The first interview was for bears.
The bear was an early participant in the BTS and an in-depth participant, most of whom used to run three BTS web nodes at the same time as his team. The famous slogan “BTS is good, 500 bucks, proper” was his idea, and the slogan was finally widely circulated, more loud than his own.
When did you know about the block chain? Under what circumstances? Listen to a friend? See yourself online?
Bear: In late 2013, when the Bitcoin surged, the media was attracted to the prospect of financial gain and took the initiative. At the beginning, they heard that Bitcoin had been 67,000, 100 times a year old. When they came in, they felt bitcoin was high, they couldn't handle the dishes, and for a few days, the number 2013.11.24 began to be known.
What's the first currency 熊熊:莱特币,因为觉得比特币涨的太多了不会有比较多的倍数,就选择了排行老二的莱特币。当时莱特币还是20-40块吧,等我研究好准备买莱特币已经66了。就买了三万块钱的试试。 Bear: Let's go, because it doesn't look like a lot of bitcoin is going to go up without a lot of doubles, then we're going to go to Leitco. Let's go to 20-40, until I'm ready to buy it for 66 bucks. We're going to buy 30,000 bucks. 是在哪个交易所? What exchange is strong on? 熊熊:OKcoin,OK界面漂亮,高大上。 Bear: OKcoin, OK nice interface, tall. 被何一吸引了? What's the attraction? 熊熊:那时候还没何一,OK还在一个破地方办公。 Bear: Not yet, OK's still in a shithole. 买莱特币赚钱了吗? Did you make money buying Lattencoin? 熊熊:了解三天后充值了3万,结果睡一觉起来就发现单价已经88了,吓得我赶紧卖掉,然后不敢再买,涨的太暴力了。我之前玩过几天股票,一只股票我等了几个月才赚了10%。后来眼睁睁看着莱特币从88块涨到380。 Bear: Three days later, 30,000 was charged, and when I slept, I realized that the unit price was 88, and I was scared to sell it, and then I was afraid to buy it again, and the increase was too violent. I played the stock a few days earlier, and I waited months to earn 10% of the stock. And then I watched Letco go up from 88 to 380. 再后来怎么样了? What happened next? 熊熊:莱特币380之后后悔不已,所以在2013.12.05央行文件出来暴跌之后大胆抄底,又充值了8万吧;然后一直阴跌为主,亏了几万块,资金大约腰斩吧。 Bear: Revealed after Leitco 380, after the collapse of the Central Bank document in 2013.12.05, he dared to write it down, worth another 80,000 dollars; he then fell all the time, losing tens of thousands of dollars, and cut off some of the money. 亏钱之后很后悔,觉得莱特币也不该玩,应该去找还没怎么涨的潜力山寨币,然后炒了数十种山寨币依然是亏多赚少,任何一个币涨的时候都等着一百倍,五倍十倍根本舍不得卖,然后一直拿到亏损为止。 After the loss of money, he regretted that it was too late to play, that he should go to the potential mountain coins that had not soared, that he would still have fired dozens of them, that he would have waited a hundred times, that he would not have sold them five times and ten times, and that he would still have the loss. 后来发现炒山寨币也不是办法,就决定好好研究一下技术问题,要找一个有技术含量的币,后来找到了BTS的前身PTS。 When it became clear that it was not an option, it was decided to study the technical problems and to find a currency with a technical content, and later to find the former PTS of BTS. 当时bts哪一点吸引了你? What was it that attracted you at the time? 熊熊:抵押产生的比特美元,兼具了比特币和美元的特性;去中心化交易所,比特资产的发行和交易。 Bear: Billion dollars from mortgages, with both bitcoin and dollar characteristics; decentralized exchange, distribution and trading of bit assets. 当时bm就那么有名气了吗? Was it that famous at the time? 熊熊:没现在这么出名,但是在中国因为推广得比较好所以知名度比国际上更高。 Bear: Not as famous as it is now, but in China it is better known than internationally because it is better promoted. 