
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:46 评论:0
记者 | 司林威Reporter... Xiang Silingway. 8月5日晚间 ,区块高度 12,965,000,世界最大公链之一的以太坊网络完成代号为“伦敦”的硬分叉升级。本次升级共涉及五项提案:EIP-1559、EIP-3...



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记者 | 司林威

Reporter... Xiang Silingway.

8月5日晚间 ,区块高度 12,965,000,世界最大公链之一的以太坊网络完成代号为“伦敦”的硬分叉升级。本次升级共涉及五项提案:EIP-1559、EIP-3198、EIP-3529、EIP-3541 以及 EIP-3554。其中涉及以太坊交易gas费用的EIP-1559最受瞩目。升级完成后,市场预期加密货币以太坊将进入“通缩”阶段。

On the evening of August 5, blocks were high at 12,965,000, and the hard fork upgrade code-named “London” was completed by one of the largest public chains in the world. The upgrade involved five proposals: EIP-1559, EIP-3198, EIP-3529, EIP-3541, and EIP-35544. The EIP-1559, which involved the cost of trading with the tataigas, was the most visible. When the upgrade was completed, the market expected the encrypted currency to enter the “convulsion” phase.


As a result of the upgrading of the “London” hard fork, several trading platforms, including currency security, announced in advance that they would suspend the charging and taking up of their operations on the Etheria network.


On the evening of August 5, with the official completion of the hard fork, the currency announcement issued in support of the hard fork, has resumed the operation of a network-based infusion of coins with the Taipan and other ERC-20 standards. On the same day, the gun price and the O-I announced their support for the upgrading of the fork for the hard fork in the Tai fork.


The importance of the “London” upgrade for the Ethernom network will be recorded in history, and the encoded currency market will also respond to it.


In the early morning of 6 August, the encrypt currency rose slightly, and Bitcoin once again broke through the 40,000-dollar gate, with a 2.68 per cent increase in 24 hours and a $2,800 gain in 24 hours and a 3.66 per cent increase in 24 hours.


Why is this upgrade of interest? Is EIP-1559 really affecting the development of Etheria?


previously reported in the interface news, the Ether community had a lot of controversy about the EIP-1559 proposal. due to the direct involvement of EIP1559 in Ether transfer costs, which touched on the direct interests of miners and users of the Ethernet network, the parties were deeply divided, and the implications of the upgrade were buried. The plan for “London” scheduled for July was also postponed until 5 August.

具体来说,在 EIP-1559 提案完成后,以太坊上的每笔交易都将燃烧基本gas费用,这会自动减少以太坊的流通供应量,使以太坊代币发行可能进入通缩阶段。

Specifically, after the EIP-1559 proposal has been completed, each transaction in the district will burn basic gas costs, which will automatically reduce the flow supply in the chamber and make it possible to move into deflationary stages.

欧科云链对此解释为:“EIP-1559改变了以第一价拍卖为基础的Gas fee计算逻辑。第一拍卖即价高者得,用户为了让矿工及时打包自己的交易,需要加价支付矿工费,出价越高,被优先打包的概率越大,在一定程度上会造成Gas fee的无限增长。对于EIP-1559来说,用户交易需要支付一个固定的“基本费用”,如果想要矿工优先处理,可以添加‘小费’,也就是所谓的 ‘优先费’。

The Ocowin chain interprets this as: “EIP-1559 changes the calculation logic of Gasfe, based on first price auctions. First auctions are priced by high pricers, users need to pay a premium to allow miners to pack their transactions in a timely manner. The higher the price, the higher the probability that they will be given priority, will result in an unlimited increase in Gasfe. For EIP-1559, user transactions will require a fixed “basic cost” and, if the miners are to be treated as a priority, they can be added to the ‘minus fee’, the so-called ‘priority fee’.


With regard to the relationship between base fees and tips, a car cab can be used as an analogy, for example, to take a cab home from a company and pay a basic fare, but if you want a driver to pick you up on a priority basis, you can increase the dispatch fee, the driver has more motivation to pick you up, and the driver’s fee is similar to the tip paid to the miners. For ETH, the base cost of each transaction will be destroyed, and the tip will be paid directly to the miners.


