? 經濟學系
? 會計學系
? 企業管理學系
business administration department /span
financial engineering and actuarial mathematics department /span>
? 資訊管理學系
? 商學進修學士班 ? 商學管理學分學程
? 跨領域學程:財務金融學程/金融科技學程/國貿管理全英語學程/財經全英語學程
? 國際商管學程
International business administration /span>
? 商學研究發展中心
? 企業創新育成中心 ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ 經濟學系成立於民國四十三年,現有大學部、碩士班、博士班與碩士在職專班。本系設立宗旨在培育具備獨立思考、專業能力與國際宏觀視野之經濟分析人才。教育目標是(1)建立經濟理論與數量分析基礎,(2)加強經濟學在各領域之運用,(3)培育具國際觀之經濟分析人才。 The Department of Economics was established in the country for forty-three years, and now has university departments, colleges, doctoral courses, and universities. The aim of the department is to develop economic analysts with independent thinking, professional competence, and international vision. 目前系上有大學部學生七百餘人,博、碩士班學生近九十人;專任教師二十一位,其中具有博士學位者二十位,教授經濟學理論方面課程,另聘請具專業經驗之兼任教師三十餘位擔任實務方面課程。大學部課程以經濟理論與數量方法為經,以應用課程與實務課程為緯,培養學生就業與繼續升學所需之專業技能。為培育具有卓越研究能力之人才,碩、博士班之課程安排以高階經濟研究科目為主,此外,亦開設多樣化之研究領域,供學生就其興趣選擇鑽研。這些領域包括:個體經濟、總體經濟、計量經濟、產業經濟、國際金融、勞動經濟、區域經濟、財務經濟、貨幣經濟、數理經濟、實驗經濟、中國經濟等。 At present, there are more than 700 university students, nearly 90 students in the university and masculinity classes; twenty-one of them, with 20 doctorates, teach courses in economics, and employ more than 30 students with professional experience in practical subjects. The university programmes are based on economic theory and quantitative methods, based on applied and practical courses, which foster the professional skills needed to pursue their careers and pursue their advancement. In order to develop highly qualified researchers, senior students, doctoral courses are structured around high-level economics and research subjects, and a variety of research fields are developed to provide students with an interest in studying. These fields include: the economy, the economy, the economy, the economy, the economy, the economy, the economy, the economy, international finance, the economy, the economy, the economy, the economy, the economy, the economy, the capital, the economy, the Chinese economy, and so on. 本系設計多元化教學活動以激勵學生學習興趣,強化學生財經專業能力,教師與助教團隊對學生提供完善的輔導機制,通識教育培育五識具備人才,使學生畢業後發展機會廣泛。在金融服務、政府公職、一般商業、學術研究等各領域,有卓越優異之表現。未來本系除將繼續培育經濟人才外,並將積極延聘專精學者,提升學術水準。 The Department has designed a variety of educational activities to stimulate students’ interest in learning, strengthen their financial skills, provide students with sound guidance, train teachers and assistant teams, and develop five resource persons to enable them to develop after graduation. There are excellent performances in the fields of financial services, government jobs, general business, and academic studies. In addition to continuing to develop economics, the Department will continue to expand its expertise and improve its technical standards. 東吳大學於大陸時期即設有會計學系,1951年在臺復校時,初設商學會計科,1954年正式更名為會計學系,為國內創辦最早的會計學系。1973年成立會計學研究所,為國內最早設立的會計學研究所之一,並在1994年配合教育部系所合一政策,正式更名為東吳大學會計學系碩士班。1999年為配合政府終身學習政策,提供會計實務界高階主管的進修管道,特成立碩士在職專班。現今學士班每年招收四班,在校生逾千人,歷屆畢業系友已逾萬人;碩士班與碩士在職專班,在校生百餘人,歷屆畢業已獲碩士學位者,計八百餘人,堪稱國內歷史最悠久,造就會計人才最多之會計學府。 In conjunction with the Ministry of Education, in 1994 the University of Dong Oo became a master's degree in accounting. In 1999, in line with the Government's policy of lifelong learning, it was established as a senior executive in accounting and accounting, and in 1954 it was officially renamed as the first accounting department in the country. The Institute of Statistics was established as one of the country's first institutes of accounting and accounting in 1973, and in 1994, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education's department, it was renamed a master's degree in accounting at the University of Dong Oo. In 1999, as part of the Government's policy of continuing studies, it was established to provide a career pipeline for senior executive executives in accounting and accounting, leading to the creation of a master's degree. 