之外,Solana 生态大概率将会诞生一些优质百倍项目。

In addition to the Bitcoin ecology, Solana's ecological margin is about to give birth to some high-quality 100-fold projects.

和以太坊相比,Solana 生态更加值得关注,无论是从 gas 费用还是 TPS 来看,Solana 都是优于以太坊的。

Solana's ecology is more interesting than Etheria, and it's better than Ether either in terms of gas costs or TPS.

今年,Solana 生态表现出乎意料,不但 TVL 大涨,而且大多 Solana 生态 DeFi 平台代币今年都暴涨了,还出现了多个10倍币项目。

This year, Solana's ecology showed an unexpected rise in the TVL, but most of the Solana EcoDeFi platform has seen a surge in tokens this year, with more than 10 times the size of the project.

而且,Solana 生态中项目的空投力度也是比较大的,今年 Solana 生态中多个已发空投项目都是大毛。

Moreover, there is a greater amount of air investment in the Solara Ecologic Project, and this year, many of the Solana Ecology's air-drop projects are hairy.

除了 DeFi 之外,当下热门的 DePIN 赛道中的龙头项目,基本上都是搭建在 Solana 上,例如Helium、Hivemapper、Render 等,都是当下的热门 DePIN 项目,它们也都是 Solana 生态中的明星项目。

With the exception of DeFi, the leading projects in the current popular DePIN track are basically built on Solana, such as Helium, Hivemapper, Render, etc., which are the current popular DePIN projects, which are also the stars in the Solana ecology.

另外,BONK 以及 Silly 等这些当下热门的 meme 币,也都诞生于 Solana 生态,这些 meme 币项目为 Solana 生态带来了热度,也带来了更多的用户和资金。

In addition, these popular meme coins, such as BONK and Silly, were born in the Solana ecology, and these meme coin projects brought heat to the Solana ecology, as well as more users and funding.

更多的用户和资金都涌入了 Solana 生态,所以 Solana 生态是非常值得我们关注和布局的。

More users and money are pouring into Solana Ecology, so Solana Ecology deserves our attention and our layout.

在这一轮牛市中,可以多关注 Solana DeFi、meme 币以及 Solana 生态中的其他细分赛道,平时可以多体验 Solana 生态中的一些应用。

In this market, more attention can be paid to Solana DeFi, meme coins and other sub-tracks in the Solana ecology, and some of the applications in the Solana ecology can be experienced more often.

3、新赛道(DePIN、DeSoc、DeSci 等)

3. New track (DePIN, DeSoc, DeSci, etc.)

当然了,以上分类也只是从公链生态进行分类的,从公链来看,比特币以及 Solana 生态,将会在这一轮牛市中诞生最多的百倍币项目。

Of course, the above classification is based only on the public chain ecology, which means that Bitcoin and Solana ecology will have the most 100-fold project in the city.

另外,随着区块链基础设施的不断完善,区块链技术的应用也正在往传统领域扩展,从而诞生一些新的赛道,例如 DePIN、DeSoc 以及 DeSci 等,这些传统领域,正在应用区块链技术来进行资源整合。

In addition, as the infrastructure of the block chain continues to improve, the application of block chain technology is expanding to traditional areas, which have given rise to new tracks, such as DePIN, DeSoc and DeSci, where block chain technology is being applied for resource integration.

DePIN 赛道今年表现相当亮眼,多个项目今年都上涨了10倍以上,DeSci 赛道最近表现也不错。

The DePIN track has performed quite well this year, with many projects rising more than 10 times this year, and the DeSci track has recently performed well.

而且,多个加密货币研究机构都看好 DePIN/DeSci 赛道在 2024年的发展,这些新赛道大概率也会诞生一批百倍币项目,值得多关注,平时可以多去挖掘该赛道中的优质项目。

Moreover, the development of the DePIN/DeSci track in 2024 has been well received by a number of crypto-currency research institutions, and it is worth noting that these new lanes are likely to give rise to a hundred-fold project, which usually allows for more exploration of the quality of the track.


What other tracks do you think are more likely to have a 100-dollar project? You are welcome to leave a message.

P.S 本文不构成任何投资建议返回搜狐,查看更多

P.S does not constitute any investment proposal 责任编辑:




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