你曾经对bts的期望是什么? What did you expect from bts? 熊熊:越过比特币的巅峰。 Bear: Over the peak of Bitcoin. “bts五百刀”这些口号最初是怎么提出来的? How did the slogans "bts 500" come up in the first place? 熊熊:当时BTS初始数量原定是400万个币的,根据对市值的估算,我认为在发展良好的情况下几年内可以达到500美金一个币,所以提出了这个口号;为了便于传颂,经过一段时间的提炼,觉得“BTS好啊,五百刀,妥妥的”这个口号很有洗脑和传播效果。 Bear: On the basis of an estimate of the market value of the initial number of BTS at that time, which was supposed to be 4 million, I thought that the slogan could be 500 dollars in a few years in a well-developed situation, and that, for the sake of eulogy, after a period of refining, the slogan “BTS is good, 500 dollars, proper” had a brainwashing and dissemination effect. 所以“bts五百刀”这个口号是你提的? So you said the slogan "bts 500"? 熊熊:口号是我提的。 Bear: I mentioned the slogan. 当年你算是bts大户吗? Did you count as a big family? 熊熊:当年算中型散户吧。 Bear: That's when IBCs were counted. 你大约是在什么时候不关注bts的? When was the last time you cared about bts? 熊熊:2014年11月5号合并后。 Bear: Merged on November 5, 2014. 能举几个你参与bts社区的例子吗?你去竞选过见证人吗? Can you give some examples of your involvement in the bts community? Have you ever run for a witness? 熊熊:很难举例,曾经,我参与的小组运行有四个见证人;只是后来不玩了。 Bear: It is difficult to cite, for example, that there were four witnesses to the operation of the team in which I was involved; only then I stopped playing. 所以如果你持有一个币,看好这个币,你会参与到这个币的建设去? So if you hold a coin and watch it, you'll be involved in building it? 熊熊:绝对会,我特别注重哥们义气的。有趣味相投的事情,就是干。 Bear: Absolutely. I'm particularly interested in bros. The fun thing is to do it. 除了bts,你还深度参与了哪些币的社区? What are you deeply involved in, in addition to bts? 熊熊:首先,市面上称得上有社区的币,在我心目中本来就极少,现在总共也不超过10个币有真正社区;一两年前更是不超过5个币才有社区。 Bear: First of all, the market has community money, which is in my mind very little, and now totals no more than 10, and no more than five a year ago. 所以我曾经深度参与的只有BTS,未来将是MUSE。 So I've only been deeply involved with BTS, and the future will be Muse. bts熊的这几年,你是怎么度过的?在做些什么? How have you been living these years? What are you doing? 熊熊:炒币,跟踪各种币的新闻、开发进展、Q群吹牛。工作为辅。 The work is complemented by the production of coins, the follow-up of the news, the development of the various coins, and the Q herd of bragging. 你炒币之后,应该不久就是熊市了吧?今年是你经历过的第一个数字货币牛市吗? You're gonna be Bear City soon, right? Is this the first digital-currency cow you've been through this year? 熊熊:上一个牛市的高峰进来接盘,然后经历两三年熊市,一直到现在。 Bear: The peak of the last cow came in and went through the bear market for two or three years until now. 熊市那几年,你还在币圈,有没有想过不炒币了,退出的想法? You've been in the ring for years in Bear City. Have you ever thought about the idea of quitting? 熊熊:有啊。想的就是回本就不玩了。 Bear: Yes. The idea is to quit. 没退出的原因是? The reason why you didn't quit? 熊熊:要回本啊。做一件事没成功之前,不能言退。 Bear: Go back to Ben. You can't say no until you've done one thing. 如果将来回本的话,你就打算退了? 熊熊:当然不会退出的。熊市亏的最惨的时候只剩本金的1/10,心情低落才会那么想。 Bear: Of course not. The worst loss in Bear City is only one-tenth of the principal, and it's a low mood to think that way. 熊市那几年,你炒其他币去了,能具体讲讲吗?你觉得那几年你炒币的技术有进步了吗? Do you think you've made any progress in those years? 熊熊:没进步,继续亏钱。各种花式亏钱法都玩过一圈,上过的当你就不会再上了,会慢慢的形成自己的策略和看法。 