本系之設立宗旨為「培養敬業樂群的會計專業人才」,為秉持與落實此一宗旨,本系之教育目標包括:(1)建構理論與實務兼備之專業核心知識;(2)重視跨領域之科際整合;(3)養成專業倫理與樂群精神。本系在培育會計專業人才方面,一直不遺餘力,秉持教學嚴謹、質量並重的宗旨,在師生共同努力下,歷屆系友在各行各業中之傑出表現,倍受社會各界讚譽。 The aim of the Department, which is "to develop professional accounting professionals for professional pleasures", is to: (a) build a core knowledge of architecture and reality; (b) focus on cross-domain integration; and (c) foster a spirit of professional ethics and music. The Department has always worked hard to develop professional staff in the field of accounting, with a high degree of academic rigour, quality and commitment. 主要之教學特色如下: 東吳大學企業管理學系成立於民國57年,管理學研究所成立於民國77年,並於民國83年與企管系合併,民國89年成立碩士在職專班。目前一年招生大學部4班,碩士班、碩士在職專班各1班,在校學生接近1,200人。本系成立45年來,培育的系友已超過萬名,在許多領域都有傑出的表現,也建立了緊密的系友組織,民國88年起並成立「財團法人東吳企管文教基金會」,結合系友力量協助本系發展。 本系共有助理教授以上專任老師26位。許多教授擁有實際經營企業或擔任管理顧問的經驗,多位教授更由於學術研究成就傑出,在學界與政府部門中享有極高的聲譽。此外本系亦聘請約70位學有專精的兼任教師,其中絕大部分都在業界擔任要職,將企管最新實務帶進了校園。本系即以此學術理論與實務經驗兼具的師資陣容為基礎,建立了多元且豐富的良好學習環境。 Many of the professors have practical experience in business or management, and many of the professors have an excellent reputation in the academic and government sectors. In addition, the department employs approximately 70 students, most of whom are in high positions in the industry, and brings up to date the state of business. 大學教育的主要目的,是要解決人們面臨的問題,而我們相信經營與管理能力是解決這些問題的有效手段。因此,除了專業的訓練外,我們也希望企管教育能培養學生實際解決問題的能力,並且能有足夠的視野,路越走越寬廣,以因應未來多變的環境。為了達到這個理想,我們訂定了四項教學目標,希望能培養兼具廣度與專業知識的T型管理人才、推動兼具理論與實務的教學與研究、強調學生態度與能力的養成、以及拓展學生的國際視野與多元發展。 The main purpose of university education is to solve the problems that people face, and we believe that management and management can be an effective means of solving them. Thus, in addition to professional training, we hope that entrepreneurship will nurture the ability of students to solve problems in practice, and that it will provide enough visibility to enable them to travel wide enough to respond to changing circumstances in the future. In order to achieve this ideal, we have set out four teaching goals, with the hope that T-type managerial talent, both general and professional, will be nurtured and promoted, as well as the teaching and research of theory and practice, and that students will be empowered to develop their attitudes and abilities, as well as to expand their international vision and diversity. 本系的特色: Features of the Department: l 擁有100多位專兼任師資,皆具有學界領先教學經驗與專業知識 l & nbsp; more than 100 professionals with academic experience and professional knowledge l 開授跨領域學習之最佳課程,建立多元專業最適合的課程規劃 l & nbsp; development of the best course of cross-domain learning and establishment of the most suitable curriculum for multi-disciplinary disciplines l 與超過27所國外大學師生交流,拓展學習領域與國際視野的最好機會 l & nbsp; l 推動多項產學合作與實務講座,提供豐富的實務經驗與最後一哩的專業養成 I & nbsp; Promote multi-productivity cooperation and practical lectures that provide rich practical experience and last mile of professional development l 超過11,000位優秀畢業系友,是未來職場絕佳的人際網絡 I & nbsp; over 11,000 excellent graduates are excellent people's networks in the future. l 經常性的國際學術交流活動,精準掌握學術研究的全球觀點與脈動 l & nbsp; a regular international science exchange to refine the global perspective and pulse of scientific research 我們的理想是經由我們提供的課程與學習環境,教育出的學生一方面都能勇敢的作夢,能關心並且設法解決人們所遇到的問題;另一方面,藉由企管教育的幫助,也能知道要如何善用資源,一步步的解決問題,實現夢想。我們希望能有更多優秀的老師、同學一起加入我們的行列。 Our vision is that, through the course and learning environment that we offer, educated students can dream bravely, care for and devise solutions to their problems, and that, with the help of entrepreneurship, they can learn how to use their resources and solve their problems step by step, and realize their dreams. We hope that there will be more good teachers and fellow students to join us. name="a href="http://www.scu.edu.tw/ibsu/"> "strange>.
