
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:41 评论:0
本周技术周刊包含以太坊、Kusama、Solana、Cardano、Filecoin五个公链的技术类消息。This week's weekly technical magazine contains news of...



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This week's weekly technical magazine contains news of technology in five public chains: Eta, Kusama, Solana, Cardano and Filecoin.


ETA network


The old version appears as a bug in the Geth client, and the BSC, Polygon, and so forth are affected.


An old version of an Ethernet client, a bug, has caused the running nodes of these versions to be separated from the main network. The bug affects the old version of the Geth client, especially v1.10.7 and earlier. These nodes account for nearly 75% of all eth nodes, while 73% of the Geth client are still running the old version. This means that about 54% of the eth nodes run with significant infrastructure bugs.


Ministry of Commerce: In the first half of the year there was a corresponding increase of 186.3 per cent in the offshoring of new digital services, such as block chain technical services: in the first half of the year, the Ministry of Commerce disclosed that in the first half of the year 2020, our enterprise contracted to outsource services in the amount of $6,79.53 billion (the same currency) and implemented in the amount of $45.13 billion, representing an increase of 5.9 per cent and 10.9 per cent, respectively, respectively, of the same amount of 186.3 per cent for new digital services, such as cloud computing services, artificial intelligence services, block chain technical services, etc. (System Times) [2020/7/23].


Ether's domain name system is fully integrated into DNS domain space at Ether.


For example, if the user has an example.com on DNS, it can be imported into ENS to continue using example.com instead of example.eth, and also allow the user to set ENS records to receive encrypted currency such as ETH, BTC and DOGE on the example.com domain name. ENS states that the development of the function is funded by ETA Foundation and ETCLabs. This is only the beginning of the ENS larger vision. ENS was initially targeted only at the ENS address.ETH domain name, but it has developed into a full expansion of DNS, running in parallel and supporting a whole new set of examples: portable Web3 user names and settings, payment of any encrypted currency, and off-centre websites.

声音 | 国务院发展研究中心党组书记:应通过区块链等技术建立质量的追溯体系:据新京报消息,由国务院发展研究中心指导、中国经济年鉴社主办的2019年中国粮食与食品安全战略峰会11月3日在京举行。国务院发展研究中心党组书记马建堂表示,应通过区块链等技术建立质量的追溯体系,切实做到优质、优价,通过价格的信号引导生产者发展高品质的农产品。[2019/11/22]

According to the Newjing newspaper, the China Food and Food Safety Strategy Summit of 2019 was held in Tokyo on 3 November, under the direction of the State Council Development Research Centre and the auspices of the China Economic Yearbook. The State Council Development and Research Centre's Party Group, Ma Jianxang, stated that a quality retroactive system should be established through technologies such as block chains to ensure good quality and good prices and lead producers to develop high-quality agricultural products through price signals.[2019/11/22]


On August 25th, Ether's full Internet capacity reached 646.7065T, the highest in history.


On 26 August, according to the latest data from Bitinfochart, on 25 August, a total of 646.7065 T was reached on the Taiku network, a historic high.


Release version 1.10.8 with the Taiwan client Geth to fix the gap before the upgrade in London


On August 24, an announcement was made on the Taiyo client, Geth, to close the EVM gap in version V1.10.8. The details of the gap will be made public at a later date, thus giving nodes and associated project parties time to update their nodes and software to avoid attacks. And, since the gap existed before London’s upgrade, all of the hard Geth versions in support of London are vulnerable and should be updated immediately. The bug was discovered by the Dutch developer Guido Vranken, working at Sentnl, at the audit of TelesEVM on the smart contract platform, and a report was submitted.

动态 | 人民网慕课上线“区块链学院”将探索分享适用于各行业的区块链技术:据人民网慕课公众号6月6日消息,近日,人民网慕课“区块链学院”正式上线。该学院课程由人民网慕课和FISCO BCOS开源社区联合打造,旨在整合协调区块链技术研究资源,提高学员单位在区块链技术领域的研发能力,探索、研发、分享适用于各行业的区块链技术,以及在此基础之上的应用场景。[2019/6/10]

According to the People's Networking Public News, June 6, the People's Networking Institute of Block Chains has recently been officially launched. The curriculum of the Academy, which was developed jointly by the People's Networking and the FISCO BCOS Open Community, is aimed at integrating and coordinating technical research resources for block chains, enhancing the research and development capabilities of the student unit in the area of block chain technology, exploring, developing and sharing sector chain technologies applicable to the various industries, and applying it on this basis [2019/6/10].