Bear: There's no progress, there's no loss. All kinds of losses have been played, and when you've been there, you're not going to make it, and you're going to develop your own strategies and ideas. 炒币之后对自己的生活有没有什么影响?有没有什么改变? What's it got to do with your life after strong? What's it got to do with anything? 熊熊:很大的影响,因为亏了钱以及觉得币市赚钱容易,所以大量时间用来研究币,工作被耽误了,天天宅在家关心币,很少去公司,工作收入降低一半吧;睡眠时间也减少起码三个小时,性生活减少80%。 Bears: The impact is considerable, because of the loss of money and the fact that it is easy to make money in the currency market, so much time is spent on studying the money, work is delayed, home-based care for the money, company visits are rare, work income is reduced by half, sleep time is reduced by at least three hours, and sex life is reduced by 80 per cent. 投资一个币种,你是怎么进行分析的? How do you analyze it when 熊熊:刚入门韭菜时期基本就是追涨杀跌,听消息炒币。后来研究一个币,主要看技术方面,比如该项目是否有实用性、是否可行、团队实力如何、画的饼香不香、宣传能力如何。 Bears: The period of entry is basically a period of scavenging and falling, and listening to the news. A currency is then studied, depending on the technical aspects of the project, such as its usefulness, feasibility, team strength, the smell of the pies drawn, and publicity skills. 你看一个币的白皮书,是看中文的还是英文的? You read a coin's white paper, Chinese or English? 熊熊:当然是中文啊,英文不会。 Bear: Of course it's Chinese, not English. 那么你怎么去了解那个币的团队?看团队成员的twitter?你怎么了解它的宣传能力? So how do you know about the coin team? Look at the team members. How do you know about its publicity? 熊熊:我主要看团队里有没有币圈知名的老面孔或知名骗子,我不是技术出身,英文也不好,所以没能力去深入挖掘团队;宣传能力,凭感觉吧,厉害的一出来就会和重要的媒体合作报道,连绵不绝的软文。 Bear: I'm looking at the team as if there's a well-known old face or a well-known liar in the ring, and I'm not a skilled person, I'm not good in English, so I'm not able to dig deep into the team; and, by the way, I'm capable of propaganda, and as soon as I can feel it, I'm going to work with the important media, and I'm going to write soft language. 你不是经常在英文论坛发言吗?英文还不好? Didn't you often speak at the English Forum? Is English not good? 熊熊:百度翻译。 Bear: 100-degree translator. 你平时会花多少时间在投资数字货币这件事上?比如研究白皮书,跟踪项目进度。 How much time do you normally spend on investing in digital money? 熊熊:假设币圈有100个人,我花的时间一定是排名前5的人;具体时间大约每天三个小时有的吧。 Bear: Assuming that there are 100 people in the ring, I must have spent the first five; the exact time was about three hours a day. 你在哪些币上亏过钱? Which currency have you lost? 熊熊:莱特币亏过大约5万,各种山寨币约20万,比特币爆仓5万,BTS系列约20万。都是硬生生充值来亏的,不是A的利润亏给B。 Bear: Leitcoin has lost about 50,000, some 200,000 in various bounties, 50,000 in bitcoin, and about 200,000 in the BTS series. It's all hard-earned, not A's profit loss to B. 分析过原因是什么吗? What's the reason? 熊熊:原因主要是追涨杀跌吧,没耐心,喜欢换仓,一买就追高被套,一卖就暴涨五倍。 Bear: The main reason for this is that it's not patient, it's about changing the warehouse, it's about to be bought, it's about to be sold, it's about to be sold, it's about five times higher. 给你带来最多利润的币种是哪一个? Which is the currency that brings you the most profit? 熊熊:带来最多利润的币种我也不知道啊,因为还没赚过钱,这几年基本是不停的充值,很少提现;今年牛市账面有盈利,但是没兑现之前,我不敢说它是利润;只说账面看的话,应该是MUSE利润较多。 Bear: I don't know about the currency that brings the most profits, because it has not yet been made, and these years have been largely full-time, with little cash; this year the cow market has a profit on its books, but I dare not say it is profit until it is cashed; if I say so, it should be more profit for Muse. 