首发: 湿营销marketing
The full text, covering 14,000 words, is divided into two articles under (one, two, three, four) above (five, six). The following is the main text:
Big Huixie has been studying the Won-Cosmos for months.
In addition to a large amount of information (three books, dozens of papers, hundreds of articles), there were direct conversations with various players in the industry chain: investors, technical parties, content IP providers, marketing service providers, relevant media, etc.
One conclusion of Big Huixiang is that
But why is the current specific landing of meta-cosmos/Web3.0, whether VR, NFT, block chains, virtual people, full of illusions, short-term pranks, frauds... There is a huge gap between the future cakes and the present reality?
On the one hand, every new round of technology brings about the beginning of a new era. Every new opportunity, like the original but fertile continent of North America, attracts a variety of dead men and gold-diggers:
On the other hand, the character of a new “nationality”, “de-centralization” in the virtual world, which is more likely than the Internet to break the border flow between money and the attention economy, and the political problems involved are extremely complex, and the landing in China is still in “semi-calculation”, and the policy is also in the process of being explored, with hundreds of flowers outside the walls trying to leapfrog internally to find new borders.
Because money and news flow to it. Now it's just the beginning.
一个早期入局互联网、已经实现财富自由的70后创业者,从原来的“养老状态”开始关注并入局元宇宙。他对大湿姐说,这与他 2009 年做移动互联网创业时非常像——那是一种处于巨大机遇出现前夜的感觉,“一个可以重头构建的新世界”,所有创业者像是站在门口准备出发的探险者。
A 70-year-old entrepreneur who had entered the Bureau’s Internet and achieved wealth freedom began to focus on integrating into the Agency’s universe from his old “old age” status. He said to Big Hue that it was very similar to his mobile Internet start-up in 2009 — it was a feeling that the night before the great opportunity came, , “a new world that can be built from scratch” , and that all entrepreneurs were like explorers standing at the door ready to leave.
For every businessman, you can't be involved, but you need to understand, because there are more and more business problems associated with this background.
For example, in recent news:
国外那么多NFT的案例,能照搬到中国吗?……Why would Lo Young-ho want to start an XR? What can he do in this industry?
As the main thrust of “Wet Marketing Markering”, “Brings you the right idea of marketing in China.” By understanding the meta-cosmos/Web3.0, you will be able to correctly interpret the changes that have taken place, and the reasons behind the actions of businesses, now and in the future, and will be able to judge right and wrong on the basis of self-perception.
会有越来越多品牌主(toC toB)、互联网平台、产业乙方丙方、各级政府方,与这个战略发生关系。换句话说,越来越多的钱和这个有关,无论是商业的钱,还是政府的钱。无论是投资,还是消费。
There will be a growing number of brand owners (toC toB), Internet platforms, industry B-c, and governments at all levels involved in this strategy. In other words, more and more money is associated with this, whether commercial or government money.
The Bloomberg Industry Study predicts that the US dollar universe will reach the market size of $800 billion in 2024; according to PricewaterhouseCoopers, the market size of the dollar universe will reach $1.5 trillion in 2030.
Morgan Stanley released a report in February this year stating that in China alone, the market size of the Won-Cosmos is expected to reach $8 trillion, about $53 trillion, or nearly half of China's GDP in 2021.
据媒体不完全统计,在海外,2022年1月1日-2022年4月26日,红杉资本以每周一家的投资速度,共投资了17家Web3.0公司。而投资机构Coinbase Ventures在2022年第一季度,就投资了71家公司,除去休息日,几乎一日一投。
According to incomplete media statistics, overseas, on 1 January 2022 and 26 April 2022, Redwood capital invested 17 Web3.0 companies at a weekly rate of investment, while the investment agency Coinbase Ventures invested 71 companies in the first quarter of 2022, almost a day after the day off.
