編輯:Yangz,Techub News
隨著比特幣「減半」的臨近,投機者們熱切期待著Runes 的推出。在CT 上吸引了大量關注的同時,圍繞著這個新的代幣標準也出現了許多困惑和誤導。甚至,毫不相關的協議會在名稱和代幣中使用“Rune”,加劇了這場混亂。
As Bitcoin’s “50%” approach, the investors eagerly await the introduction of Runes. At the same time that the CT has attracted a lot of attention, there have been many confusions and misunderstandings surrounding the new currency standard.
To avoid misdirection, we did a simple combing.
作為Ordinal Theory 的開發者, Casey Rodarmor正在建立比特幣的同質化代幣標準,即Runes 協議。作為一種元協議,Runes 協議本身並不是一種代幣,如Casey 在播客中所說的,這是「人們在比特幣上創建shitcoin 的地方」。
As the developer of the Ordinal Theory, Casey Rodarmor is building the Bitcoin homogeneity standard, the Runes agreement. As a meta-negotiation, the Runes agreement itself is not a monetic, as Casey said in rel="nofollow" podcaster , which is "where people build shitcoin on the Bitcoin".
使用這種代幣標準創建的代幣被稱為Runes。與BRC-20 不同,Runes 是一種同質化的代幣標準,也就是說,每個Runes 都可以互換。 Runes 代幣標準與以太坊上的ERC-20 代幣類似,但更簡單。
In contrast to BRC-20, Runes is a homogenous currency standard, that is, that every Runes can be exchanged. The Runes currency standard is similar to that of Ether’s ERC-20, but more simply.
符文協議將於4 月19 日在減半區塊啟動
The formal agreement will start on April 19th at the half block.
符文餘額儲存在比特幣UTXO 中
Cascade balance stored in bitcoinUTXO
Runes 協議採用比特幣的安全框架,擴展了UTXO 以儲存比特幣和Rune 餘額。因此,用戶可以透過常規比特幣交易來創建和交易符文。
Runs agreed to expand the UTXO to save the balance of the bitcoins and Rune using a bitcoins security framework. Users can therefore create and trade symbols through regular bitcoins transactions.
符文0-9 為硬編碼,以確保公平發行
Script 0-9 is hard encoded to ensure fair distribution
這是一個重要的細微差別。許多協議都在爭先恐後地推出自己的Rune 代幣,有的透過創造性的遊戲化模式,有的則是透過誘人的空投承諾。對於那些聲稱自己是首個Runecoin 專案的虛假行銷,請務必謹慎;他們充其量只能確保並蝕刻第11 個符文。
This is an important small difference. Many agreements are competing for the introduction of their own Rune coins, either through creative game models or through tempting airmails. For those false sales that claim to be the first Runecoin project, care must be taken; at best, they can only ensure and engrave the eleventh symbol.
創世符文,即符文0,會開放鑄幣,從本次減半開始,到約4 年後的下一次減半結束。每次鑄幣接收一個創世符文,可分割性為零。
The Founding Instrument, or Number 0, will open the coins, starting with the current reduction by half, and ending with the next reduction by half after about four years. Each coin will receive a Founding Instrument, with zero partitions.
最初,只有13 個或更多字元可用作符文名稱
At first, only 13 or more characters could be used as sable names
大約每4 個月,符文名稱會減少一個字元。名稱的最大長度為28 個字元。此外,為防止「搶跑」,協議採用了「先提交再披露」的方案。代幣名稱的解鎖時間表可在此處找到。總之,請為瘋狂的代幣名稱做好心理準備:
In addition, in order to prevent the "run-by-run" of the name, an agreement has been made to use the "submit before disclosure" formula. The release schedule for the currency name can be found at .
使用OP_Return 欄位建立符文
Create a symbol using the OP_Return field
這使得每個符文名稱都是獨一無二的。此外,每個代幣都將有一個單一的Unicode 代碼點作為貨幣符號。
This makes each symbol name unique. In addition, each currency has a single Unicode code point as a currency symbol.
BRC-20 代幣的總市值為26.5 億美元,在比特幣市場上擁有相當大的市場規模。而有關符文的敘事主要是由投機者推動的,他們相信符文將取代BRC-20,成為比特幣上新的廣泛使用的代幣標準。
The total market value of BRC-20 tokens is $2.65 billion , which has a significant market pattern on the Bitcoin market. The notes are mostly driven by the investors, who believe that they will replace the BRC-20 and become the new generic proxy standard for Bitcoins.