现在能赚钱了,你觉得原因是什么? What do you think's the reason? 熊熊:现在账面有利润的原因:1.本身处于牛市,鸡犬升天? 2.自己耐心大增,学会了布局不同类型的币种/交易所,不再是梭哈某一个币。 Bears: The reason why the book is profitable: 1. is itself in the cattle market, and the chicken dog rises in the sky? 2. Self-responsible, learning different types of currency/exchange, which is no longer a sho-ha currency. 给你造成最多亏损的是哪一个币?为什么? What's the biggest loss you've got? Why? 熊熊:我已经不考虑曾经的亏损了,钱亏了并不重要,重要的是从中总结出自己的缺点并在以后改进。 Bear: It is important to take stock of its shortcomings and to improve its future without considering the loss. 因为我是一个感性的人,哪怕是在炒币上也并不是完全用理性的眼光来看待和指导投资行为,所以对我造成比较深遗憾的应该是感情投入较多的BTS;并不是因为亏的钱多,而是投入较多感情的币最终出现了自己无法接受的变化,然后退出。 Because I am a sensitive person, and even on the price of money, it is not entirely rational to see and guide investment behaviour, and it is the BTS, which has invested more in me, that has caused me deep regret; it is not because of the amount of money that has been lost, but rather because the currency, which has invested more in it, has finally come to an unacceptable change of its own, and then to withdraw. 无法接受的变化,是指什么? Unacceptable change, what does that mean? 熊熊:BM原本承诺AGS和PTS持有人将享有以后BTS社区所有后续DAC最少10%的代币分配权,所以很多人大力买入和投资了PTS和AGS,AGS实际就是投资人对BM或3I公司的投资或曰捐赠;可是当AGS投资结束之后,BM却单方面宣布将AGS PTS DNS VOTE等权益全部合并入BTS,而且合并作价很低;对我这种因为特别信任BM所以大力投入AGS的人来说,等于是低价买断以后的一切权益了。 B. Bear: B.M. had promised AGS and PTS holders that they would enjoy a minimum of 10 per cent of the money allocation for subsequent follow-on DACs in the BTS community, so a lot of people bought and invested in PTS and AGS, which were actually investments or donations by investors to BM or 3I companies; but when AGS investment ended, B.M. unilaterally announced the full integration of AGS PTS DNS VOTE and other interests into BTS and the low price of the merger; for a person like me who, because of its particular trust in BM, invested heavily in AGS, would be tantamount to losing all rights after the low price. 通俗讲就是不按之前的承诺和合同办事了,缺乏商业道德,卸磨杀驴了;所以呢,BM在我心目中的崇高形象就坍塌了,再加上当初社区里一些鼠目寸光的人只会附和BM的意见,从来不敢提自己的建议怕得罪BM,对我们这种权益大量受损的人热炒冷讽比如说:不想玩可以别玩啊,把BTS卖掉走人啊。 It is commonplace to say that BM has failed to comply with previous commitments and contracts, lacks business ethics, and kills donkeys; so the noble image of BM in my eyes has collapsed, and that some of the people in the community who were so insensitive to BM, who never dared to speak of their advice against BM, have a lot of people whose rights have been undermined, saying, for example, that if you don't want to play, you can sell BTS away. 所以呢,我既受到BM形象坍塌的伤害,也感觉不到任何社区温暖觉得很多人眼里只有自己的利益而不在乎事实公道,觉得没必要再陪大家玩了。我宁愿去玩摆明了骗钱的山寨币,也不想玩满口仁义道德的技术币。 So, I'm hurt by the collapse of the BM image, and I don't feel like any community warms up that many people see only their own interests and don't care about justice. I don't think I need to play with you anymore. 毕竟我是一个感性的人,只喜欢讲义气的人。 After all, I'm a sensitive person, and I only like loyal people. 那么你对bm怎么看? What do you think of bm? 熊熊:口口口口,口口口口口口 Bear: Mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth. 你对今年的牛市怎么看? What do you think of this year's cattle market? 熊熊:周期性的牛市,随着技术的演进以及区块链概念的深入推广,爆发了比2013更大的行情;接下来肯定得熊吧,大浪淘沙,最终只有那些有技术能力、真正有理想的项目才会坚持下去;不过仍然是以炒作为主。 