和21世纪开始的中国互联网大潮不同,这次的“元宇宙”/ Web3.0也将受到更多政府层面的关注与管控。尽管政治上层仍是谨慎观察、多方博弈态度,但从商业角度各地方政府都在积极引导。2021年起,中央部委首提元宇宙,上海、杭州、北京通州等多地政府超前布局。
Since 2021, 当然,每一次乱世先赚钱的第一波人都是投机者与骗子,这次也不例外。 Of course, the first wave of people who make money every time the world goes into disarray is a speculator and a liar, and this time it is no exception. 现在的元宇宙/Web3.0也充满了欺骗、犯罪、韭菜和投机者。通过信息差与各种忽悠,各方都立足给你“错误的认知”——或者是盲人摸象的片面认知与信息,或者干脆就是给你挖坑,从而带来噱头或者一方获得超额收益。 这让关于元宇宙的钱的流动,充满了信息差。 It's the flow of money about the meta-cosmos, and it's full of bad information. 所以大湿姐希望,在这篇,尽量用说人话的方式,给粉丝公正、正确的信息。我的视角是商业趋势、应用/营销,尽量简化技术与社会规则制定等争议,只讨论实用知识与商业认知。 So Big Wet wants to give fans a fair and correct message in this article as much as possible in human terms. My perspective is business trends, applications/marketing, streamlining disputes over technology and social rule making, and discussing only practical knowledge and business perceptions. 大湿姐对于元宇宙/Web3.0的观察,会主要围绕两个方向:第一,能给商业/营销带来什么变化?第二,哪些“元宇宙概念”的营销是品牌主现在可以考虑做的? Big Hue's observations of the meta-cosmos/Web3.0 will revolve around two main directions: 关于什么算元宇宙、WEB3.0,争论不休。 There's a lot of debate about what a meta-cosm, WEB 3.0. 如果是狭义的元宇宙,那么,因为规则制定的原因(去中心化\区块链\自由买卖的NFT),中国没有元宇宙,也预估很长时间(5年以上)看不到元宇宙的曙光;如果是广义的元宇宙,那现在相关的营销就可以做起来。 If it is a narrow meta-cosm, then, for the reasons of rule-making (decentralization of block chains and free trade in NFTs), China does not have a meta-cosm, and estimates that it will not see the dawn of the meta-cosm over a long period of time (over five years); if it is a broad meta-cosm, the relevant marketing can now be done. 狭义上(Web3.0)的元宇宙,的确很遥远。遥远到我们需要等到5G等基础建设的完成、区块链、联盟链等平台的成熟、VR/AR技术的TO C端应用普及……才能开启真正的元宇宙。 The metacosystem of in the narrow sense of 再狭义一点,元宇宙代表的是人类的“理想国”,这种乌托邦式的理想永远是未来,但是其中去中心化、平权、人人高精神自由、虚拟现实自由跳转背后不仅仅是技术、工具、算法,更代表了人类的一种精神状态,极难达到的精神状态,目前可能只有1%的人类能够掌握起价值观、服从其社会结构。大湿姐对此悲观。 In a narrow sense, the utopian ideal, which represents the “ideal nation” of humankind, is always the future, but it is not only technology, tools, algorithms, but also a spiritual state of the human race, behind which decentralisation, equality, the high spiritual freedom of all, virtual reality and freedom to jump, and which is extremely difficult to achieve, and in which only 1% of the human population is now able to hold on to values and submit to its social fabric. Big Hue is pessimistic about this. 但广义的元宇宙很近,近到就在身边。它是互动游戏、虚拟人、NFT、比特币……不同触点早已出现。很多数字营销的进化未来,都在指向元宇宙。 But the broad meta-cosm is close to it. It's interactive games, virtuals, NFTs, Bitcoin. Different contact points have already emerged. The evolutionary future of many digital marketing is pointing to the meta-cosm. 面对跨国界限全面开放虚拟世界的理想主义,大湿姐认为“画地而治”、“有限的自由”是更有可能的未来。 In the face of the idealism of a fully open virtual world across transnational boundaries, Big Hue believes that the future is more likely to be a “drawn-down” and “limited freedom”. 换一种视角来说:元宇宙代表的世界框架、世界观和社会关系价值观这些宏大的东西还非常远,远到看不到实现的日期;而元宇宙所代表的技术已经产生很多小的触点,不但在身边,我们还能看到他们三年内发生的方向,就在等WHO、WHAT和HOW——由哪一家公司、哪一个工具、哪一种商业模型打破圈层,从而带来更广泛意义上的C端和B端的参与加入。 