As a result of the close relationship between Taiwan’s economic development and international trade, the University of Dong Oo’s Department of International Trade Studies, established in 1974 and now for over 30 years, has been working to improve the organization and system. To promote Taiwan’s international trade specialization and research standards, the Faculty established a Masters Course in 1997 to promote professional training, maternity cooperation and exchange.
The Department is aware of the rapid changes in the global trade-related environment, the rapid growth of corporate investment in the foreign sector, and the rapid and rapid economic growth of China’s mainland economy in recent years, which has led to a significant change in Taiwan’s trade-related style. Thus, in August 2007, the Department formally changed its name from International Business and Trade to International Business by means of a change of name.
【教育宗旨】 為因應全球經貿活動與國際企業經營趨勢,本系以「培養具國際觀、人文素養之經貿與商管基礎及專業經理人才」為宗旨。
In response to trends in global trade and international business, the aim of the project is "to develop an international view, a humanist foundation of trade and business management and a professional manager".
The educational objectives of the Department are:
& nbsp;
This is the first time that I’ve been able to learn how to do this, and I’m sure that I’m going to be able to do it.
This is the first time in the history of the country that the world has seen the world as a whole.
Expanding international perspectives and training in sensitivity to international affairs.
In line with the aims and objectives set above, the Department's educational features are as follows:
- 跨學域(Inter-discipline):
- 國際經營、貿易、經濟、金融、法律之跨學域整合。
- 課程與師資兼顧國際經貿、金融、經營與法律等領域。
- 教學內容與方法資訊化。
- 重視人文與法律素養之培育。
- 整合化(Integration):
- 理論與實務整合,推動國際經貿、金融與企業個案教學。
- 聘請校外產官學專家進行實務、專題演講。
- 舉辦國際企業與貿易、物流業參訪活動。
name=" finance engineering and actuarial mathematics department"
After 40 years of working together, the Faculty of Financial Engineering and Actuarial Sciences has gained considerable recognition in the field of finance engineering and actuarials, as well as in the country for 57 years. For decades, the Faculty has been working on the concept of "business as an institution of mathematics" and has been working on the development of skilled professionals in businesses that have a good digital base and that are capable of doing so. The Department of Financial Engineering, Information, Financial Engineering and Insurance, which has been working together for 40 years, has been working on the teaching and research of two fields of financial engineering and actuarials, and has been working on the concept of "business as an institution of learning" and has been working on the concept of "business as an institution of learning" and has been working on the main lines of "financial engineering" and "insurance actuarials."
Based on mathematical training and information technology, the Department has developed basic theories and applications for entry into the two major domains of financial engineering and actuarial insurance, emphasizing the specialization and complementarity of the field, with students who train across fields to develop a variety of domain basics and techniques, train financial risk managers, financial analysts and actuarials for the industry, and contribute to the country's socio-economic development through the development of multidisciplinary training.
The development of the Department is based mainly on training in mathematics and computer information, as well as on the development of specialized competencies and technical practices that combine energy and performance, as shown in the following graphs:
In its sixty-first year, the National Academy of Business Sciences set up an electronic computer science department, which became the first university in Taiwan to promote the use of information technology for business management. In 1970, the country increased its demand for computers in line with the country’s growing demand for computers and expanded it into a double class. In its eighty-third year, the country changed its name to the Department of Information Sciences to respond to the demand for technical skills and social needs. In 88 years, it established a Master’s School to provide a more complete learning environment for students. In 89 years, the country created an additional Master’s degree.