Bears: The cyclical cattle market, with the evolution of technology and the in-depth dissemination of the block chain concept, has given rise to a much larger movement than in 2013; it must be followed by a wave of sand that will eventually be sustained only by technically capable and truly ideal projects; however, it is still dominated by fire. 你觉得你已经准备好迎接熊市了吗? Do you think you're ready for Bear City? 熊熊:准备好了,我更适应熊市啊。 Bear: I'm ready. I'm more comfortable with Bear City. 你对今年的ico大爆发怎么看? What do you think of the Big Bang this year? 熊熊:基本是骗钱为主,熊市的时候没什么人来改变世界;一旦牛市看见有赚钱效应了,纷纷发表誓言说自己是区块链的忠实粉丝,是专家,要通过区块链改变世界,开始骗钱;95%的项目都是临时起意以骗钱为最终目的,这部分项目会在接下来两三年接近于归零;因为我们并不需要这么多的各种骗子链。 Bears: There is basically money fraud, and there are few people in the city to change the world; once the cattle market sees a profit-making effect, it pledges to be a big fan of the chain, an expert, to change the world through the chain of blocks and to start cheating; 95 per cent of the projects are ad hoc, with the ultimate aim of lying, and this part of the project will be close to zero in the next two to three years; we do not need so many chains of liars. 你对最近对几个热门项目比如,eos,bancor,ae,tezos怎么看? What do you think of recent popular projects like eos, bancor, ae, tezos? 熊熊:今年我就看好三个项目:tez、ipfs、eos排名有先后。 Bear: This year I saw three projects: Tez, ipfs, and eos ranked first. 国内的基本都是垃圾,比原链应该有投机价值:长铗+巴比特的宣传能力无可阻挡。 It is essentially garbage in the country, and it should be more speculative than the original chain: the propaganda capacity of Long Qui + Babbitt is unstoppable. 你对李笑来的几个项目,pressone ,bigone 怎么看? What do you think of a couple of projects that you smile at Lee, pressone, bigone? 熊熊:之前说过了。 Bear: That's what I said. 假如真的这么多骗局,那什么样的区块链项目才能带你发财? If so many scams, what kind of block chain project will make you rich? 熊熊:有潜在实用价值的,来自传统行业内部的变革力量主导的区块链项目。在它产生真正实用之前,提前进入布局。 Bear: There is a potential practical value to a sector chain project that is dominated by the forces of change within the traditional industry. 你说以前有黑庄要拉一个币,让你提前埋伏,后来却没了下文,你是怎么认识这些黑庄的?后来你还跟其他黑庄有过什么动作吗?能谈谈黑庄的一些内幕吗? How did you know these black houses when you said there were black houses that used to pull a coin to get you ambushed in advance? Did you ever do anything with the black houses? Can you tell us some of the insides of black houses? 熊熊:很多时候我认为黑庄只是散户的一种想象,有的只是一些量比较大的大户,通过言论或宣传或操盘拉砸来影响市场,黑庄只是散户亏本之后找的替罪羊。 Bear: In many cases, I think that the Black House is just an idea of the homeless, some of which are larger than others, influencing the market through rhetoric or propaganda or manipulation, and the Black House is just a scapegoat after the homeless have lost their money. 所以,我没有黑庄的资料啊。 So, I don't have any information on Black House. 所以你认为庄家是不存在的? So you think the dealer doesn't exist? 熊熊:存在,但是大多数人以为存在的黑庄是不存在的,有些币是有庄。 Bear: There is, but most people think that there is no black house, and some of the coins are real. 庄家存在,但是黑庄不存在? The strongs exist, but the blacks do not exist? 熊熊:很少部分。 Bear: Very few parts. 庄家和黑庄的区别你觉得是什么? What do you think the difference between a strong and a black man is? 熊熊:大部分币其实是散户+大户合力的结果,不存在黑庄,一般人对黑庄的定义应该是持有50%以上或更多币的庄家吧。 