The EIP-1559 has begun to work, while the Ether London hard fork has been officially upgraded.

ultrasound.money网站显示,截止发稿前,不到24小时时间里,以太坊全网燃烧的ETH已超过了3831 ETH,约合1061万美元。

According to the ultrasound.Money website, the ETH burning in Ethio has exceeded 3831 ETH in less than 24 hours before the release, amounting to approximately US$ 1061 million.

基于以太坊网络的去中心化交易平台Uniswap创始人Hayden Adams在社交媒体上表示:“EIP-1559上线两仅个小时,Uniswap V2和V3所销毁的ETH数据预测(约80枚ETH),仅Uniswap每年就可消耗35万枚ETH ,对于以太坊来说,这是一次巨大的胜利。”据悉,35万枚ETH当下市场价值接近10亿美元。

According to Hayden Adams, founder of Uniswap, a decentralised trading platform based on the Taiwan network, on social media, “EIP-1559 went online for two hours, and Uniswap V2 and V3 destroyed ETH data predictions (approximately 80 ETHs), and Uniswap alone consume 350,000 ETHs per year, which is a huge victory for Etai.” It is known that 350,000 ETHs are at a market value close to $1 billion.

关于升级后以太坊是否进入“通缩”阶段, Twitter 用户 korpi 强调“以太坊似乎不太可能在伦敦硬分叉后很快出现通货紧缩,因为销毁的 ETH 数量必须多于区块奖励中发行的ETH数量。”

As to whether the upgrade will enter the phase of “convulsion”, Twitter user korpi stressed that “It seems unlikely that Ether will contract soon after London's hard split, because the number of ETHs destroyed will have to be greater than the number of ETHs issued in block awards.”

EIP-1559提案由以太坊创始人Vitalik·Buterin提出,本意为解决以太坊网络拥堵和转账费用过高问题。但gas now数据显示,近七日以太坊主网gas费用平均值已低于100gwei,处于正常水平。且“伦敦”升级后,gas费用曾短暂上升,并未出现下降情况。

The EIP-1559 proposal, put forward by Vitalik Buterin, founder of Etheria, was intended to address the problem of the excessive cost of Internet congestion and transfers in Etheria. However, gas now shows that the average cost of the Ethionet gas has been below 100 gwei in the last seven days, at normal levels. And after the “London” upgrade, the cost of Gas rose briefly and did not decline.

对此,以太坊开发者trent8月6日在推特解释称:“首先,大量NFT空投导致拥堵;其次,完成后个交易平台回复交易释放了被抑制的转账需求,最后一些矿工对gas limit的设置,使可用的区块空间较少,进而导致吞吐量降低。”

In response, on 6 August, ETA developer Trent explained on Twitter: “First, a large number of NFT airdrops have resulted in congestion; second, the completion of the latter trading platform's return has released the suppressed transfer demand, and finally some miners have set up gas limit, making less space available, thereby reducing the amount of vomit”.


To date, the impact of the upgraded ETA transfer fee mechanism on miners’ income has not been specifically disclosed, and the market is generally of the opinion that miners’ income will decline in the short term. The Ocoyun chain data show that miners’ fees and fees currently amount to 4,723 ETHs, or approximately $11.67 million, before the entry into force date.


However, no new tokens have emerged from the current upgrading of the hard fork in the Taiku, indicating that all miners and ponds have implicitly accepted the new main network, as well as the EIP-1559 proposal, and that the mainstream of the market has expressed interest in the future of the Ether.

ConsenSys 创始人 Joe Lubin 在接受彭博社采访时表示:“价值 130 亿美元的ETH被锁定在以太坊2.0中,价值700亿美元的ETH被锁定在DeFi中,我们对以太坊的需求巨大。”

The founder of Consensys, Joe Lubin, in an interview with Bloomberg, said, “The $13 billion ETH is locked in Etheria 2.0, the $70 billion ETH is locked in DeFi, and the demand for Ether is huge.”




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