As block chain technology and virtual reality technology evolve, the concept of meta-cosm is gaining ground. The meta-cosmos is a virtual world, with a variety of digital assets, including digital art, virtual land, digital money, and so on. The meta-cosmos trading platform is a virtual platform where digital assets are traded.
1. Decentraland——是一个基于以太坊的虚拟现实平台,它允许用户购买虚拟土地和数字资产,并进行各种交易。
1. Decentraland - is a virtual reality platform based on the Etherm, which allows users to purchase virtual land and digital assets and to make various transactions.
2. Somnium Space——是一个以虚拟现实为基础的元宇宙平台,其中包含有各种数字资产,包括数字艺术品、虚拟土地等。
2. Somnium Space - is a meta-cosm platform based on virtual reality that includes a variety of digital assets, including digital art, virtual land, etc.
3. The Sandbox——是一个基于区块链的虚拟现实平台,它允许用户购买虚拟土地,并在土地上建造游戏场景,并进行数字资产交易。
3. The Sandbox - is a virtual reality platform based on block chains that allows users to purchase virtual land, build playgrounds on land and trade in digital assets.
4. CryptoVoxels——是一个基于以太坊的元宇宙平台,其中包含着各种数字资产,包括数字艺术品、虚拟土地等。
4. CryptoVoxels - is a meta-cosmos platform based on the Etherm, which contains a variety of digital assets, including digital art, virtual land, etc.
5. Upland——是一个基于区块链的游戏平台,游戏中的虚拟土地都是真实世界的地段,玩家可以购买土地并进行交易。
5. Upland - is a block-based platform for games where virtual land is part of the real world and where players can buy land and trade.
6. VRChat——是一个虚拟现实社交平台,用户可以创建自己的虚拟角色,与其他用户互动。从2021年开始,它还引入了一种元宇宙货币——VRC。
6. VRChat - is a virtual reality social platform where users can create their own virtual roles and interact with other users. Since 2021, it has also introduced a metaspace currency, VRC.
7. Axie Infinity——是一款基于以太坊的收集游戏,玩家可以收集和交易数字卡牌,并在游戏中用于战斗。
7. Axie Information - is a collection game based on the Etherm, where players can collect and trade digital cards and use them in combat.
8. SuperWorld——是一个基于区块链的元宇宙平台,其中包含了许多数字资产,包括虚拟土地、数字艺术品等,并允许用户进行交易。
8. SuperWorld - is a meta-cosm platform based on block chains that contains many digital assets, including virtual land, digital works of art, etc., and allows users to trade.
9. Earth2——是一个虚拟现实平台,玩家可以购买虚拟土地,并以此为基础创建自己的虚拟世界,玩家还可以在上面建造建筑物、创建商店,并开展数字资产交易。
9. Earth2 - is a virtual reality platform on which players can buy virtual land and build their own virtual world based on which they can build buildings, create shops and trade in digital assets.
10. Sandbox Game——是一个在游戏中创建和收集数字资产的平台,玩家可以在Virtual Land上创建数字艺术品、虚拟游戏等,并进行数字资产交易。
10. Sandbox Game - is a platform for creating and collecting digital assets in a game where players can create digital works of art, virtual games, etc. on the Virtual Land and engage in digital asset trading.
On the whole, as block chain technology and virtual reality technology evolves, the meta-cosmos trading platform will become more widely available. The ten-dollar space exchange lists listed above are available for download, but only for a few of them that are more well known, and more meta-cosm trading platforms will emerge in the future. This trend is expected to continue, providing an easy platform for digital asset transactions.
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