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Why is the total number of bitcoins 21 million?
1.1 从2009年1月起,单个区块的矿工奖励为50btc,以后每4年矿工奖励减半,即2009-2013是50,2013-2017是25,2018的当下是12.5;
1.1 From January 2009, the incentives for miners in individual blocks will be 50btc, which will be halved every four years thereafter, i.e. 50 for 2009-2013 and 12.5 for 2013-2017 and 25,2018;
1.2 比特币每10分钟产生一个区块,24h不停,每4年中因闰年而多1天;
1.2 Bitcoin produces a block every 10 minutes, 24h on a continuous basis, one day more every four years because of the year;
1.3 比特币最小单位是“一亿分之一”,当矿工奖励减半至此且4年挖矿结束后,去中心化系统不会再产生新的btc,即不会再有新的比特币产生;
1.3 The smallest unit of Bitcoin is “one hundred million cents”, and when the miners' incentive is reduced by half until the end of four years of mining, the decentralised system will not produce new btc, i.e. no new bitcoin;
1.4 “50+25+……+一亿分之一”求和,再乘以4年内产生的区块总数,即得“2100万”,精确结果是20999……
1.4 “50 + 25 + 1 + 100 million” summation, multiplied by the total number of blocks produced in four years, i.e., “21 million”, with a precise result of 20999.
2. Why did Bitcoin finish digging in 2140?
2.1 根据1.3,最后一个挖矿奖励为“一亿分之一”的区块产生的时间就是挖完的时候;
2.1 According to 1.3, the time when the last mining incentive is created for a block of “one-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-one”;
2.2 从50减半到一亿分之一大概需要33次,33×4+2009=2141,实际是2140。
2.2 Halve from 50 to one in 100 million, approximately 33 times, 33 x 4+2009 = 2141, actually 2140.
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