Bears: Most of the coins are actually the result of the co-optation of the diaspora + large households. There are no black houses. The general definition of black houses should be those that hold more than 50 per cent or more of the currency. 庄家的信息你了解吗? Do you know anything about the strong? 熊熊:不了解。 Bear: I don't know. 你买过比特币吗? Have you ever bought bitcoin? 熊熊:嗯,比特币刚开始玩过一个月左右吧。做短线,发现好像赚钱太慢了。 Bear: Well, bitcoin's just been playing for a month or so. Short lines, it's like making money is too slow. 你有挖过矿吗? Have you ever dug a mine? 熊熊:没,缺乏挖矿的技术,也讨厌矿工,因为我当年炒山寨币等于就是给矿工交了两年电费,接盘各种山寨币然后归零。 Bears: No, there is a lack of mining technology, and miners hate it, because I paid the miners two years of electricity when I fired them, and then paid them zero for all kinds of mountain coins. 你对比特币怎么看?觉得未来会涨到十万甚至百万一枚吗? What do you think of Bitcoin? Do you think the future will rise to a hundred thousand or even a million? 熊熊:比特币肯定是长期看好,我一直很讨厌吹比特币的比特神教,但是看好比特币;我觉得未来几万美金一枚是可以的,但是什么吹一百万美金一个的,我就有点不信了。 Bear: Bitcoin must be a long-term watcher. I've always hated Bitcoin's bitcoin, but I've always hated Bitcoin; I think the next tens of thousands of dollars is okay, but I don't believe anything about a million dollars. 你觉得将来数字货币会被大众接受吗?会使用比特币去超市买东西 ? Do you think digital money will be accepted by the public in the future? 熊熊:一定会的,只是不知道是什么形态的数字货币。 Bear: Sure, just don't know what kind of digital currency it is. 你对比特币分叉怎么看? What do you think of the bitcoin split? 熊熊:不了解,不敢评论,最终谁赢了我支持谁。 Bear: I don't know, I don't dare to comment, who wins who I support in the end. 你对以太坊怎么看? What do you think of Etherom? 熊熊:启蒙了智能合约概念,但是我不认为以太坊就必将笑到最后,我一直认为以太坊有两个问题:1.那么大的数据储存如何解决? 2.智能合约的安全性。 Bear: Enlightenment of the concept of smart contracts, but I don't think Ether will laugh until the end, and I've always thought that Ether is having two problems: how does that big data store work? 能从这两个方面对以太坊进行改进的智能合约概念币,都会有前途,会有较大的发展空间和市值;这也是我为什么看好上面那三个项目的原因。 In both ways, the concept currency of a smart contract that can improve the Etherm is promising, and there is much room for development and market value; that is why I look at the three projects above. 另外我认为现在以太坊仍然没有什么实际的应用,唯一落地的应用就是:认购币平台,外面都叫ICO,我心里对它们的定义其实一直是:认购币。 And I think that there is still little practical application in Etheria, and the only local application is the subscription platform, known as the ICO, which I've always defined in my mind. 你觉得区块链技术的未来怎么样? What do you think of the future of block chain technology? 熊熊:大佬们都说有前途,那我也只能说有前途了;但绝对不是现在各种ICO项目里讲的那样,似乎各行各业都需要或都能被区块链技术改变。 Bear: The big guys say there is a future, so I can only say there is a future; but it's definitely not what ICO projects are now saying, and it seems that all industries need or can be changed by block chain technology. 我觉得只会在某些特定的行业有一定的价值。 I think there's only some value in certain particular industries. 你觉得数字货币行业发展的障碍在哪里?或者说它的缺点,缺陷在哪里? What do you think the obstacles to the development of the digital money industry are? 熊熊:技术门槛太高,安全门槛也高,价格起伏太大,发展初期只能慢慢来了。 Bear: The technical threshold is too high, the safety threshold is too high, prices are too high and the early stages of development are only slow. 你经历过交易所跑路的情况吗? Have you ever had an exchange run? 熊熊:2013进来开始,见过的跑路事件太多了,所以我特别注重交易所的安全性,分散资金在不同的币种/交易所,所以我不大害怕交易所跑路。 