In a different perspective, the world framework, the world view and the values of social relations represented by the meta-cosmos are far from being realized and far from being realized; and the technology represented by the meta-cosmos has produced many small contact points, not only around us, but also the direction in which they have taken place in three years, waiting for WHO, WHAT and HOW — which company, which tool, which business model breaks the circle, thereby bringing in a broader sense of C-side and B-end involvement. 《2022中国元宇宙产业投资白皮书》里,提到的产业结构划分的创业机会框架是: In the White Paper on Investment in the China Won Cosmos Industry, 2022, the framework of entrepreneurial opportunities for industrial structure mentioned was as follows: 底层技术:光学及显示元器件、物理引擎、云原生、渲染算法、图形算法、交互技术等; 另外,关于未来是元宇宙还是Web3.0的概念之争,其实非学界的人也不用太过关注。对于营销人来说,他们代表的都是同一个“罗马”。 , moreover, does not have to be too concerned about the notion of the future as a meta-cosmos or Web3.0. For marketing people, they all represent the same Rome. 想了解更多的,可以看看《为什么Web3.0革命必将发生在中国》这篇,也是万字长文。 for more information see , sn. 大湿姐认同他的定义:Web1.0,是“信息互联网”;Web2.0,是“身份互联网”;Web3.0,是“契约互联网”。以及关于国家能在其中扮演的角色,他提供了一个方向的解决方案。(另外一个方向的解决方案,参照美国) Big Hue agreed with his definition: Web1.0, “Info Internet”; Web 2.0, “Independent Internet”; Web3.0, “Indemnity Internet”; and on the role that the State can play in it, he offered a solution for the way forward. (An alternative solution, based on the United States) 现在的元宇宙发展,还在Gantner曲线启动期。 Now the meta-cosmos is still in the start-up phase of the Gantner curve. 对于元宇宙来说,如何将更多消费者的时间也就是注意力,拉到虚拟世界,是发展的关键。这个虚拟世界太大了,是任何一个企业甚至一个国家的资源,不能独立完成的。 For the meta-cosmos, how to get more consumer time -- attention -- to the virtual world is the key to development. The virtual world is too big, a resource for any enterprise or even a country, and it cannot be done on its own. 这是个“宇宙”,每个国家、公司,可以在里面建立自己的星系、星球。 It's a “cosmos”, in which each country, company, can build its own galaxies, planets. 这就像星际航行、建立另一个“地球”的移民:一方面,由企业来建立飞船,寻找并飞达新的星球,然后有很多人愿意乘坐工具来到新星球并共建星球,才能最终打造另一个繁华世界。 It's like interplanetary navigation, building another “Earth” immigrant: on the one hand, businesses build ships, find and fly to new planets, and then many people are willing to come to new planets and build planets together by means of vehicles in order to finally create another rich world. 这里面有两个关键点:能够激发消费者在“新世界”共建的工具/平台,在“新世界”产生更多的(商业)行为从而带动更广泛的商业进入。 There are two key points: tools/platforms that can inspire consumers to build together in the “new world” and generate more (commercial) behaviour in the “new world, leading to wider business entry. 最终才能建立宏大的虚拟世界。 In the end, an ambitious virtual world can be created. VR/AR技术,打的是“真实体感”。就像短视频对于文字内容的降维打击,这种调动更多直接感官的接入口,有不用解释的“打动感”;这种技术工具的普及+商业内容引入,会自然将受众带入元宇宙空间; VR/AR technology, with a "real sense of physicality." , like a short video decomposition to text content, is a portal for more direct senses, with an unexplained sense of movement; the popularization of this technical tool + the introduction of commercial content will naturally bring audiences into metaspace; 区块链技术带来的NFT到虚拟币,打的是“金钱调动”。无论是比特币,还是NFT(虽然中国阉割了它的重要炒作功能),都是用商业模式,直白说就是“赚钱”,吸引更多的受众加入其中,并贡献自己关于其应用的奇思妙想,吸引更多人参与这个庞大的“赚钱”游戏,从而进入元宇宙; 虚拟人,打的是流量吸引/偶像/粉丝经济。“崇拜”与“偶像共情”是自原始人以来就存在的社会学心理。这次,只不过利用虚拟世界的“王”与“表演者”,吸引现实世界更多的受众进入这个新星球。 This time, using the virtual world's kings and performers to attract more audiences in the real world to the new planet. 