? 2017 年至今,随着虚拟货币经济的大热,它的核心技术——区块链也开始受到重视,无疑,区块链技术如果能够充分运用到现实生活当中,将会为人类社会带来巨大的影响,甚至有可能是一个时代的变革。某些虚拟货币在某些国家受到监管,但是依然有很多国家承认它们能够自由流通,如果你刚入币圈只知道怎么挖币,却没有真正了解虚拟货币的整个交易流程,那么,可以来看一下这里是否有你想要的资讯。
From 2017 to the present, as the virtual monetary economy is hot, its core technology – the block chain – has also come to the fore. There is no doubt that, if fully applied to real life, block chain technology will have a tremendous impact on human society, and possibly an era of change. Some virtual currencies are regulated in some countries, but many countries still recognize that they can move freely, and if you have just entered the currency circle and do not really know the entire course of transactions for virtual money, then you can see if there is any information you want.
♪ Big man as a virtual money market — Bitcoin has always been the most active virtual currency in the last 24 hours, with transactions accounting for about 33% of all currency transactions. Although we may not feel it, daily transactions data are real. Of these 33% transactions, 6.3% were made on Bitfinex, a virtual currency exchange that can be said to be one of the world's largest and most advanced bitcoin trading platforms, with transactions amounting to more than 3 billion yuan per day. Today, however, what we want to talk about is not this Bitfinex exchange, but an emerging trading platform, a currency exchange.
This currency exchange is a virtual currency trading platform in Singapore, and it and its business team insist that the upper currency mechanism be strictly scrutinized, with only potential human currency. The platform’s team, which aims to provide the best user experience and access to asset upgrading, has such a commitment, and indeed has done so.
网络安全一直是虚拟货币交易市场所关注的重中之重。全球各大交易平台被盗事件层出不穷,人气币交易所作为2018年2月才正式现身的交易所,它所承载的技术将更加强大和坚固。在人气币交易所上,新加坡的运营团队重金购买服务器,尽最大的努力将交易网络安全的风险降到最低。它严格审核的上币机制,为平台上的交易“买了”双重保险。能在人气币上线的虚拟货币,都是众里挑一的,而这个平台的安全也有专门的运营和技术团队把关。 除了特别注重的网络安全问题,还可以看见实时的有关数字币经济的相关资讯,比如买入卖出的价格,同时还会自动生成数据指标,让这个市场的价格波动等信息更加清晰可见。除此之外,无时不在的客服帮助功能,高质量的服务水平,如此这些,无疑是当今种类繁多的交易所市场中的一匹黑马,也是您的不二选择。
In the currency exchange, Singapore’s operating team has made a major effort to purchase servers and to minimize the risks to the security of the network. Its strictly audited upper currency mechanism, which “bought” double insurance for the platform’s transactions.
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