Bear: From the beginning of 2013, there were too many running events, so I focused on the security of the exchange, the dispersing of funds in different currencies/exchanges, so I was less afraid of running the exchange. 2016年遇到过一个小网站的跑路,杭州的轻付网,不过我进去的第一眼就知道那个网站的玩法风险极大,所以没怎么玩。也就某个认购币认购后,只能在上面交易,跑路后损失了千把块钱而已。 In 2016, I ran into a small web site, Hangzhou, but the first time I went in, I knew it was a very risky site, so I didn't play much. After some subscription, I had to deal with it and lost thousands of dollars after running. 经历过钱包被盗?忘记密码这种情况吗? "Strange" had his wallet stolen? Did you forget the password? 熊熊:本人极度细心,这种情况不会出现。 Bear: I am extremely careful and this will not happen. 你对烤猫事件怎么看? What do you think of the barbecue cat? 熊熊:币圈不能相信任何人,哪怕面相再老实群众口碑再好也不能信。 Bear: The ring cannot trust anyone, even if it is good enough to face up to the people. 币圈凡是以个人名义想让人把钱拿给他保管的事,我从来不参与。可能跟我的工作经历有关,我只认正规公司或有规范合同保护的事。 I've never been involved in currency circles that, in my personal capacity, want money to be held in his custody. It may have something to do with my work experience. I just think of formal companies or things that regulate contract protection. 你跟南宫是怎么认识的? How did you and the Naniya meet? 熊熊:PTS的QQ群里,发现一个很会讲故事的人叫武刺,武刺吹牛洗脑极有一套,我只花五分钟就认了武刺做领袖。而南宫说武刺是他师傅,那时候他刚被武刺带来玩币,我于是就套近乎叫南宫为大师兄了,从此开始了一唱一和的生涯。 Bear: In the group of PTS QQs, I found a storyteller called Wu-Sun, who was very well-informed, and I took only five minutes to identify Wu-Sao as the leader. The Nan Palace said that Ta-Sap was his master, when he was brought with him to play with the sword, so I came close to Nam-Sung as the master brother, and I started a peaceful career. 除了投资数字货币,还有做过其它投资吗?比如股票之类的。 has made any investments other than in digital currency? , for example, in stocks. 熊熊:炒币之前玩了短时间的股票,拿小半年才赚10%吧,所以一听媒体报道说比特币一年百倍,就被吸引了。 Bear: After playing short-term shares before the coins were set up and earning 10 per cent in the first half of the year, when the media reported that Bitcoin was 100 times a year, it was attracted. 你有专门去研究过投资这件事吗? Have you ever studied this investment? 熊熊:没研究过,但是我亏过啊,被套过三年啊,研究自己就行了。 Bear: No, but I'm sorry, I've been stuck for three years. Just study myself. 现在投资的话都喜欢讲巴菲特,你有去看过关于巴菲特的书吗? "Strong" likes to talk about Buffett now. Have you ever read about Buffett? 熊熊:读初中开始知道巴菲特这个人,就看看平时报纸杂志的报道而已,也大约能了解一点点,书没看过。 Bear: From the beginning of junior high school, you know Buffett, you look at the regular newspaper and the magazine, you know a little bit about it, you don't read it. 现在你会把一部分资金,去投数字货币以外的行业吗?比如股票,基金。 Now you're going to put a portion of the money into a business other than digital money? Equities, funds. 熊熊:不会,假设是为了盈利,玩过币之后很难对股票 基金有兴趣。 Bear: No, assuming it's for profit, it's hard to be interested in the equity fund after playing the currency. 我记得你提过哈耶克的货币非国家化那本书,那本书你看过吗? I remember you mentioned the book on the non-stateization of Hajek's currency. Did you read that book? 熊熊:没,初中文化的人不喜欢看理论类的书籍,再说我也不信。 Bear: No, people in lower secondary school don't like to read theoretical books, and I don't believe them either. 你会向你身边的朋友推荐数字货币吗? Would you recommend digital currency to your friends around you? 熊熊:曾经会,想带朋友发财,结果害别人被套三年;以后不会推荐别人购买了,可能会假装不在意的提起,看别人是否有兴趣和机缘了,总之不会刻意去说服谁来玩。 