世界宛如一张棋盘我们在这张棋盘上进行着永不平等的竞争,但这并不是我们竞争不下去的理由,因此更应该倾你所有,尽你所能,谨慎与果敢并存,去开启生活未知的可能。电报号 axa6686
The world is like a board of chess that we have never competed equally on, but that is not the reason why we can't compete, so you should give it all to yourself, as much as you can, with caution and courage, to open up the unknown possibilities of life. Telegram axa6686
大家好,我是领航员。今年被称为NFT 的“元年”,但是NFT到底是什么?可能很多人都没有搞清楚过它的概念,因为它的存在比较抽象,也不是只言片语能解释清楚的,今天我就来跟大家简单剖析一下NFT,以及它和元宇宙的关系。
Hello, I am the pilot. This year is known as the NFT's Year, but NFT的概念 NFT的全称是Non-Fungible Tokens,中文可翻译为“不可同质化代币/不可替代代币” 因为NFT不可替代的特性,这意味着它可以用来代表独一无二的东西,比如说一张图、一段视频、一幅画、一首歌,甚至一个表情包。 Because 数码艺术作品的历史 History of digital works of art 1982年9月19日,卡内基梅隆大学的计算机科学教授——科斯特·法尔曼,发明了人类进入信息时代以来使用最广泛的两个符号:笑脸和哭脸符号。现在聊天软件里著名的小黄脸表情包就是来自于法尔曼教授的创意。 19 September 1982, 现在这两个文字表情包,正放在全世界最大的收藏品拍卖公司——美国遗产拍卖行的主页上进行拍卖。现在的价格已经超过35万美元。因为这套文字表情每套只有六个字符,计算下来,每个字符的价格接近6万美元。 Now these two text gestures are being auctioned on the home page of the world's largest collector, the United States Heritage auction. Prices now exceed $350,000. Because there are only six characters for each set of text expression, the price for each character is calculated to be close to $60,000. NFT的雏形 2017年,Larva Labs的创始人John Watkinson和Matt Hall设计了一个自动生成头像的程序,本意是作为游戏或者社交软件的形象备用,但并没有太大反响。为了丰富头像的多样性,他们运行调整了上百次原程序。后来他们尝试性地将图像上传到币圈,作品的独特性开始吸引收藏家的关注,后来逐渐成名。 In 2017, the founders of Larva Labs, John Watkinson and Matt Hall, designed an automatic image-generation program intended to be a back-up for games or social software, but with little resonance. In order to enrich the diversity of the images, they ran hundreds of changes to the original program. They then tried to upload images to the currency, and the uniqueness of the work began to attract the attention of collectors, and became famous. NFT的成功尝试 CryptoPunks算是最早的NFT项目。下图是一整套像素风格的图标,一共有1万个,作者声称没有任何两个头像是一样的,每个都只能出售给一个人。今年5月,其中9个作品首次在线下拍卖行拍卖,最终以超过1600万美元的总价售出,引起轰动。 CryptoPunks is the first 数字艺术家的加入 Add digital artists 谈到NFT艺术品,相信大家第一反应就是《the first 5000 days》,它是目前全球成交价最高的顶峰之作。 Turning to the art of 和上面不同,这幅作品的特点在于艺术性。毕普尔在组合时以时间顺序为基础,将主题和颜色相近的作品放在一起,整幅作品左半边偏亮,右半边偏暗,带有强烈的个人艺术风格。艺术家的专业价值是天价的基础,这种组合形式的大作,更是它的加成元素。 Unlike the above, this work is characterized by art. Bishop combines the themes and closely-coloured works on the basis of the chronological order, with the entire work half bright on the left, half dark on the right, and with a strong personal artistic style. Artists’ professional value is the basis of the price of the sky, and this combination takes the form of a great deal of work, and it adds elements to it. 元宇宙——NFT的最佳容器 dollar universe -- 电子技术标准化研究院区块链研究室主任李鸣认为,数字化资产凭证是元宇宙生态的关键要素,而NFT可以成为元宇宙中数字化资产凭证的一种表现形式,并且将随着元宇宙的发展逐步演进。彼时,或许大到实体资产、艺术品、商业创意、知识产权,小到个人的微博、朋友圈、视频、游戏、玩具、宠物、照片……似乎现实世界的一切都可通过NFT连接到区块链世界。也就是说,元宇宙会成为NFT的最佳容器 Li Ming, Director of the Block Chain Research Unit of the Institute for Standardization of Electronic Technology, argued that digital asset certificates were key elements of metacocococosystem ecology, while NFT could be an expression of digital asset vouchers in metacosycosystems, and would evolve as the metacosmos evolved. 写在最后 written at the end 狂欢之下,NFT正在偏离原本的价值。对于普通人而言,也很难分清到底谁是NFT的真正标签,艺术品、游戏、区块链、元宇宙、币圈,还是炒作,也许都有吧。
2021年3月11日,这幅画以6934.6万美元(约合人民币 4.5 亿元)的价格通过佳士得拍卖行拍出,进入目前在世艺术家的作品交易额排行榜的第三位。这件作品也是佳士得拍卖行首件以NFT形式拍卖的纯数码艺术品。
>br/> On March 11, 2021, the painting was filmed at a price of $69.346,000 (approx. RMB 4.5 billion yuan) and was ranked third in the list of trades in the works of present-day artists. It was also a pure digital art auction in the form of NFT.
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