takes a few steps to easily buy money to support the purchase of 99 digital currencies such as bitcoin /span'
Seeing this problem, it is believed that the part of the investor's contract that is split into USDT and the contract that is known to most investors is T USDDT is separate into USDT and most investors are aware that the USDT er = a currency based on a stable value currency, T
The USDT contract is also known as the USDT permanent contract, where the USDT contract is . The USDT permanent contract currently supports bTCUSDT, EOSUSDT and provides multiple leverages to allow the current market to be replicated under high leverage.
As a unit of valorization and settlement, you do not need to hold other digitized currencies, and only need to hold a digit digit denominated currency to deal with multiple digit currency contracts such as BTCUSDT, which is a basic departure from the losses and losses during the multicurrency conversion process. Of course, your profit is also settled on the USDT basis.
Because of the relatively stable long-term performance of USDT in digital currencies, the risks associated with the depreciation of the holding of digital currencies such as BTC, EOS, etc. can be reduced in the course of transactions in which USDT is used as a unit of valorization and settlement. Avoiding the risk of currency increases and asset declines as a result of transactions.
The USDT permanent contract, like the digital permanent contract (the original permanent contract), has no expiry date and will not be settled.
What's the difference between a currency contract and a USDT contract?
Compared to currency contracts, the USDT contract inherited most of its designs, with a number of designs worth noting, in addition to the preservation and visual benefits of its unique design.
1.同一币种同一时间 既可开多又可开空
1. The same currency can be opened at the same time. It can be opened as much as it can be.
The two-way warehouse is open for the same amount of money at the same time, especially in the case of tremors, where you can lock the warehouse, lock the risk, and clear the path. This is a feature that newer players will often use, and it may not be necessary to become high-level players.
2.双向持仓 仅收一侧保证金
2. Two-way warehouse, one-sided bond only
全文导读 根据行情数据显示,达世币流通市值是9.43美元,24小时成交额为13.24亿美元,至截稿为止,达世币价格为98.6982美元,折合人民币是645.37元,投资回报率高达46044%,因此市面上有很多投资者都对达世币感兴趣,不过大多数投资者仅限于感兴趣
The market value of the currency in circulation is $9.43, with a 24-hour transaction of $1,324 million. At the cut-off date, the price is $98,6982, which is equivalent to $645.37, with a return on investment of 46044 per cent, so many investors on the market are interested in the currency, although most investors are only interested.
If you hold multiple and empty warehouses in the same currency, you will pay two bonds according to the usual rules of the permanent contract, but the USDT contract will not, because it only receives one bond, which one? The higher one. For example, the 100 USDT bond on the customary side and 200 USDT on the other side, will only end up with 200 USDT. The most direct benefit to users is that one dollar can open two warehouses.
3. Float (unrealized profit) available for warehousing
It is a prevalue to assume that the position is now flattened and that it is likely to be earned. Although you do not have a smoothing bag, this forecasted gain can be used to open up, amounting to making more money with future money as a principal.
举个例子,你在BTC 9000刀的时候开了10个BTC的多仓,涨到10000刀时,你赚了10000刀,这10000刀系统是自动计入可用资产里面的,可用资产的所有资产都可以支持你继续开仓,你可以选择开多,也可以选择开空。这10000刀可以支持你在当前价位下开多少仓呢?如果你开了100倍杠杆,那就是100个BTC,在别的交易所,你的浮盈是不可用的,而在58交易所,你的浮盈可以再给你开最多100个BTC的仓位。
By way of example, when you opened 10 BTC excess warehouses at BTC 9000, and when you went up to 10,000, you made 10,000. The 10,000-dollar system is automatically built into available assets, and all the assets that can be used can support you to keep them open. You can open more or you can open them. The 10,000-dollar can support how much you can open under the current price. If you do 100 times the leverage, that's 100 BTCs, you can't float on another exchange, and you can open up a maximum of 100 BTCs on the 58 exchange.
4. Risk measures
一般来说,衡量爆仓与否的指标是“强平价格”,而“USDT合约”则是用风险度,并且是全部仓位不分币种汇总到一个风险度,爆仓线为100%,但是其本质还是看保证金是否满足维持保证金下限。这样设计的好处是即便其中部分仓位亏损,但只要其他仓位盈利稳定足够安全,那么很大概率就所有仓位都安全。颇有些“一荣俱荣、一损俱损”的味道。 In general, the measure of whether or not a blast is a “higher price”, whereas the “USDT contract” is a risk level, and it is that the entire warehouse is aggregated to a risk level, regardless of currency, with a 100% blast line, but its essence depends on whether the bond meets the minimum maintenance bond limit. The benefit of this design is that, even if part of the stock is lost, as long as the rest of the warehouse is sufficiently secure to be profitable and secure, there is a high probability that all the warehouses will be safe. 对于新手来说可能有些忌惮,那么不要一上来就同时开启那么多仓位,很有可能顾此失彼,等到后期段位升高,灵活运用这个机制,其实裨益良多,会给你一些意想不到的惊喜。 There may be some reluctance on the part of newcomers to open up so many positions at the same time, and there is a good chance that they will not be able to do so at the same time, until a later stage rises and the mechanism is used flexibly, which will be of great benefit and surprise to you. 需要补充的是,USDT合约的维持保证金率的设置依然同币本位合约,采用全网最低的0.5%。 It should be added that the USDT maintenance bond rate remains the same as the local currency contract, with the lowest 0.5 per cent coverage. 币圈子小编提醒投资者,在做合约交易的时候,不要随意补仓,亏损不轻易加仓,因为若是投资者把整体行情趋势判断错误的话,加仓的资金就像石头扔进水里,只能看到泛起一层涟漪然后就再也见不着了,而加仓都是在首笔交易是获利的情况下进行的。 欧易huobi安卓下载:立即前往 欧易huobi苹果下载:立即前往 Euhuobi Apple Download:
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