At present, the faculty consists of 20 full-time teachers, of whom eight are professors, seven are associate professors, three are assistant professors, two are lecturers, seven are assistant professors, three are technicians, and two are administrators. The university department is double-shifted, with 120 students per year, with more than 20 students per year divided between the general master's class and the staff. The faculty is equipped with a university faculty specializing in teaching, accreditation, subject labs and several personal computer classrooms, including a company electrochemical laboratory, an Internet and database laboratory, a multi-media and action laboratory.
In order to make business knowledge and computer applications compatible and inclusive in order to nurture a new and dynamic blood wheel for economic development, the slave belongs to the business school and the curriculum combines information technology and business knowledge, the theory and practice and the ability to strengthen programme design, with a view to developing specialists in the production of information technology and management decisions.
name="a href="http://www.scu.edu.tw/ebba/"u>
In response to the current trend of diversity in society, and in line with the current trend in the inter-departmental planning process and the non-election of colleges and colleges, the University has integrated into a degree course the "Bachelor of Business Progress" in the Economics, Accounting, Enterprise Management, Financial Engineering and Actuarial Mathematics departments of the former Faculty of Business Sciences.
The baccalaureate in business studies is currently divided into the Business Administration and Accounting Programme, and nearly 500 students, both ordinary and active, have completed five years of study, but students who complete the first semester of their academic year or the first year of their academic year may graduate.
Students in this class are taught in the basic subjects of the Business School from the first grade, and in the second grade they can apply for a secondary course from the second grade, depending on their personal interest, in the basic subjects of the Accounting and Performance Programme and the Business Administration Programme, as well as in the next semester of the third grade, in order to upgrade their professional knowledge, diversify and enrich their course of study to meet the needs of students in the course of their careers, and expand their fields of study at the university level.
name="font-size:20px;"a href="https://web-ch.scu.edu.tw/bm""
(b) The ability to explore and integrate across domains is particularly important when the world is becoming increasingly unpopular and technologically dependent on business models. The ability to develop and integrate across the world is particularly important when it comes to business models. The business degree programme plans for business departments at the Faculty of Business Management, including the Faculty of Economics, the Department of Accounting, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Department of International Administration and Trade, the Department of Financial Engineering and Actuarial Mathematics, the Department of Information Management, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Mathematics.
to strengthen the curriculum and the practicality of the curriculum, to integrate and bring down the philosophy of production, and to move towards the link between industry and industry, on the one hand, and industry, on the other hand, to make it known that the programme has fallen short in its use through professional education, practice, etc., and to train commercial management knowledge and i.e. combatable graduate students.
本學程預計於113學年度開始招生,但有意修讀本學程之學生,仍可於 112學年度先行選修本學程所開課程,待學程錄取後採抵免方式認列學分。
sets the time program
, which is scheduled to start in the 113th academic year, but students who wish to take the course can still accept the credit by selecting the course of the course in the 112th academic year.
starts at
, except for the course accompanying the course, which is taught at the campuses of the Twin Creeks.
學程主任:商學院 阮金祥 院長
聯絡人:商學院 張慈偵 助理 ,分機:2898;email: scu.pbm@gmail.com。
strong> contact:
Director of Programme: School of Commerce, Nguyen Jinxiang
contact: School of Commerce, & nbsp & Jingxing Assistant & nbsp; extension: 2898; email: scu.pbm@gmail.com.
