The latest popular television show, Operation Ice Break, on August 15, is the story of the anti-narcotic police, using the Internet as a means of contacting sellers to build drug networks. However, such a bridge has become a real case in reality. Recently, Changchun's customs services have used the Darknet for the first time to purchase it, using the Bitcoin payment method, to smuggle into the country's secondary psychochemical control drug “Cydoxine” via international courier channels, and to capture suspects, and to seize 1237.5 tons of it smuggled into the country.
7月16日,一件由新加坡寄往长春地区的邮件引起了长春邮局海关查验关员的注意,该邮件面单信息不完整,收件人的姓名、收件人电话等均为空白,收货地址为社区的一家食杂店。根据查验经验,现场关员认为包裹可疑,经开箱查验,该邮件内为十盒标称为“TRAMADOL HYDROCHLORIDE TABLETS”,即盐酸曲马多药品,共计1000粒。经吉林省公安厅物证鉴定中心鉴定,确认该疑似物为盐酸曲马多。
On 16 July, an e-mail sent by Singapore to the Changchun area drew the attention of the customs examiner of the Changchun Post Office, whose face sheet information was incomplete, the name of the recipient, the telephone of the recipient, etc., was blank and the address of the recipient was a grocery store in the community. On the basis of the inspection experience, the on-site locker considered the parcel suspicious and, after opening the case, the mail was marked as “TRAMADOL HYDROCHLORIDE TABLETS” or “TABLETS”, a drug called traymadol, a total of 1,000.
The number of drugs contained in the e-mail is already in violation of the law and is followed up by Changchun Customs agents.
On 19 July, at 9 a.m., the Changchun Customs Police captured the suspect in the 2nd section of Changchun City, seized 1,000 thugs in the parcel in question, seized 7.5 thugs in the bag they were carrying, and found 230 thugs in the house. At the same time, Zhang Xiao shared the criminal facts of smuggling 950 thugs from Germany and Singapore three times into the country.
According to the suspect, it was purchased using virtual currency payments through “black net” transactions and smuggled drugs through international channels. “What's `black net'? It's a web site that search engines can't search, and it's at the darkest, most hidden and deep bottom of the Internet world, with a lot of negative information in it. Its members communicate with each other in an extremely private way, making it very difficult to obtain evidence in a `bark net' environment, with dynamic pages, hard to trace, etc., which greatly increases the difficulty of tracking and combating.
According to the information received, Changchun Customs has recently seized six cases of drugs and psychotropic substances. The chief customs officer at Changchun Post said to the press that the customs office would then intensify risk analysis and focus its efforts on drug detection. It would also enhance anti-censorship capabilities and improve the accuracy of supervision in the field. It would also remind the public to comply with national laws and regulations, and to refrain from buying, mailing, entering or leaving the country to value life and away from drugs.
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