Is the strange a better token?
正如我們在深入探討Ordinals 和Runes 時所強調的那樣,兩者之間的差異非常明顯:
As we stressed at /a>Ordinals and Runs:
Runes 不使用見證數據,而是利用OP_RETURN 欄位簡化了創建代幣的過程。用戶可以透過符文石(Runestones)刻蝕(部署)、鑄造和轉移符文,使常規比特幣交易成為可能。
Instead of using the witnessed data, Runes uses the OP_RETURN field to simplify the process of creating a currency. Users can carve, molten, and transfer the tokens through the Runestones, making it possible for regular bitcoin transactions.
符文石是符文協議訊息,在比特幣的未支出交易輸出( UTXO)中儲存轉帳指令。這些轉帳指令決定如何在output 中轉移符文,例如目標位址和轉移金額。預設情況下,input UTXO 上的符文餘額在轉移到新的UTXO 時會被銷毀。
The amulet is a sign agreement message that saves transfer instructions in unexpenseed transactions (UTXO) in bitcoins. These transfer instructions determine how to transfer symbols, such as target addresses and transfer amounts, inoutput. The rest of the tokens on input UTXO will be destroyed when it is transferred to the new UTXO, as defaults.
與BRC-20 標準相比,這種方法對網路更為友好,因為BRC-20 標準目前會產生大量未使用的UTXO,使網路變得雜亂無章。 BRC-20 的另一個缺點是每次代幣轉移都必須創建新的銘文。
This approach is more friendly to the Internet than the BRC-20 standard, which currently produces a large number of unused UTXOs, making the network chaotic. Another drawback for BRC-20 is that each currency transfer must create a new script.
此外,符文的創作也更具彈性。它們可以採用開放鑄幣、公平分配的方式,用戶還可以選擇將全部供應鑄入到單一的地址(就像ERC-20)。而BRC-20 則僅限於開放鑄幣。
In addition, the writings are more resilient. They can be opened and distributed fairly, and users can choose a single address (like ERC-20). BRC-20 is limited to opening coins.
更重要的是,BRC-20 銘文更容易遇到「搶跑」。這是因為任何人都可以在mempool 中看到銘文交易,然後透過支付更高的交易費用來提前執行,這對試圖部署新的代幣來說必然是困擾的。與此相反,Runes 嘗試使用「先提交再揭露」的方案來防止搶跑。在更高層面上,用戶私下承諾交易也是可以的。只在確認前不久就透露細節,可以大幅減少搶跑的時間窗。
More importantly, BRC-20 is more likely to run. This is because anyone can see a deal in mempol, and then run ahead of schedule by paying a higher transaction fee. On the contrary, Runs has tried to use a "submit then expose" formula to prevent a run.
最後,Runes 支援與SPV 錢包和使用UTXO 模型的比特幣L2 相容。因此,從理論上講,使用輕量級錢包並與閃電網路整合以實現更快、更便宜的交易是可能的。之所以強調「理論上」,是因為儘管互通性已經存在,但必須先發展基礎架構。
Finally, the Runes support is compatible with SPV wallets and Bitcoin L2 using the UTXO model. Thus, theoretically speaking, it is possible to use light wallets and integrate them with the lightning network to achieve faster and cheaper transactions.
從理論上,Runes 解決了BRC-20 在使用者體驗和相容性方面的許多問題。但是,我對Runes 將無可爭議地取代BRC-20 的觀點持謹慎態度。
In theory, Runes solves many of the BRC-20's problems in terms of user experience and compatibility. But I am cautious about Runs' view that he will indisputably replace BRC-20.
為了實現協定升級並確保客戶端保持同步,Casey 在Runes 協定中加入了他所謂的Cenotaph 模型。 Cenotaphs 是由不良輸入所創造的畸形符文石。當包含在交易中時,與Cenotaphs 相關的符文就會被銷毀或無法使用。
In order to achieve the agreed upgrades and to ensure that the client is synchronized, Casey added his so-called Cenotaph model to the Runs agreement. Cenotaphs is a malformed mosaic created by poor input. When included in the transaction, the symbols associated with Cenotaphs will be destroyed or rendered unusable.
