What does a contractual transaction mean that a contractual transaction usually involves the parties to the transaction through a purchase or sale contract on the exchange and the agreement of a particular future time and place, the sale of a specified quantity of goods at a specified price, the currency in which the contract transaction is developed on the basis of a spot transaction, a new type of transaction that is standardized in the exchange, and the minor part below provides a detailed explanation of the difference between the spot and the contract transaction.
合约交易(点击下载)与现货交易的不同之处在于,现货交易是实实在在地交易商品;而合约交易是以某种商品(如棉花、大豆、石油),或金融资产(如股票、债券等)为标的物的标准化合约交易。 The difference between contractual transactions ( click download
随着比特币等数字资产的出现, 在数字资产领域也逐渐出现以数字货币为标的物的数字资产衍生品。合约交易的最终目的在于发现真实价格,而不是商品所有权的转移, 我们可以通过买卖合约,回避现货价格变化而带来的不确定风险,除此以外也可以通过对合约进行套利或投机来获利。
As digital assets, such as Bitcoin, emerge, digital asset derivatives are emerging in the field of digital assets. The ultimate purpose of contractual transactions is to discover real prices, not the transfer of ownership of commodities, and we can avoid the uncertain risks posed by changes in spot prices by buying and selling contracts, in addition to profiting from arbitrage or speculation in contracts.
On-the-spot and contractual transactions differ significantly, specifically:
第一、 买卖标的不同。
First, the subject matter of the sale is different.
现货交易买卖的是商品本身,有样品、有实物,我们日常生活中的买卖,大都是现货交易。而合约交易买卖的对象是标准化合约, 这张合约包含约定的交易品种、交易时间,交易价格、交易数量等标准化信息。
The deal is for the goods themselves, with samples, with objects, and most of our daily business. The deal is for a standardized contract, which contains standardized information on the type of transaction, the time of the transaction, the price of the transaction, the number of transactions, etc.
第二、 标的范围不同。
Second, the scope of the subject matter is different.
The scope of off-the-shelf transactions is all tradable goods; whereas contractual transactions consist mainly of bulk physical goods (e.g. agricultural products, energy products, metals, etc.) and a number of financial products (e.g. stocks, securities, etc.).
第三、 交易规则不同。
Third, transaction rules are different.
On-the-shelf transactions, however long they may be, are settled once or several times. A contractual transaction, on the other hand, is the delivery of the goods at a certain point in the future.
Finally, the purpose of the transaction is different.
On-the-spot transactions are ownership of goods acquired or released by both parties within a relatively short period of time
The purpose of contractual transactions, in addition to the physical delivery due, is to transfer the risk of uncertainty arising from price changes in the spot market or to derive profits from price fluctuations in the contract market through contractual transactions.
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