英文 | https://medium.com/@itsrakesh/web3-learning-platforms-earn-while-you-learn-b158d1ca3115
English https://medium.com/@itsrakesh/web3-leaning-platforms-earn-while-you-learn-b158d1ca3115
翻译 | 杨小爱
♪ Translator ♪ ♪ Yang Xiao-Ae ♪
web3.0将会是互联网世界最重要的一笔,也是互联网发展的趋势,而在学习web3.0的时候,我们可以一边学习 web3.0 技术,一边实现兼职赚钱的机会,在今天的文章中,我将分享一些关于如何开始使用 Web3.0 的信息,如果你在了解这方面的知识与信息,那么你来对地方了。
Web3.0 will be the most important item in the Internet world and the trend towards Internet development, and while learning Web3.0, we can learn about Web3.0 technology while realizing part-time earning opportunities. In today's article, I will share some information about how to start using Web3.0, and if you're learning about it, you come to the right place.
如何实现“边学习边赚钱”?在今天分享的所有平台都是需要完成学习课程、测验和最后的挑战,然后才能提供奖励,主要奖励形式为代币和 NFT ,这也是很多平台比较常见的奖励形式。
How to make money while learning? All the platforms shared today are learning courses, tests and final challenges before offering incentives, mainly in the form of tokens and NFTs, which are also the more common forms of awards for many platforms.
Now, let's get started.
Address: https://coinmarkcap.com/earn/
它需要观看视频 -> 完成测验 -> 赚取加密货币。
It needs to watch the video - & gt; complete the test - & gt; earn the encrypted currency.
The encrypted assets that you can obtain are: BNB, SXP, ROSE, NEAR, LIKE, PERP, XMS, URUS, NFTB, SAND, CRU, CYBER, FOL, TKO, ITTX, SUSHI, POLS, FOC, 2、Pointer 地址:https://www.pointer.gg/ Address: https://www.pointer.gg/ 掌握 web3.0 技能并赢得酷炫的 NFT 或 $MATIC。 Web3.0 skills and win cool NFT or $MATIC. 3、StackUp 地址:https://earn.stackup.dev/ Address: https://earn.stackup.dev/ 通过任务和挑战学习各种加密技术并获得奖励。向开发人员学习,并通过 StackUp 的直播提升自己作为开发人员的水平。 Learn all kinds of encryption technologies through tasks and challenges and be rewarded. Learn from developers and upgrade themselves as developers through StackUp live broadcasts. 4、Layer3 地址:https://beta.layer3.xyz/ Address: https://beta.layer3.xyz/ 通过赏金、竞赛和项目提高您的 web3.0 技能并获得奖励。 Improve your web 3.0 skills and receive awards through rewards, competitions and projects. 5、Superteam 地址:https://www.startonsolana.com/ Address: https://www.startonsolana.com/ 通过完成任务、为您的项目获得资金和参与赏金来赚取 NFT。 You can earn NFTs by doing your job, receiving funds for your projects and participating in the reward. 6、Binance 地址:https://academy.binance.com/en/learn-and-earn Address: https://academy.binance.com/en/learn-and-earn 完成课程并获得加密代币:BUSD、SHIB、XTZ、IMX、MULTI、ALPINE、WOO、ONE、LUNA、POLS、QTUM、ANKR、 Completed the course and obtained the encryption tokens: BUSD, SHIB, XTZ, IMX, MULTI, ALPINE, WOO, ONE, LUNA, POLS, QTUM, 7、Cake Defi 地址:https://app.cakedefi.com/learn Address: https://app.cakedefi.com/learn 完成课程并赚取 BTC、DFI、 Completed course and earned BTC, , DFI, 8、Questbook 地址:https://openquest.xyz/ Address: https://openquest.xyz/ 完成不同的曲目并获得课程完成 NFT。 Completion of different tracks and acquisition of course completion of NFT. 9、 Kucoin 地址:https://www.kucoin.com/land/task-center Address: https://www.kucoin.com/land/task-center 完成任务并赚取 $USDT。 Finish the job and earn $USDT. 10、Phemex 地址:https://phemex.com/learn-crypto
Address: https://phemex.com/learn-crypto 通过观看视频和完成测验来赚取加密货币。 An encrypted currency is earned by watching videos and completing tests. 总结 以上就是我今天跟你分享的10关于web3.0的学习网站平台,希望对你学习web3.0技术有帮助。
This is the 10 learning website platform on web 3.0 that I shared with you today, which I hope will help you learn Web3.0 technology. 如果你觉得今天的内容对你有用,请记得分享给你身边做开发的朋友,也许能够帮助到他们。
If you think today's content is useful to you, please remember to share it with your development friends, perhaps to help them. 最后,感谢你的阅读,祝编程愉快! Finally, thank you for reading. Have a nice programming!
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