这三个触点,分别是“感官”、“钱”和“SEX”(一场关于钱与SEX的感官游戏)。 These three touch points are “sense”, “money” and “SEX” (a sensory game about money and SEX). 这就是,为什么目前元宇宙的“人民”,以资深游戏玩家、炒币者/炒NFT者、虚拟人粉丝为主等主流消费者“看不上”的小众。 This is why the “people” of the current meta-cosmos “doesn't see” a small crowd of mainstream consumers, such as senior gamers, NFTs/NFTs, virtual fans, etc. 目前的核心圈层,对未来元宇宙战略级别的发展,只是启动者,不是核心人群。 The current core circle, the strategic level of the future meta-cosmos, is only the starter, not the core population. 所以,如何拉进泛人群,是元宇宙发展的关键节点。 So how to reach the crowd is the key node for the development of the meta-cosmos. 为了走到这个关键节点,目前有“两条腿”: In order to reach this key node, there are currently two legs: 一条腿,通过流量内容、IP等区块链应用,去把原有流量内容/IP的泛粉丝吸引到元宇宙里,代表为NFT、游戏、虚拟偶像等; One leg, , is used through the flow content, IP, etc., to attract former traffic content/IP fans into the meta-cosm, representing NFTs, games, virtual idols, etc.; 另一条腿,通过工具——VR眼镜、AR设备等的普及,去扩展人群到元宇宙里,代表为字节的Pico投资。 Another leg, through the tool — VR glasses, AR equipment, etc. — expands the population into meta-cosm, representing investment in bytes of Pico. 这两条腿最终是配合来走路的。就像智能手机的功能和价格+微信/美团的应用内容,打开了移动营销时代。 有最多韭菜、投机的NFT,未来定义是基础工具,现在作为入门商业/营销工具,简单好用; has the highest number of pickles, speculative NFTs, defined in the future as basic tools, which are now simple and useful as entry/marketing tools; 虚拟人,会像现在的KOL体系一样百花齐放,组成元宇宙里“人”的要素,且分层次; 品牌“元宇宙空间”,是长期战略。但不配合体感设备,那都是噱头。 "Strong" is a long-term strategy. 数字藏品成为中国元宇宙的热度项。但在元宇宙没有条约限制的美国,根据社交媒体管理软件公司 Sprout Social一项研究,在其路线图中拥有元宇宙的营销人员正在转向虚拟现实 (VR),同时仍在试图破解 NFT 难题。 Digital collections become a hot item in the Chinese dollar universe. But in the US, where there are no treaty limits in the Woncoast, social media management software companies, Sprout Social, research has shown that marketing agents with the Woncosm are turning to virtual reality (VR) in their road map, while still trying to solve the NFT dilemma. 在那些尝试元宇宙营销的受访者中,39% 的人表示他们正在尝试 VR 或增强现实 (AR) 体验。只有 17% 的人正在尝试某种 NFT 推广。67% 正在研究元宇宙的营销人员将四分之一或更多的营销预算用于这些工作。 Of those interviewed who tried to market the meta-cosmos, 39 percent said they were trying VR or enhancing the reality (AR). Only 17 percent were trying some kind of NFT promotion. 67 percent of those who were studying the meta-cosmos spent a quarter or more of their marketing budgets on those jobs. 作为长期战略来看,最深度的“元宇宙营销”是企业建立自己的元宇宙空间。这个在国外已经有可成之法,但在国内,最大的问题,一是没有公有链只有联盟链,品牌空间到底在“哪个星球”建立?“哪个星球”能够长久的活下去而不“爆炸”?二是体感技术工具还不完善,目前不能普及性给消费者“完全不同”的体验。 As a long-term strategy, the deepest “megaspace marketing” is the enterprise’s ability to create its own metaspace. There is already a way of doing this abroad, but at home, the biggest problem is that there is no public chain but a union chain, and the brand space is created on what planet? What planet can survive for a long time without “exploitation? 所以目前的品牌元宇宙空间,比较现实的是基于某些项目的阶段性落地,例如在某展览现场基于游戏IP+体感设备的品牌植入与体验,就像是“快闪店”。会在后面具体举例。 So the current brand-sized metaspace is more realistic on the basis of the milestones of certain projects, such as branding and experience at an exhibition site based on game IP+ body-conscious devices, like a flash shop. This will be followed by concrete examples. 