; 因應以創新與風險管理為主流之知識經濟發展趨勢,並順應金融專業人才培育需求,商學院乃於九十一年八月設立「財務金融學程」;且因應數位經濟對金融業帶來的挑戰,遂於一○五年十一月設立「金融科技學程」。 In response to the development of an informed economy based on innovation and risk management, and in response to the demand for financial expertise, the Business School set up the Financial Sciences Programme in August of November of November of November of November of 2001 and the Financial Science and Technology Programme (FST) in November of November of 2005 in response to the challenges posed by the digital economy to the financial sector. 另外,為因應國際化潮流,深化學生國際競爭力,商學院學生不但需要商學專業知識與能力,同時也要培養英語能力,融合國貿、管理、財經與專業英文,以讓學生在國內外就業市場更具競爭優勢。故於一○七學年度成立「國貿管理全英語學程」和「財經全英語學程」兩個全英語學程。 Moreover, in response to the trend towards internationalization and the deepening of international competition among students, business students need not only professional knowledge and competence in business, but also to develop English language skills and integrate trade, management, financial and professional English in order to make their students more competitive in the foreign and domestic markets. Two English-language courses have been set up in the 107th academic year, namely, the National Trade Administration All-English Language Programme and the Financial All-English Language Programme. /a>name= "font-size: 20 px; > 東吳大學歷史悠久,建校跨越一世紀,如今已成為一所教研卓越的綜合性大學。東吳大學商學院學風篤實穩健,除鼓勵學生致力於商學專業領域訓練外,亦加強人文素養的提昇,以培育具備國際觀、跨領域及創新力之商業人才。 The University of Dong Oo, which has a long history and has been built over the first century, has now become an excellent collusive university. The School of Business of Dong Oo University has a strong reputation for encouraging students to devote themselves to professional training in business, and has also strengthened its human resources to develop international, cross-regional and innovative business talent. 近年來,全球化趨勢日益彰顯,國際商管教育也出現典範轉移現象。東吳大學商學院為順應國際商管教育潮流,並配合教育部推動商管專業學院計畫,乃於2007年增設EMBA(Executive Master of Business Administration)學程。冀望十年後,成為台灣培育企業及其他領域高效領導人的重鎮,為台灣企業的國際競爭力盡最大的心力。 In recent years, globalization has been gaining prominence, and international business education has become a paradigm shift. The University College of Business Studies at Dong Oo responds to the trend of international business education and, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education’s promotion of the Business Management Institute, introduced the EMBA of Business Administration in 2007. Ten years later, hopes to become a major town for effective leaders of Taiwan’s business development and other fields, and to do its utmost for the international competition of Taiwan’s business. 【發展方向與重點】東吳大學商學院EMBA,課程強調規劃與實踐並重,並力爭與國際接軌。為打造高素質的未來商界精英,除了在課堂內嚴謹授課外,更致力於為學生提供實踐的舞臺。藉由多元的菁英論壇,以及與知名企業聯合舉辦實務教學課程,激發學生創新的思維,並提高分析問題和解決問題的能力。此外,每年定期安排海外研習與企業參訪,讓學生有機會選修國外教授親自授課的課程,強化學生的國際視野。 The EMBA of the Business School of the University of Dong Oo (Development Directions and Highlights) focuses on planning and implementation and struggles for international interaction. In order to build a high quality future business elite, in addition to strictly teaching within the classroom, it is more committed to providing students with a practical stage. Through a variety of forums, and in partnership with prominent companies, it is possible to create new ideas and improve the ability to analyse and solve problems. 【課程規劃】本班課程包括基礎課程、核心課程、專業選修課程三部份。新穎且豐富的課程設計,讓學生愉快學習,智能增長。 The curriculum consists of three basic courses, core courses, and specialized courses. 東吳大學EMBA學程,將提供一流的學習、交流和互動的平台,讓有領導與管理潛力的人更能成就自己、貢獻社會。 The EMBA course at Dong Oo University will provide a first-class learning, communication and interactive platform to enable people with the potential to lead and manage to achieve their own and contribute to society. name="a href="http://www.gbp.scu.edu.tw> > 21世紀是知識經濟與資訊數位化的時代,網路科技和全球市場讓全世界緊密相連成為地球村;各領域皆需廣泛的全球知識,才能在國際競爭中勝出,即使解決在地問題,亦需具備全球視野。因此,大學的國際化是提昇國家競爭力的重要指標之一。 The 21st century was a time of knowledge of the economy and digitalization of information, with Internet technology and the global market linking the world to a global village; broad global knowledge was needed in all fields to win in international competition, and global viewing was needed even if local problems were to be solved. Thus, internationalization of universities was one of the key indicators of national competition. 東吳大學近年來致力於國際化,先後與多家國際知名大學建立交流合作計畫,截至目前,商學院已有多位學生參加國際交流計畫,分赴中國大陸、日本、韓國、美國、法國、德國、荷蘭、丹麥及瑞典等國家進行交換。