Released v1.5.0 from the courthouse 2.0 client Lighthouse


Issuance of version v1.5.0 in Tai Fan 2.0 client Lighthouse, which adds support for the hard split of Altair on the Pyrmomont test network, and also includes an increase in the rate of certification of certifying officers, the cache of unknown blocks to enhance the incentives for certification, support for editing under the Rust language, etc., which cannot be compatible with the version of v1.4.0 or earlier. Note that Pyrmont tested the network with the Tai Pa 2.0 test has performed a hard split of Altair on 19 days, and Altair has been updated with a relatively small chain of letters from the Tai family, one of the key new functions being the Light Client Synchronization Committee, where certifying officers are regularly encouraged to provide information on blockheads to light clients.

声音 | 狄刚:应积极推进以区块链技术服务于现实需求的应用落地:今日,中国人民银行数字货币研究所副所长狄刚发文对区块链的发展提出了五点看法和建议,一、从需求引导上,金融行业应该积极推进以区块链技术服务于现实需求的应用落地;二、积极关注公有链的发展,在参考借鉴技术创新的同时要考虑必要的监管平衡;三、应该积极构建完善的安全认证测评体系;四、在传统技术架构基础上结合区块链技术优点继承式的演进;五、对密码技术的发展给予高度关注与积极投入。[2018/9/4]

Digang: The application of block-chain technology to serve real needs should be actively promoted: today, the Deputy Director of the Digital Monetary Institute of the People's Bank of China, Mr. Digung, has made five observations and recommendations on the development of block-chain development. First, in terms of demand-led application of block-chain technology to serve real needs should be actively promoted in the financial sector; secondly, active attention should be paid to the development of public-chain development, taking into account the necessary regulatory balance while drawing on technological innovations; thirdly, a robust system of security certification and evaluation should be actively developed; fourthly, the evolution of the technological merits of block-chains should be integrated with the evolution of traditional technological structures; and fifthly, the development of cryptographic technologies should be given high attention and active input. [2018/9/4]


Kusama network


Crust announces Kusama's 6-10 slot auction plan


Crust plans to open Crowdloan on 30 August and end on 6 October, covering a bidding cycle of five slots, with a target of 80,000 KSM for the Crowdloan round. Crust plans to launch a competition for eight consecutive lease periods, with the contributor KSM locked in until the end of the lease period, for a total of 48 weeks.

动态 | De Beers等公司用区块链技术确保珠宝真实性:据英国《每日邮报》报道,De Beers等创业公司将区块链技术用于记录珠宝从矿场到珠宝商的流转过程,保存珠宝图片,并记录重量、颜色、清晰度、切割等信息,以确保其真实性。[2018/8/19]

Companies such as De Beers use block chain technology to ensure the authenticity of jewellery: According to the British Daily Post, start-ups such as De Beers use block chain technology to record the flow of jewellery from the mine to the jeweler, to preserve jewellery pictures and to record information on weight, colour, clarity, cutting, etc. to ensure authenticity.[2018/8/19]


Moonriver's officially online, Kusama, transfer and EVM enabled


On August 27, the Kusama parallel chain of Moonbeam's Smart Contract platform, Moonriver, was officially launched on Kusama, and the transfer and EVM functions were activated. At present, the Moonbeam eco-based projects and teams have been able to deploy smart contracts and DApp to the Moonriver network.




Filecoin entered into cooperation with DapperLabs.


Filecoin publishes a blog article, announcing collaboration with DapperLabs. The creators of NFT creation on the free block chain can use rich media to create variable NFT metadata, IPFS content location and Filecoin proofing and decentralizing storage. NFT.Storage, supported by ProtocolLabs and Pinata, can easily protect NFT assets and related metadata, ensuring that all NFTs follow best practices to maintain accessibility over time.


Solana Network


Solana Devnet has been fed in Chainlink.


On August 26, Chainlink's feed prices have been released on Solana Devnet to provide a decentralised prontophone access to the Solana DeFi ecosystem. Developmenters on the Solana chain can use Chainlink's feed to obtain highly decentralised, high-quality and fast-updating price reference data to build a variety of hybrid smart contract applications in DeFi.


Cardano Network


Cardano Product Delivery Manager: Cardano Alonzo's final test network will be launched on 1 September


On 27 August, it was reported that, at the recent Cardano 360 event, held on 26 August, Nigel Hemsley, the product delivery manager of Cardano, had indicated that Cardano was expected to launch the final testing network before the hard split in Alonzo in mid-September. The test network would be launched on 1 September.


Cardano's Etheraya converter will be launched on the test site next week.


Gold money reports that the ERC-20 converter of Cardano will be launched on the test site next week. The converter was announced for the first time in May that users would be allowed to bring into the Cardano block chain a token based on the Taiku. Input Output Global project manager Francisco Landino said that any ERC20 could be issued as a original token on Cardano.






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