大湿姐一句话总结——如果目前做元宇宙营销: Big Huixiang summed up — if we're doing the marketing of the meta-cosmos at the moment: 着急蹭的用NFT;讲究性价比的试试虚拟人;有钱未来要打元宇宙空间战略的品牌,可以试试与项目合作“快闪空间”,积累经验值。 rushing to use NFT; ; ; 以下逐项分析。 The following is an item-by-item analysis. NFT是现在元宇宙概念中最火的一个方向,也是目前落地案例最多的。但和XR设备这种硬件方向来说,NFT目前也是受人诟病最多的、韭菜和庞氏骗局混淆在一起的。 NFT is one of the hottest directions in the concept of the meta-cosm, and it is currently the most frequent landings. But in the hardware direction of XR equipment, NFT is also currently confused with the most ill, pickle and Ponzi scams. 为什么呢?因为同比特币一样,NFT这种工具,目前在泛大众中找到的元宇宙结合支点,叫做“钱”。 Why? Because, like Bitcoin, NFT is a tool that is currently found in the general public, called "money." NFT是以太坊区块链的一部分,是token(令牌),本质上,就是加密货币的一种。只不过,这种token可以储存额外的信息,并可以以绘画、音乐、视频、图形甚至一段文字的方式出现。 The NFT is part of the tavern block chain and is token, in essence, an encrypted currency. Only, this token can store additional information and can appear in drawings, music, videos, graphics and even a text. 用商业模式嫁接NFT这个工具,就能产生无穷的玩法。而海外试验的、现在调动粉丝最快的玩法,都是直接与“钱”有关的。 By marrying NFT in a business mode, you can create endless games. And the fastest moves of fans that have been tested overseas are directly related to money. 这就像什么呢? What's this like? 像是某种NFT的创造者成了上帝,他指着苹果树上的一个苹果说:“这是钱,拥有它可以给你万物与自由”——于是先被苹果砸到的亚当夏娃和牛顿就财富自由了,其他人对这颗苹果树就蜂拥而至。然后这个上帝又指着蛇、指着石头、指着地上的土说,“这是钱”……于是韭菜们就都来了。 Like some kind of NFT creator became God, pointing at an apple on an apple tree and saying, “This is money, having everything that can give you freedom” — so Adam Eve and Newton, who were hit by apples first, were free of wealth, and others came with apple trees. Then this God pointed at snakes, pointed at stones, pointed at soil on the ground, and said, “This is money.” So the pickles came. 说到这里,肯定有NFT从业者,会和大湿姐争论:“NFT的价值核心是唯一性、稀缺性和不可分割性,你说的苹果、蛇和石头、土显然不符合。” Speaking of which, there must be NFT practitioners who would argue with Big Hue: “The core of NFT values is unique, scarce and indivisible, and the apples, snakes and stones, soil you say are clearly incompatible”. 抱歉了,从某种意义上来说,这个苹果是世界上独一无二的苹果,大湿姐和王一博都是这个世界上独一无二的人——虽然对于地球上的苹果和人来说,我们似乎都是一个品种。那些各种形态的艺术品,再它未被大部分簇拥者认同之前,也不过和其他同类产品“搓堆”而已。 Sorry, in a way, this apple is a unique apple in the world, and Big Hut and Wang Yibo are unique people in the world -- although for the apples and people on Earth, we all seem to be a species. The art in all its forms, and it's not recognized by most of the crowds, it's just a pile of other products. 这是大湿姐这十几年从营销中学到的道理之一。 That's one of those things Big Hui learned from marketing for more than a decade. 例如,拥有70名员工但公司全球每月收益达到一亿美元(!)的STEPN“虚拟鞋”的项目就是如此。 This is the case, for example, of the STEPN “virtual shoes” project, which has 70 employees but has a global gain of $100 million (!) per month. 通俗来说,STEPN这个项目模式是Move TO Earn,用户在它APP注册后,可以购买一个NFT虚拟鞋,在现实世界跑步赚钱,后者就像你的微信运动一样计数。 In general terms, STEPN's project model is Move TO Earn, and the user can buy a NFT virtual shoe after its APP registration, making money running in the real world, which counts like your micro-trust movement. 多简单的模式,不过结合网游经验,可以玩出花来:这双互联网上的虚拟鞋分四个类型, Walker(步行鞋)、Jogger(慢跑鞋)、Runner(跑步鞋)和 Trainer(训练鞋),每种类型对应不同的配速和基础回报。