Bear: Once there was a chance to take a friend to make a fortune, which led to a three-year trap for others; later they would not be recommended for purchase, they might pretend to mention it, see if others were interested and motivated, and they would not try to convince who to play. 你周围的朋友怎么看你炒币这件事? What about your friends around you? 熊熊:几乎清一色比较担心或反对,只有一个特别信任我的人主动拿钱让我帮忙炒。 Bear: Almost one color is more worried or opposed, and only one person who particularly trusts me takes the money to help me fire it. 你平时有什么爱好? What do you usually like? 熊熊:工作、吹牛。 Bear: Work, bragging. 你算是工作狂吗? Are you a workaholic? 熊熊:算不上工作狂但是我很喜欢我的工作。 Bear: Not a workaholic, but I like my job. 你觉得你的性格对你投资数字货币有什么帮助吗? Do you think your personality will help you invest in digital money? 熊熊:过于感性,不理性,也不具备投机心态,完全不适合投机性质很强的数字货币圈。 Bear: Too sensitive, irrational and speculative, totally unsuited to a highly speculative digital currency circle. 我更适合要求情商高的吹牛拍马事业。 I'm better suited to a high-profile bragging career. 你觉得自己有什么经验教训可以分享给新韭菜的吗? Do you think you have any lessons to share with the new pickle? 熊熊:第一,相信老韭菜的话,(那是)别人的血泪教训;不过大部分人刚进来,是听不进去的,就像我当年。 Bear: First of all, believe in the old custard, and that is the lesson of the tears of others; but most people just came in, and they couldn't hear it, just like I was. 第二,相信技术,相信长线,不过这确实太难了。 Secondly, trust in technology and trust in the long lines, but it is too difficult. 第三,分散投资,布局不同种类的币种,不要梭哈。 Third, there is diversification, with different types of currencies, and there is no need to do so. 第四,留足够的现金应付现实中的潜在开销,别满仓,别借钱。 Fourthly, sufficient cash should be set aside to cover the potential costs of the situation. 对自己的将来有什么计划吗? Do you have any plans for your future? 熊熊:回本,赚钱更好,然后回归工作。 Bear: Return home, make better money, then get back to work. 谢谢接受采访,祝你发财! Thank you for the interview! 后记: 采访结束后,熊熊问我“为什么要采访我呀?我的故事没什么好说的,我又没赚到几百倍,上千倍,谁会看我的经历?”。我当时开玩笑说:我打算用这样一个标题“熊熊:从千万富翁到百万富翁的心路历程”,这样就有人看了。 At the end of the interview, the bear asked me, "Why do you want to interview me? My story has nothing to say, I don't make hundreds of times, I don't make thousands of times, who's going to look at my experience?" I joked, "I'm going to use the title, "Bears: From Millionaires to Millionaires' Heart Road," so somebody could see it. 其实我觉得,熊熊的故事才是多数币圈人的经历,梭哈一夜百万,那是极少数人,是传奇传言传说。摸爬滚打多年,被套无数,历经血泪才知道赚钱不易,才知道悉心钻研和耐心潜伏,不再四处打听小道消息,不再追涨杀跌,成长为一名合格的老韭菜,心如止水。 In fact, I think that the story of the bear is the experience of most of the currency circles, the millionth of a night, and that is a very small number of legends and legends. After years of crawling and beating, being covered with countless tears, knowing that it is hard to make money, knowing that it is hard to do it, knowing that it is hard to do it, knowing that it is hard to do it, that it is easy to do it, that it is no longer to listen to the news, that it is no longer to follow and fall, that it is to grow up to be a qualified stubble, and that it is to stop the water. 从这个意义来说,熊熊就是一个标杆。 In that sense, the bear is a stick. 如今熊熊已经选好了他的“发财”币,早早埋伏,希望他发财。 Now, the bear has chosen his “rich” coins, ambushed him early in the morning, hoping he'll be rich.
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