There has always been a risk-free way of earning money in the currency ring, which is “brick move” arbitrage, the so-called “brick move” – that is, when a single digit currency is priced poorly at a different trading platform, buys it from a low-priced trading platform and then moves it to a high-priced trading platform for sale, profiting from the middle price difference.
2018, when the currency ring is winterd, a considerable proportion of the people who are working on it have lost their blood, but in the winter, it seems as if they were not hit by the cold in the market, and in the eyes of these `brick movers', it is a business that makes no profit, and the 365 days in a year could be more than 300 days to move it.
OKCoin今年还开通了和Prime Trust合作的充提渠道,这家公司在美国实力很强,是一家专业的区块链信托公司,持有银行监管机构的相关许可和执照,通过Prime Trust充提渠道进行充提,最低100美元就可以进行,这么低的门槛,很适合初学数字货币投资的小萌新们试试手。而且通过Prime Trust充值还可以享受到免手续费的服务,无形之中又节省了一笔开支。
当我们想要通过OKCoin来搬砖套利的时候,需要准备一个OKCoin的账户、一个美元账户和一个OTC场外账户,OKCoin账户需要到网页链接 官网上注册即可。
I chose OKCoin simply because it was one of the few digital asset trading platforms with American licence plates, after all the money I invested was hard-earned, and if I chose a non-compliant platform, I could not even get my capital back. In my view, the choice of a profit-based trading platform means half of the investment, the choice of a compliance platform is the best way to "register" my own money.
The reason I chose is that it was one of the few digital asset trading platforms with American licence plates, after all the money I invested was hard-earned, and if I chose a non-conforming platform, I would not even get my capital back.
When the account is ready for OKCoin, it will be charged in United States dollars, and when the replenishment is completed, the USDT/USD transaction pair will be found on the OKCoin platform. When the purchase is complete, the USDT will be converted to RMB for sale into a ready OTC off-site account. 4 or 5 times a day will be fine if the entire process is smooth.
> > also surprises the Brick Moving Party that cashing through the OKCoin charge can be made on a second basis. It is well known that moving bricks requires a high rate of accounting for digital asset trading platforms, and that the stable dollar collection channels of OKCoin can well guarantee the speed of accounting.
It's perfect to move bricks with wood.
Finally, it's important to note that if White is not too bold to start working, he can take full advantage of the low threshold entry of OKCoin, and when the basic process is familiar, he can move a big one!
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