
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:44 评论:0
原标题:“狗币”“屌丝币”等山寨比特币被热炒   一家网站上“狗币”与“人民币”的兑价图   山寨币QQ群截图   自比特币被热炒之后,一些类似比特币的新币种被玩家称为“山寨币”。这些山寨币的涨跌也常跟比特币挂钩。国内外的山寨...



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Since Bitcoin was fired, some of the new bitcoin-like coins have been referred to by players as “shelter coins.” The ups and downs of these mounds are often tied to bitcoins. Together, there are more than 30 hot ones, both domestic and foreign.


Because of its type of operation similar to bitcoin, these coins are referred to by insiders as “shelter coins.” They are also called “shelts” with “dog coins” and “crickets” and so on. Anyone with some kind of start-up money can set up a trading platform website. When the platform’s financial chain breaks, they can lead to a platform team running or not cashing money to players.


At present, the combination of domestic and foreign bounties brings the number to more than 30, a figure that can never be concretized because of the emergence of new currencies at any time and the cessation of transactions in some of the old ones.


With the issuance of the Bitcoin Risk Protection Notice by the five ministries, third-party payment agencies such as the Treasurenet, Pepsi and shell have now indicated that they will no longer allow transactions in virtual currency such as Bitcoin.


But there are still a lot of players who are keen to squeez. Because of the relatively cheapness of the mountain coins, they can be exchanged with bitcoin, many of them with bitcoin and a few squirts. One player says that everyone who comes to squirts, but most of them are speculators. One of the more famous mountain coins abroad, the Quarke, has risen by nearly 300 per cent.


Of the more than 200 groups of QQ in which virtual currency is discussed, many have reached the cap of 1,000.


There is now a culture of fixed terminology in the circle, where the terms “mining”, “miners” and “carbing” have their own meanings. As virtual money is derived from the game, these coffers are collectively referred to as “players”.


invests tens of thousands of upgrades


When a virtual currency called "Poo" fell from 0.2 to 0.00002, a player pointed a straight keyboard at a transaction interface that showed increases in various currencies.


This is a virtual currency similar to Bitcoin. Because such currencies are digital products, they are less costly to create, and one industrialist claims that the development of a new currency requires only some modifications in the customer code parameters of a bitcoin.


In the view of one player, the names of the mountain coins, like "dog coins," "infinite coins", "cool silk coins" and "infinity coins," are quite a chance for profit. These mountain coins are rising and falling.


The essence of virtual money is a string of data, so the simplest way to bargain is “mining”. First, players need to be equipped with high-performance computers and decrypt a random set of numbers based on the algorithms of particular virtual currencies. When competing with others and successfully providing the network with specific numbers, the network gives a certain amount of virtual money to the miners for this particular set of figures. Such self-exploiting money players are called “miners”, while specific mining digital areas are referred to as “miners”.


This is very demanding for all kinds of equipment for computers, and in order to be able to dig more and more quickly, miners will be equipped with three or four computers working at the same time, not to mention spending every other time on equipment upgrades. In short, it's normal for miners to invest tens of thousands of dollars in coins.


In addition, BJP journalists found that the mining process would result in computers continuing to work at a high capacity and high electricity costs being included as a cost.


According to data from professional evaluation sites such as Nakamura Online, the highest number of diggers in bitcoin is the case of computers with different cards that cost between $100 and $240 per bitcoin.



On 7 January, the Treasures announced a ban on the sale of virtual currency such as bitcoins and bogus coins, as well as mining equipment such as mining tutors and diggers. Prior to that, hundreds, shell electronics, etc., had announced the cessation of payment of bitcoins because the value of virtual money changed too widely to protect the interests of users.


After the news came out, there was a lot of discussion among the players. It was understood that "The ban on virtual currency is normal and so much has fallen."


In the wake of the Treasures announcement, a newspaper reporter found that new pond addresses of various bounties had been published in the crowd, with ads such as “Senior Mineral Researchers, Stability First” appearing from time to time.


On 5 December last year, the Circular on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin, issued by five ministries, including the People's Bank of China, stated that bitcoin did not have the same legal status as a currency and could not and should not be used as a currency in the market.


“The people who are fired will still be fired, and the previous circular issued by the five ministries has led to a fall and is now back.” Some players say that the difficulty of buying mining tools through formal channels will not prevent the players from not buying, because the people who have invested will not let go.


trap one >/strong

  交易平台延迟成交 已成圈内潜规则


Unlike the mining "printing" method, buying money directly from various trading platforms is also a way of selling currency, and it is simple to operate. The price of different currencies varies from one trading platform to another. Some of these currencies can be exchanged directly with the renminbi, while others can only be converted into other virtual currency.


"I doubt their motives." A senior brick mover said that he often swaps money between four or so platforms, but when moving bricks, the money that comes in sometimes takes two or three days to be confirmed, just when the price falls to its previous level.


Today, a “former staff member” of a trading platform says that he sells a virtual currency, 90% of which the company owns and is worthless. At that point, they buy it in bitcoin at a higher price on another trading platform, while selling it at a lower price on their own platform, and many move bricks buy it out of their own platform. If they buy less, the platform gives them dessert. When people buy it in bulk, their own platform delays the transaction and buys the money on the platform where the price is higher in another account number.


trap two >/strong

  平台若资金链断 玩家可能提不出钱

If the strong platform breaks down, the player may not be able to raise the money.


Player Wu says that the market for the bounties is similar to the "underground money," and the water is deep. The rise and fall of the coin depends entirely on the dealer's manipulation, “not only that, it's your own business, it's your business; even if it's your business, it doesn't have to take the money away. The people in the trading platform don't run, but you can do it without the money, and you can do it again, but you can't win.”


Yesterday, a trading platform posted a notice: “The virtual currency withdrawal has been suspended for technical maintenance, thanks for your understanding and support.” A large amount of money invested by the bankers has been placed on the platform.


There was a lot of verbal abuse, and countless players tried to make phone calls. This wasn't new to Wu. He said, "Sometimes, the trading platform says the website was attacked, and hackers took all the money out of the account. Whatever the reason, you lost your currency or you had it, but you couldn't raise it."


An insider has revealed that a trading platform is built by a dealer or a team that can build a platform if it has start-up funds and a website. To be profitable, a trading platform’s team requires a constant injection of renminbi funds into the platform by the player, and when the old player loses money, the trading platform’s financial chain breaks when the number of new players is not at a certain level in a short period of time, which is why some of the platform’s teams are running or not cashing the money to the player.



  没有实用价值 投资者慎入

has no practical value and investors are careful to enter


According to industry sources, mining is generally the equivalent of issuing money and moving bricks is the equivalent of scalding foreign currency. But normal currencies are based on and backed by national credit and combined national power, especially gold reserves, while virtual currencies are based on “arithmetic” and the mutual credit of insiders, and have little value in themselves if they are not recognized.

  在一个较大的交易平台“比特儿”网上,平台团队贴出了《比特币入门与投资宝典》,其中介绍道, “比特币之所以有价值,是因为许多人接受比特币为一种支付手段……但未有国家对此作出法律上的任何保障。”

On a larger trading platform, Bittel, the platform team posted the Bitcoin Introduction and Investment Book, which describes that “bitcoin is valuable because many people accept Bitcoin as a means of payment... without any legal guarantee by the State”.


He suggested that ordinary investors could look at it and evaluate Bitcoin’s “no currency at all” – not much of a practical value. And the price increase in Bitcoin is likely to be manipulated by the estate, with some people hoarding up and making up their goods at a higher price.




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