2007年3月,本校商學院更與美國雷鳥全球管理學院(Thunderbird School of Global Management)簽署兩校包括碩士班雙聯學制(Dual degrees)等四項正式合作計劃,將本校之國際合作推上另一階段。 In March 2007, the School of Commerce and Industry signed with the School of Global Management (Thunderbird School) in the United States of America, and has signed four official cooperation programmes, including the Tual Colleges, in China, Japan, Korea, the United States, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, among others. 雷鳥全球管理學院在全球頗負盛名,其「International Full-time MBA」班連續十七年被U.S News & World Report評為世界第一;連續七年被Financial Times評為世界第一;其校友散居各地,且多位居要津。網址:http://www.thunderbird.edu) International Full-time MBA was ranked first in the world for 17 years in a row by U.S. News & World Report; first in the world for seven years in a row by Financial Times; its alumni are scattered and in many places. URL: 「國際商管學程(Global Business Program)」的成立,旨在培養具國際視野及經驗之專業企業管理人才;畢業學生除具備一般企業管理碩士(Master of Business Administration, MBA)之基本訓練外,亦須於修業年間赴國際知名大學進行至少為期一學期之修習,取得學分或學位,使成為更具競爭力的人才。本學程亦參與本校商學院與雷鳥全球管理學院之合作事宜,透過獎助學金辦法的制定,鼓勵及幫助學生實際參與兩校之雙聯學制計畫,在兩到兩年半間,同時取得本校MBA與該校之MGM – Master of Global Management雙學位。 In addition to the basic training of Master of Business Administration, MBA, established by the Global Business Programme, which aims to develop professional corporate management talent with international vision and experience, graduate students are required to study at least one semester in internationally recognized universities during the year and to obtain a degree or degree that will make them more competitive. The course is also part of a partnership between the School of Business and the Leibird Global School of Management, which has developed a scholarship scheme to encourage and assist students to participate in a two-and-a-half-year joint learning programme at the same time as the School's MBA and MGM & ndash; Master Global Management.
為整合本校商學院之跨領域學術研究,進行相關之學術活動,民國 88 年 10 月,在馬君梅教授主持下正式成立「商學研究室」,執行政府與民間委託之研究、建教合作及人才培訓計畫,並舉辦各項研討會及論壇。民國 94 年 2 月,經校務會議通過,商學研究室改制為「商學研究發展中心」,由馬君梅教授擔任首任主任。推動跨系、跨院、跨校之合作,結合研究人力資源,落實跨領域整合之目標,陸續完成許多整合型研究計畫與學術交流會議。
In order to integrate the cross-domain studies of the School of Business Sciences and conduct related academic activities, in October 1998, under the auspices of Professor Ma Jong-mei, the Business Studies Office was officially established to carry out the research, educational and training programmes and seminars mandated by the Government and the people. In February, the University adopted the Business Studies Office as the Centre for Business Studies and Development, with Professor Ma Jong-me as its first director.
At the same time, the new Faculty of Business Sciences will be provided with the necessary human and material support to build the academic mood and raise the level of teachers’ research. It is expected that, at the shortest possible time, the University’s potential for risk management research will be effectively expanded.
The Centre for Business Research and Development at the University of Dong Oo has a director, researcher, and administrative staff. There are currently two major professional communities, the "teaching community" and the "research community", each of which has a convener who brings together experts from within and outside the school to form a professional research group on the subject.
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本院創新育成中心成立於2000年, 以商學院各學系輔導諮詢顧問服務提供中小企業良好創新培育環境為目標, 藉由專業技術支援協助取得經營相關資訊以期提升企業國際競爭力。
In 2000, the Institute's Creative Development Centre was set up with the objective of providing a good environment for small and medium-sized enterprises through the advisory services of the faculties of business schools, with a view to enhancing the international competitiveness of businesses through the provision of technical and technical support to help them access relevant information.
A well-established platform for harnessing and integrating domestic and international research and development resources, such as indigenous peoples, rice farmers, fruit farmers, local communities, and the business community, creates an enabling environment for scientific and technological innovation, benefiting small and medium-sized businesses and communities from long-term development. On the one hand, increasing competition among small and medium-sized enterprises has led to the upgrading and transformation of the industry, generating new momentum for the development of the community, the business community and the economy.
