A major event that may affect these asset prices is the halving of these numbers, around every four years. In this paper, we will discuss how the upcoming halving of Bitcoin and Letco will affect their prices and why it is important to invest in them now.
Peter Schiff:比特币鲸鱼正在将比特币抛售给GBTC投机者:6月27日消息,黄金支持者、比特币反对人士Peter Schiff在推特上表示,尽管灰度购买了减半以来开采的所有比特币,但比特币价格还是下跌了。这可能表明比特币鲸鱼将他们的比特币抛售给了GBTC投机者。这些投机者最终可能会卖掉他们的股票,这导致比特币价格看跌。(U.Today)[2020/6/27]
Peter Schiff: Bitcoin whales are selling bitcoins to GBTC speculators: on June 27, gold supporters and Bitcoin opponents Peter Schiff tweeted that even though Greyscale bought all bitcoins that had been mined since it was halved, bitcoins prices fell. This may indicate that bitcoin whales sold their bitcoins to GBTC speculators. These speculators may end up selling their shares, which led to a drop in bitcoin prices. (U. Today) [2020/6/27]
The number of Bitcoin lightning network nodes amounted to 12684: according to 1ML data, the number of Bitcoin lightning network nodes currently stands at 12684, an increase of 4.28 per cent over the past 30 days; the number of corridors is 3,5657, a decrease of 1.8 per cent over the past 30 days; the network capacity is 922.71 BTCs, a decline of 4 per cent over the past 30 days. [2020/5/15]
The next halving of Bitcoin is expected to take place around May 2024. By that time, Bitcoin miners will receive a half of the incentive to handle transactions online, from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC.
动态 | 乌克兰基辅重新考虑将比特币用于公交付款:据bitcoinist报道,乌克兰首都基辅市的国家行政当局(KCSA)正在重新审查在该市公共交通系统中采用比特币(BTC)付款的优点。这个提案曾在2018年被提出,但考虑到当时的比特币成本,不得不暂时放弃了这个想法。然而目前比特币的价格已大幅下跌,为此开辟了新的机会。[2019/4/2]
Ukrainian Kiev reconsiders the use of bitcoin for public delivery: According to Bitcoinist, the state administration of the Ukrainian capital city of Kiev (KCSA) is re-examining the merits of using bitcoin (BTC) payments in the city’s public transport system. This proposal was put forward in 2018, but, given the costs of bitcoin at that time, it had to be abandoned. However, the price of bitcoin has now fallen significantly, opening up new opportunities.[2019/4/2]
Similarly, the next halving of Lettco is scheduled to take place in August 2023. During this period, Lettco miners will be given incentives to handle transactions online from 12.5 LTC to 6.25 LTC.
Halve the historical impact
For example, after the last halving of Bitcoin in May 2020, the price of bitcoin rose from around $8,000 to over $60,000 in a year. Similarly, after the last halving of Letco in August 2019, the price of Lightcoin rose from around $30 to over $140 in a year.
One of the reasons is that halving will lead to a reduction in the supply of encrypted money. As the number of coins is shrinking, so will the pressure from miners to sell, which may lead to an increase in demand, leading to an increase in prices.
The role of the campaign in halving
Another reason is that halving events often brings more attention to encrypted currencies. Media coverage of these events can generate excitement and speculation among investors, leading to increased demand for assets and potentially higher prices.
It is important to remember, however, that investment in encrypted currencies remains a highly speculative and high-risk area. Prices of these assets may still fluctuate. There is no guarantee that prices will rise after halving events, as there are many other factors that need to be taken into account in government approaches and regulators’ positions.
Final idea
In sum, the next halving of Bitcoin and Lightcoin is expected to have a significant impact on their prices. A reduction in the supply of encrypted money and increased interest on the part of investors and the media could lead to price increases in the months following the events.
Label: Encrypted currency
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