鞋子的品质包括:普通、罕见、稀有、史诗、传说,玩家会用不同的颜色去指代它们:灰鞋代表普通,绿鞋代表罕见、蓝鞋代表稀有…… A simple model, but with the experience of net travel, flowers can be played: four types of virtual shoes on the Internet, Walker (walking shoes), Jogger ( jogging shoes), Runner (runers) and Trainer (training shoes), each of which corresponds to different speeds and base returns. The quality of shoes includes: ordinary, rare, rare, epic, legend, players use different colors to identify them: grey shoes are common, green shoes are rare, blue shoes are rare... 在鞋子达到一定的等级后,玩家可以解锁相应的宝石和插槽,用来提升鞋子的属性,包括效率、幸运、舒适度、弹性。另外,鞋子的数量也会影响 GST (可以换美元的代币)的收入,玩家一般会采取鞋子的「数量+品质」组合配置来最大化赚取代币收益,比如「一绿八灰」。如果拥有多双鞋子,每两双可以用来铸造(mint)新鞋……达到30级的用户还可以质押解锁更多玩法。 When shoes reach a certain level, the players can unlock the respective gems and slots to enhance their properties, including efficiency, luck, comfort, and resilience. Also, the number of shoes can affect the income of the GST (which can be exchanged for dollars). Players typically use a combination of "quantity + quality" configurations of shoes to maximize their earnings in lieu of currency, such as "a green 8-grue". If they have more pairs of shoes, each pair can be used to forge (mint) new shoes... Users who reach the 30th grade can also threaten to lock more games. 熟悉吧?STEPN的虚拟鞋和你现实穿什么鞋一点关系都没有,尽管它的虚拟鞋图片都很像耐克,但是其实这个项目和耐克一点关系都没有,还因此被耐克告上了法庭。 You're familiar? STEPN's virtual shoes have nothing to do with what you actually wear, and although they all look like Nike, they have nothing to do with Nike, and they've been brought to court by Nike. 这个普通玩家入场门票是NFT虚拟鞋、现实应用场景是户外跑步的赚钱游戏,让第一批玩家每天日收益达到鞋子成本价格的3%,也让一双灰鞋子就卖1229元人民币的STEPN五个月成为独角兽。 The entry ticket for a regular player is a NFT virtual shoe, a real-life application is a profit game for running outdoors, allowing the first players to earn 3 per cent of the daily cost of shoes, and making STEPN, which sells 1229 yuan in a pair of grey shoes, a unicorn for five months. 钱从哪里来呢? Where's the money coming from? 简单来说,目前,用户靠跑步赚到的钱主要是来自新玩家入场时投注的本钱,也就是新人购买 NFT 虚拟鞋的钱。更多该案例见这篇文章:《5 个月长成独角兽,STEPN 能打破「庞氏宿命」吗?》 Simply put, at present, the money that users earn by running comes mainly from the money that they put on when the new player entered, i.e. the money that the newer buys the NFT virtual shoes. 这双虚拟鞋(稀有)甚至都能被在平台上炒成天价。这场“炒鞋不需要鞋”的项目,不管它是旁氏骗局,还是一个新商业闭环的基础,都非常清晰的给我们指出NFT的应用方向,也就是大湿姐前面提到的NFT在海外商业里的本质:作为一个拥有金融属性(代替货币)的工具,嫁接新商业模式,吸引渴望财富翻倍的粉丝进场,形成商业循环。 These virtual shoes (relatively) can even be fired on the platform. This “shoe-scowing” project, whether it is a Ponzi scheme or the basis of a new business closure, provides us with a very clear indication of the direction in which NFT is applied, the very essence of NFT in overseas business that Big Hue mentioned earlier: 所以,粉丝们,你们可以用这句话,去套用所有海外的NFT案例,包括“无聊猿”所代表的数字藏品行业,看是不是这样。 So, fans, you can use this phrase to apply all the overseas NFT cases, including the digital collection industry represented by the Boring Apes, as you see it. 和海外最大的不同,NFT在中国被叫做“数字藏品”。它是被阉割了的NFT,阉割的就是NFT的金融(代币)属性。 Unlike the largest overseas, NFT is called a “digital collection” in China. It's a castrated NFT, and the castrated is the NFT's financial (independency) attribute. 数字藏品,不允许交易。为啥呢? 第一,比特币因为洗钱都在中国禁止了,NFT如果能自由交易的话和比特币有啥区别? First, because money laundering is prohibited in China, what's the difference between a NFT and a bitcoin if it's free to trade? 