中心主任:劉文彬 財務工程與精算數學系助理教授 分機:3452
Director of the Centre: Liu Wenbin, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance Engineering and Actuarial Mathematics Branch: 3452
E-mail: vicliu@scu.edu.tw
> ?中心介紹 ♪ The center introduces ♪ 東吳大學商學院為結合金融科技學術理論與產業實務,於2016年6月設立「東吳大學商學院金融科技研究中心」,而富蘭克林證券投顧(股)公司素來重視創新、熱心支持學界,於是在同年10月,雙方同意將本中心冠名為「東吳大學富蘭克林金融科技開發中心」,開發FinTech之各項應用,並啟動雙方之各項產學合作的五年期計畫。 In June 2016, the University of Dong Oo Business School launched the Financial Science and Technology Research Centre of the University of Dong Oo Business School, and in October of the same year, both parties agreed to name the Centre the Franklin Financial Science and Technology Development Centre of the University of Dong Oo, to launch a five-year programme for FinTech applications and to launch a five-year partnership in various industries. 本中心除規劃相關八大實驗室進行產學合作專案開發計畫,計畫主題以開發金融科技應用相關及培育人才為要點;也規劃不定期舉辦研討會,目標對象為對金融科技有興趣之產、官、學、研各界人士,重點在於介紹金融科技六大領域及大數據、區塊鏈等相關知識與應用範疇,藉著研討會讓金融科技知識普及於社會各相關階層。 In addition to planning the development of a collaborative production project in eight major laboratories, which focuses on the development of financial technology applications and the development of talent, the Center also plans to organize periodic seminars for people interested in financial science and technology, officials, students and researchers, focusing on the promotion of knowledge and applications in six areas of financial science and technology and major data, sector links and so on, with a view to making financial science and technology widely known at all levels of society. 為使本中心積極服務社會,未來將參酌社會氛圍與業者需求,辦理座談會或論壇,針對時事議題或業者難題,邀請產、官、學、研各界人士對談,以利釐清事實或反映業者需求,善盡學界之社會良心責任;本中心累積與業界溝通經驗,結合理論與實務,未來可望成為政府及產業在發展金融科技之重要智庫及產學合作之主力平台。 In order for the Centre to be active in serving the society, the future will take into account the social context and the needs of the industry, organize discussion sessions or forums, deal with topical issues or problems of the profession, invite industry, officials, academics, and researchers to discuss them, in order to clarify the facts or reflect the needs of the profession, and fulfil the social conscience of the academic community; the Centre will be able to communicate with the industry in its experience and, with a rational theory and practice, can be expected to become the main platform for government and industry cooperation in the development of financial science and technology. ?未來展望 ♪ For the future 1.與更多金融機構合作。 1. To cooperate with more financial institutions. 2.推展FinTech之開發與專業訓練。 2. To promote the development and professional training of FinTech. 3.在商學院設立相關課程、增強FinTech跨領域人才之整合培訓。 3. Establish relevant courses in business schools to enhance the integration of FinTech cross-domain talent. 4.善盡學界之社會良心責任、強化學術理論與產業實務之結合。 4. Compatibility between the social conscience of the academic community, the theory of chemical sciences and the industry. 2006年諾貝爾和平獎得主穆罕默德.尤努斯教授(Muhammed Yunus)於2014年在台成立了尤努斯基金會的台灣分會,此基金會創立的目的是希望透過學習尤努斯教授的理念,協助台灣社會的底層族群不再受貧窮所苦。 The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Professor Muhammad Yunus, founded the Taiwan Chapter of the Yunus Foundation in Taiwan in 2014 to help the sub-cities of Taiwanese society stop suffering from poverty by learning about Professor Yunus’s ideas. 東吳大學尤努斯社會企業中心期望整合各方資源,透過相關課程、會議及相關活動,讓學生實際運用所學,同時找出適合台灣各地之社會型企業運作模式,以協助解決社會問題之目標,推動尤努斯教授之理念。 The Eunus Center for Social Enterprise at the University of Dong Oo aims to integrate resources, make it possible for students to learn through courses, conferences and related events, and at the same time to find models for social business operations that suit all parts of the Taiwan Straits in order to help solve social problems and promote Professor Yunus’s philosophy. 