這就是其中的一個爭議點,因為它會帶來無意中丟失符文的風險。例如,如果你與一個創建符文交易的應用進行了交互,而它意外生成了一個Cenotaph,那麼你就可能會丟失存儲在同一UTXO 中的所有符文。
This is one of the points of contention, because it carries the risk of unintentional loss of the tokens. For example, if you interact with an application that creates a trade in the symbols, and it unexpectedly produces a Cenotaph, then you may lose all the symbols stored in the same UTXO.
那麼這種風險算大算小呢?在協議上線前,這很難說,但用戶需要牢記這一點。 Casey 曾在這個Thread中提到了這些問題- TLDR:在他看來,風險可以忽略不計。無論其重要性如何,在Runes 推出後避免使用未經測試的第三方服務都是將風險降至最低的好方法。
In this rel="noformlow" Thread, these questions are mentioned - TLDR: In his view, risk can be ignored. Whatever its importance, avoiding untested third-party services after Runs is a good way to minimize risk.
另外,最近推特上還出現了BRC-20 可能很快就會得到更新的傳言。據說,BRC-20 索引器將能夠在代幣餘額上計算EVM 智能合約代碼。如果傳言屬實,那麼目前許多的設計問題都將迎刃而解,使BRC-20 比Runes 更具競爭力。不過要注意的是,這只是傳言,需謹慎看待。
歸根結底,Runes 的成功取決於使用者體驗。如果能迅速整合並利用Runes 的廣泛相容性,那麼它就有可能取代BRC-20。
In the final analysis, the success of Runes depends on user experience. If it is quickly integrated and made use of the broad compatibility of Runes, it is possible to replace BRC-20.
如果您有興趣在Runes 上線前做個簡單接觸,可以看看Haze 對$PUPs 的精闢分析。而有關該技術的更多信息,我強烈推薦您查看官方文檔,並收聽Casey 關於該產品發布的播客。
If you are interested in making a simple contact in front of Runs, you can see Haze's . For more information about this technique, I strongly recommend that you look at and listen to Casey's
最後,特別感謝最早提出BRC-20 概念的Redphone在下文中分享了他對Runes 的看法:
Finally, special thanks go to Redphone for sharing his views on Runes below:
除非BRC-20 不斷發展,否則Runes 很可能會成為比特幣的主流代幣標準。
Unless BRC-20 continues to develop, Runes is likely to become the mainstream currency standard for Bitcoins.
Runes 更有效率。
Runes is more efficient.
Runes 將代幣餘額儲存在UTXO 中,從而將信任從索引器層級轉移回比特幣區塊鏈。這本身就是一個巨大的勝利。
Runs saves the rest of the money in UTXO and transfers trust from the indexing layer back to the bitcoin chain. This is a huge victory in itself.
由於Runes 位於UTXO 中,因此更容易與L2、跨鏈橋和其他DeFi 應用整合。
As Runes is located in UTXO, it is easier to integrate with L2, the Translink Bridge and other DeFi applications.
如果Runes 能融入閃電網絡,那麼閃電網絡也將煥然一新。你能想像一個基於Runes 的穩定幣在閃電網路中運行嗎? Coinbase 已經在努力支援閃電網路了。也許有一天,我們可以直接把比特幣上的shitcoin 提到閃電錢包裡。
If Runes can integrate into the lightning network, the lightning network will be new. Can you imagine a stable currency based on Runes running on the lightning network? Coinbase is already working to support the lightning network.
Runes 擴展了代幣的發行機制。與BRC-20 不同的是,它不僅限於公平發行。而這有助於推動更多的採用,因為公平發行很難讓貢獻者在某段持續時間內保持一致。
Runes expands the system for issuing money. Unlike BRC-20, it is not limited to fair issuance. This helps to stimulate more adoption, because fair issuance makes it difficult for contributors to be consistent over a certain period of time.
