Ether is a decentralised block chain platform that supports the development and operation of smart contracts and decentralised applications (DApps). The original encrypted currency of Ether is the second largest encrypted currency in the world, after Bitcoin.
以太坊的创始人是一位年轻的程序员和密码学爱好者,他的名字叫做维塔利克·布特林(Vitalik Buterin),我们也俗称他V神,他出生于俄罗斯,后来移民到加拿大,目前拥有俄罗斯和加拿大的双重国籍。
The founder of Ethio was a young programmer and cryptographer named
Vitalik & Middot; Botlin, born on 31 January 1994 in the Russian city of Kolomna, his father was a computer scientist. He emigrated to Canada with his parents at the age of six in search of better employment opportunities. He showed interest and talent in mathematics, programming and economics from a young age. He was placed in a class for talented children in the third grade of primary school and in a private school in Toronto at the time of high school. He acquired a bronze medal in the International Information Olympics (IOI) in 2012 and entered the University of Waterloo in 2013 for computer science.
维塔利克·布特林在17岁时从父亲那里了解到了比特币这种新型的数字货币,他对其感到好奇和着迷,并开始在网上寻找更多的相关信息。他很快就成为了比特币社区的活跃成员,并开始为一些比特币相关的网站和杂志撰写文章。他在2011年与米哈伊·阿利西(Mihai Alisie)共同创办了《比特币杂志》(Bitcoin Magazine),并担任其首席撰稿人。他还参与了一些比特币相关的项目,如彩色硬币(Colored Coins)和主导者(Mastercoin),这些项目都试图在比特币区块链上实现更多的功能和应用。
Vitalik & Middot; Botlin, when his father was 17 years old, learned of the new digital currency of Bitcoin, which he was curious about and fascinated by and began searching for more information online. He quickly became an active member of the Bitcoin community and started writing for a number of Bitcoin-related websites and magazines. He worked with Mikhail & Middot; Mihai Alisie co-founded the Bitcoin Magazine and acted as its lead author. He also participated in a number of Bitcoin-related projects, such as the Colored Coins and the Mastercoin, which sought to achieve more functionality and application in the Bitco region chain.
维塔利克·布特林在2013年底发表了一篇白皮书,提出了以太坊这个全新的区块链平台的构想。他认为比特币和区块链技术不仅可以用于金融领域,还可以用于其他领域,如社交、游戏、身份、物联网等。他认为区块链需要一个更强大和灵活的编程语言,可以让开发者自由地创建各种智能合约和去中心化应用。他设计了一种图灵完备(Turing-complete)的编程语言——Solidity,并提出了以太坊虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine)作为执行智能合约和DApps的运行环境。他还提出了一种新型的共识机制——权益证明(Proof-of-Stake),以替代比特币的工作量证明(Proof-of-Work),以降低区块链的能耗和中心化风险。
Vitalik & Middot; Butrin published a white paper at the end of 2013 setting out the idea of a brand-new block chain platform in Taiping. He argued that Bitcoin and block chain technology could be used not only in the financial field, but also in other areas, such as socialization, games, identity, physical networking, etc. He argued that the block chain needed a stronger and more flexible programming language that would allow developers to freely create intellectual contracts and centralize applications. He also proposed a new consensus mechanism & mdash; & mdash; Proof-of-Stake; and Proof-Work) as an alternative to the Bitcoin workload certificate to reduce the energy consumption and centralization risks of the block chain.
维塔利克·布特林的白皮书引起了许多人的关注和支持,他很快就组建了一个团队,开始着手开发以太坊。他的团队包括了一些区块链领域的专家和创业者,如加文·伍德(Gavin Wood)、查尔斯·霍斯金森(Charles Hoskinson)、安东尼·迪奥里奥(Anthony Di Iorio)和约瑟夫·卢宾(Joseph Lubin)。他们在2014年进行了一次公开的众筹活动,筹集了约1800万美元的资金,并于2015年7月正式启动了以太坊主网。自此,以太坊成为了全球最大和最活跃的区块链平台之一,吸引了无数的开发者和用户,孕育了许多创新的项目和应用,如去中心化金融(DeFi)、非同质化代币(NFT)、去中心化自治组织(DAO)等。维塔利克·布特林也成为了区块链领域最有影响力和声望的人物之一,他不仅持续地推动着以太坊的技术进步和社区发展,还积极地参与和支持其他区块链项目和公益事业,如Plasma、Zcash、OmiseGo、GiveDirectly等。
Vitalik & Middot; Botlin’s White Paper attracted the attention and support of many, and he quickly formed a team that began to develop Ethio. His team included experts and entrepreneurs in the area of block chains, such as Gavin & Middot; Gavin Wood; Charles & Middot; Charles Hoskinson; Anthony & Middot; Anthony Di Iorio; Joseph & Middot; Joseph Lubin; Joseph Lubin, who conducted an open public campaign in 2014 to raise some $18 million in funds, and officially launched the Ethno Network in July 2015. Since then, the Ethn has become one of the largest and most active regional platforms in the world, attracting numerous developers and users, breeding many innovative projects and applications, such as decentralizing finance (DeFi), decodification (NFT), decentralization of self-governing organizations (DA) and others.
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