第二,区块链的公链(如以太坊)在中国是被禁止的,中国只有“联盟链”,例如阿里巴巴的蚂蚁链、腾讯的至信链等,大家相互是不承认和跨平台交换的。 Second, the public chain of block chains (e.g., Ether) is prohibited in China, where there are only “coalition chains”, such as the ant chain in Alibaba, the tether chain to the letter chain, which is not recognized and exchanged across platforms. 鉴于这两点,NFT在中国变成了“数字藏品”,并丢掉了最重要的代币属性。 In view of these two points, NFT became a “digital collection” in China and lost its most important monetic attribute. 这让在业绩压力下还有良心的营销人(包括大湿姐自己)喜忧参半。喜的是如果是NFT那么在如此聪明的中国人手里还不知要玩出多少旁氏骗局,忧的是去掉了金融属性的数字藏品,就像被阉割了营销增长发动机,还能怎么玩? This makes the marketers (including Big Hut herself) who have a conscience under pressure from their performance mixed. Happily, if it's NFT, how many puny ploys do they have to play in the hands of such a smart Chinese? Worried that the digital collection of financial attributes has been removed, like being castrated to the marketing growth engine, how can it play? (插一句,如果哪个公司的提案还拼命给你说NFT在国外无聊猿、虚拟鞋促增长的案例却不提示国内的不同,那就是准准的把你当冤大头来忽悠) (Introverting, if any of the company's proposals were to tell you that NFT's cases of boring apes and virtual shoe growth abroad are not indicative of the difference in the country, it's to be sure you're fooling around.) 怎么玩?现在国内已经有至少上百家知名品牌主玩起来了,基本有三种方向: How do you play? There are already at least hundreds of well-known brand owners in the country. There are basically three directions: 方向一,和知名NFT藏品联合营销,把后者当成原来的知名IP一样使用。 例如,李宁购买了无聊猿#4102号头像,并将其形象融入到服装产品、传播物料之中,并上线无聊猿潮流运动俱乐部,引入流量到自己的半成品元宇宙空间里。 For example, Lining purchased the first image of the boring ape #4102 and incorporated its image into clothing products, propagating material, and went on to the boring ape tide sports club, which introduced the flow into its semi-finished cosmos. 这是个合适的买卖。因为,例如NFT的大IP无聊猿,条款中是购买者一旦购买,就拥有所有的知识产权,例如李宁无需再次向作者索取授权便可随意使用及二次开发,可以借此创造自己的联名产品。比很多IP价格合适多了。 This is a suitable trade. Because, for example, NFT's big, boring apes, the terms are that buyers, once they buy, have all the intellectual property rights, such as Li Ning can use and re-exploit at will without having to ask for authorization from the author again, thereby creating his own joint product. This is much more appropriate than many IP prices. 方向二,品牌把自己的产品做成一个“数字藏品”,就像我们是真实的人但也有虚拟形象一样。 In the second direction, brands turn their products into a “digital collection”, just like we're real people, but we also have a virtual image. 例如,奥利奥以黑白灰为底色,周杰伦的国风音乐为助力,将《千里江山图》解构成了5000份数字饼干,推出了全球首幅数字水墨长卷及宣传片,实现了饼干、数字藏品、国风三者的结合。 For example, Aulio, supported by black and white ash and supported by the national wind music of João Geron, created 5,000 digital biscuits from the Thousand Mile Map, launched the world's first digital ink roll and promotional film, bringing together biscuits, digital collections, and national winds. 这个部分,文化类产品比较好做,例如制作方华纳兄弟为了宣传效果,与NFT平台Nifty's合作推出了《黑客帝国》系列的NFT头像盲盒,单个NFT头像售价50美元(约318元)。凭借前三季带来的口碑,粉丝们纷纷买单,为制作方带来了500万美元(约3185万元)的收益,而成本几乎为0。 This is a good part of cultural products, such as the production side, the Warner Brothers, working with the NFT platform Nifty' and the launch of the NFT headblind box in the Hacker Empire series, with a single NFT head image sold at a cost of $50 (approximately $318). With the last three seasons, fans buy bills, bringing $5 million (about $31.85 million) to producers at a cost of almost zero. 