BTC Quarterly Contract
Bitcoin Quarterly Contract 2-hour map: For me, one is an objective trend from two angles, and the other is my personal subjective prejudicing. The real-war deal is based primarily on objective trends, and subjective predictions are more a forward-looking approach to future development than they can be used directly to develop a trade strategy, mainly to prepare for potential risks and opportunities.
Today’s objective trends and coping strategies: Yesterday’s reminder of the need to focus on the entire area of 6,300-6600, as of today’s morning currency prices have been characterized by narrow fluctuations within the zone, with no significant increases, and the trend is better than expected. Prices have now fallen into the zone, although temporary declines in the 6250 supports, but short-term trends have shown clear signs of weakness. It is suggested that the next short line should focus on the 6350 line, which can be seen as the most recent short-term strong and weak divide, and prices should not be easy to attempt more than the opportunity, even if they are too short.
If the 6350 line is broken again, and there is no high expectation of further rises, most of them in isolation from the entire area of 6,300-6600, the response can again be based on an all-of-the-region approach, backed up by a low-sort approach.
Subjective expectations: In continuation of previous observations, the probability of a large increase is small, the adjustment process has not ended since 7,000, and the adjustment rate is likely to be new and lower. The current 6250 line is more technically supportive, and it is difficult to be effective for a long period of time.
阻力:6350--6600--6750 Resistance: 6350-6600-675/strong> 支撑:6000--5400--5100 Support: 6,000-5400--5100 ETH季度合约 ETH quarterly contract
properties at all levels: Sun - down, 4 hours - full, 1 hour - round
A two-hour map of the Taiyo Quarterly Contract: Current objective trends and coping strategies: last night’s currency price showed a brief up-and-down pressure line, but ended up having failed in the 133 resistance suppression line, and then failed to expand. So the overall trend for mothers and mothers is still in a more vulnerable situation than that of the BTC.
The next short-term focus will be on 130-133, a small area, with as much volatility as possible and too little or no value for participation. If there are good-cost blanks to hold on to protective damage, there will be no clear stability of 133, which will not be easy to see, and much higher.
The subjective expectation, continuing its previous observation, is that stability above 133 is a small probabilities event, with presumably a continuation of the adjustment and a further low since the adjustment of 24 March.
阻力:133--136--140 Resistance: 133 -- 136 -- 140
Support: 130-124-110-
EOS Quarterly Contract
properties at all levels: Sun - down, 4 hours - full, 1 hour - full (empty)
EOS Quarterly 2-hour map: current objective trends and coping strategies: BTC is stronger than ETH than EOS in the current three mainstream currency relationships. Why is EOS more vulnerable than ETH because of the small rebounds last night, ETH has briefly broken down the trend line, while EOS has not.
Since the vulnerable pattern “speaks of the oscillation” is still in place, it is important to continue to develop operational strategies based on the dominant idea. 2.2 Without a clear stand-up, it is not easy to change the main idea.
From a graphic point of view, the movement since the fall of March 20 is building a huge downward triangle (the upper edge of the triangle is the downward pressure line in the map and the lower edge is the 2.0 line), which is shaped by the fact that each rebound is falling at a lower point, while the lower point after each rebound is likely to be at a higher level. The underlying reason is that efforts behind multiple forces are not always able to hit prices higher, but rather lower and lower, suggesting that more and less money is willing to follow them up.
Subjective expectations, effective up-and-down pressure line or 2.2 resistance is a small probability, and a continuation of the adjustment pattern is approximate, with currency prices expected to fall again after a short shock near the end of 2.2.
阻力:2.20--2.28--2.38 Resistance: 2.20 - 2.28 - 2.38
support: 2.00 - 1.85 - 1.70
Specific location operations are mostly documentary in real time, strategy is for information purposes only, profit or loss.
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