聯絡地址:台北市中正區貴陽街一段56號 Contact address: 56 Guiyang Street, downtown Taipei 聯絡電話:(02)2311-1531轉2923 Contact: (02) 2311-1531, ext. 2923 電子信箱:ysbc@scu.edu.tw E-mail: ysbc@scu.edu.tw 為精益求精達成「成為培育國際商管專業人才的最佳商學院」之願景,商學院在專業商管教育學場域導入EMI教學,並推動雙語教學環境,打造『在校留學』的國際學習體驗。提出「在校即出國、課堂即留學」的目標,讓學生能夠在英語的環境下學習商業經營與金融財經各領域的專業知識。為達此願景,商學院自110學年度起設置「商學院學習推動中心」,以「普及化、專業化、菁英化」之概念,循序推動EMI教學事務。 In order to achieve the goal of "becoming the best business school for the development of international business professionals", the Business School has introduced EMI into the specialized business education field and promoted a bilingual learning environment, creating an international learning experience of `residence in schools'. The objective of `i.e., study abroad in schools' is to enable students to learn business and finance in the English language environment. In order to do so, the Business School has, since the 110th academic year, set up the Business School Learning Promotion Centre, which promotes the EMI teaching and learning concept of `universalization, specialization, and educativeization'. 商學院將以「推動EMI教學、營造國際化環境」為未來主要執行項目,執行策略擬採取「點→線→面」三階段之概念推動,即以課程為點、學程為線、學群為面,逐步推動與深化EMI課程。自教師教學、學生學習、課程規劃與品保、環境營造、國際交流及組織行政支援等面向,分別訂定具體實施策略,以落實政府高教雙語化之目標。 為建構優質的雙語化教學與學習環境,使EMI 教學達到預期成效,學院盤點現有發展EMI教學能量與尚待提升之處,自機構策略與管理、教師教學、學生學習、資訊公開、品質保證、資源共享與校際合作等面向制定具體實施策略,如:完備校院制度積極支援、提供充足EMI教學誘因與資源、延攬/培訓EMI專業師資、提升學生英語能力、建立全英語商管榮譽學群及獎勵機制、營造本國與外籍生EMI學習環境、建立EMI課程地圖與資訊平台、導入AACSB 學習成效品保措施、校際EMI資源共享及合作等。 Business schools will gradually develop and deepen the EMI curriculum, using EMI teaching, curriculum planning and integrity, environmental construction, international communication and organizational administrative support as the main future projects, with a view to developing a strategy of physical application, with a view to achieving the objectives of the Government’s high-level bilingualization. The concept of bilingual teaching and learning environment for the construction of excellence is being developed, with EMI learning leading to the desired results, and the campuses now have EMI teaching and learning skills and places to be upgraded, self-inventive strategies and management, teaching and cooperation, learning, learning, public access to information, material security, sharing of resources and learning. 執行長:袁國芝 經濟學系副教授 Executive Director: Yuan Guozhi, Associate Professor, Department of Economics 承辦人電話:(02)2311-1531 分機 2548 Operator telephone: (02) 2311-1531, ext. 2548 電子信箱:sob_emi@scu.edu.tw E-mail: sob_emi@scu.edu.tw 東吳大學擁有許多講座教授及老師具有產、官、學完整之經歷,對於公共政策之制訂及推展亦有豐富的經驗,故設置「商學院公共政策研究中心」,希望結合講座教授及老師們的專業知識,針對公共政策、財經、財政、企業等各方面領域進行深入的研究,並公布相關研究成果,提供政府部門政策制訂之參考。 The University of Dong Oo has a number of lecturers and teachers who have had productive, professional and academic experience, as well as extensive experience in public policy formulation and promotion, and has set up the Centre for Public Policy Studies of the Faculty of Commerce, with a view to consolidating the professional knowledge of the lecturers and teachers, carrying out in-depth research on various areas of public policy, finance, finance, business, etc., and publishing the results of the research and providing input into the policy design of the government departments. 中心任務 Central mission. 未來二年重點工作方向: The focus for the next two years is: 我們想塑造中心為一個具中立性的公共政策研究中心,建立中心之公共政策話語權。 We want to shape the Centre as a neutral public policy research centre and establish its public policy voice. 中心主任:傅祖壇 經濟學系特聘教授 Director of the Centre: Fuzu Yak, Special Professor
執行長:孫嘉宏 經濟學系教授兼學系主任
Executive Director of the Department of Economics: Sun Jia Hong, Professor and Head of the Faculty of Economics
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