Casey Rodarmor 絕對是一位是將協議發布遊戲化的大師。例如,在推出ordinals 時,他給每個用數字表示的Satoshi 起了一個用字母表示的對應名稱(了解更多關於Sats 命名的信息)。他還為每種Sats 創建了稀有度等級(使得Sat 收藏圈興起了“Sat 淘金者”熱潮)。同樣,他透過逐步允許使用更短的名稱,將符文的推出遊戲化。最初,每個代幣名稱必須為13 個字元或更長。大約每四個月,新的符文名稱可以縮短1 個字元。這是Runes 協議神奇的漸進式演變,不斷吸引人們的注意。世界上所有的協議設計者都可以藉鏡這種方法。
Casey Rodarmor is definitely a master who will issue an agreement to play. For example, when he introduced the Ordinals, he gave each digitized Satoshi a name for each letter (knowing more about rel="noformlow"Sats" > /a). He also created a rare level for each sats (making the Sat collection a hot tide of "Golders"). Similarly, he allowed the use of shorter names to be gradually introduced.
將Runes 的推出與比特幣減半結合起來,是Rodarmor 又一高明的行銷舉措/遊戲化手法。通常,我會期待比特幣減半本身。現在,我幾乎只期待Runes 了。
Combining the introduction of Runes with the deflator of Bitcoins is another brilliant marketing/gaming technique by Rodarmor. Usually, I look forward to a deflating of bitcoins. Now, I almost only look to Runes.
許多BRC-20 將橋接到Runes(也許是透過遠端銷毀“teleburns”?)
A lot of BRC-20s take the bridge to Runes.
BRC-20 有著狂熱的粉絲基礎,其生態系統也會發展。但朝哪個方向發展,我不確定。正如我們上面提到的,有傳言稱BRC-20 索引器可能很快就能在代幣餘額上計算EVM 智能合約程式碼。這將大大提升它們的性能,並與Runes 相媲美,甚至可能超越比特幣核心上的任何創新。
The BRC-20 has a hot fan base, and its living system will develop. But in which direction, I'm not sure. As we mentioned earlier, there are rumours that BRC-20 indexers may soon be able to calculate the EVM smart code on the rest of the currency. This will greatly improve their performance, and it will be comparable to Runes, and may even go beyond any innovation at the heart of the Bitcoins.
多個代幣標準並存是完全沒問題的。更重要的是你能用這些代幣做什麼。許多BRC-20 代幣已經進入了中心化交易所。在我看來,這已經證明了它的可持續性。
There is no problem with multi-currency standards. More importantly, what you can do with them. Many BRC-20s have entered the central exchange. This, in my view, has proved their sustainability.
對於原生shitcoin 而言,比特幣的發展速度太慢了。這意味著,比特幣L2 大戰將是加密貨幣領域最大的機會之一。我很樂意看到ordinals(和BRC-20)索引器透過推出代幣化L2 網路來贏得這場戰鬥。無論如何,在未來幾個月或幾年內,我們將看到一個突破性的L2 生態系統,而我認為Runes 將是這個故事的關鍵部分。
This means that the Bitcoin L2 war will be one of the greatest opportunities in the domain of encryption currency. I would love to see the Ordinals (and BRC-20) indexer win this battle by launching a monetized L2 network. In any case, in the coming months or years, we will see a breakthrough L2 ecosystem, and I think Runes will be a key part of the story.
最後,我,包括Redphone,都是符文和BRC-20 的粉絲。兩者在短期內可能會繼續蓬勃發展,但BRC-20 必須不斷進化,才能不被時代淘汰。
In the end, I, including Redphone, are fans of the symbols and BRC-20. Both are likely to continue to flourish in the short term, but BRC-20 has to evolve constantly in order not to be obsolete in time.
除了符文之外,我更喜歡Rodarmor 的創意。從我第一次接觸到ordinals 的那一刻起,我就把他視為加密圈的革新者,即那些名垂青史的遠見卓識者......比如第一位比特幣貢獻者Hal Finney、以太坊聯合創辦人Vitalik Buterin、Uniswap創辦人Hayden Adams 等。 Runes 的成功發布對Rodarmor 來說只會是錦上添花。他已經改變了這枚橙色貨幣的命運,而Runes 看起來也做好了再次改變的準備。
From the moment I first touched the Ordinals, I saw him as an innovator of the encrypts, the visionarys of history, such as the first Bitcoin contributor, Hal Finney, Vitalik Buterin, Uniswap co-founder, Hayden Adams, and so on. The successful release of Runs would only add flowers to Rodarmor.
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