国内几乎所有的博物馆、和一些电视电影剧集都在学习类似案例,只是去掉了二次交易的部分,更多的变成了粉丝勋章和藏品。 Almost all museums in the country, as well as some television theatres, are studying similar cases, except for the elimination of the second part of the deal, which has been transformed into fan decorations and collections. 例如,周杰伦和其好友共同打造的服饰品牌PHANTACi,通过建立 PhantaBear NFT 将会员俱乐部建立起来。拥有此NFT更像是成为其元宇宙俱乐部的会员,可以享受到线下或者线上活动的参与。 For example, Jay and his best friend, PHANTACI, created the membership club through the creation of PhantaBear NFT. Having this NFT is more like being a member of its meta-cosm Club and enjoying participation in activities on or off the line. 这部分的国内应用案例还很少,因为相关“联盟链”平台的功能还不完善。但是,随便预测下未来: There are few examples of domestic applications in this sector, as the relevant "chain of alliances" platform is not yet fully functional. 通过一些“联盟链”的完善,借用平台的技术能力,会员能否再上面“拼团”?当买家选择拼团时,他们会加入一个团体,在这个团体中,他们可以协商更低的价格并获得折扣。 With some “association chain” improvements, and with the technical capacity of the platform, can members go up to “combination”? When buyers choose a group, they join a group in which they can negotiate lower prices and obtain discounts. 而品牌主可以鼓励团购,并根据他们他们的行为(购买或者浏览),形成不同的等级、拥有不同的品牌权利(从品牌信息到折扣),从这种token(或许未来不叫“数字藏品”了)的价值中,形成品牌自己“积分制”的元宇宙俱乐部。 Brand owners, on the other hand, can encourage sourcing and, depending on their behaviour (purchase or browse), form different grades, have different brand rights (from brand information to discounts), from the value of the token (perhaps not a “digital collection” in the future) to the meta-cosm club of the brand's own “fragmentation”. 总之,通过以上的现实和想象,我们可以看到,“数字藏品”尽管是被阉割的NFT,但依旧便于入门、拥有现在的实用与未来的实验空间。在实际应用中,以上的三种方式往往被结合虚拟人等手段,混合应用,成为吸引目标受众进入品牌元宇宙的触点之一。 In short, through these realities and imaginations, we can see that “digital collections,” although castrated NFTs, are still easy to enter and have current practical and future laboratory space. In practical applications, these three approaches are often combined with virtual people, and they become one of the touch points for attracting target audiences into the brand-sized meta-cosm. 再次总结下,数字藏品的应用方式: , again, the way the digital collection is applied: 第一步,品牌自己的NFT/数字藏品; First, the brand's own NFT/digital collection; second step 到达第三步,要解决的,不仅是营销问题,还是“小世界”的架构问题(选择哪个联盟链),连通整个品牌的资源。 The third step is to address not only marketing issues, but also the architecture of the “small world” (choose which chain of alliances) that connects the entire brand's resources. 下一个,是当下更火、门槛同样很低但是上限很高的应用:虚拟人。 Next is the application that is now more intense, equally low-threshold but very high-end: 最后,关于元宇宙/Web3.0,大湿姐说:未来比你想象的更庞大路程比你想象的会更长。 After , on the meta-cosmos/Web3.0 >, Big Hut said: 来源公众号:湿营销marketing(ID:SOmarketing)
strang> hardware equipment:
strang> application tools: digital person, digital twin, NFT digital collection, AI generation content;
commercial scene: 那么,在大湿姐看来,现在已经形成初步建立虚拟世界共识的,是以下三个吸引受众的触点方向:
STEPN 的鞋子类型 (图片来源 | STEPN 官网)讲完了国外,我们说说NFT在中国的应用。
, the use of NFT to complete interactions with real world, preferably self-physical products; third step
, could you also use it to build your own private domain?
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