Most of the moon's infarctions imply that I think of you and that it is a more subtle expression, and there are many expressions, such as that I don't want to look at the moon, which is used by many literary youths, mainly to express a more hidden meaning, and that some of those who are in love, fear that they can't even do it, will use the idea of not seeing the moon to express their thoughts on each other, but if they don't understand it, they will become, in fact, asking each other to go together for the moon.
What do you mean, "strong"?
A woman said to you, "I want to see the moon from your window." That might mean that she wants to go into your heart, she wants to stay in your heart, she wants you to see her, or she may simply express her thoughts.
In chatting, if you don't know what the other person is talking about, you can listen carefully, and you can analyze it through the top and bottom phrases, then you can find the right answer. If that doesn't make sense, then you can make it through further communication, and you can answer the question.
1、今夜不关心人类 > > > >. >. >. >. >. 这个梗的后半句,其实不难猜,一看就应该是“只关心你”之类的句子。这个梗的原句,是出自诗人姐,今夜我不关心人类,我只想你。 It's not hard to guess the second part of the story, it's like, "Just care about you" or something. It's from the poet sister. I don't care about humans tonight. I just want you. 2、今晚月色很美
这个梗其实已经有些大众化了,不过如果你想要表白的人不太了解的话,还是可以拿来用一下的。夏目漱石对一句“i love you”的意译,带有独特的东方含蓄委婉意趣。 It's actually a little popular, but if you want to make a statement, you can use it if you don't know it. It's a unique Eastern euphemism to translate the phrase “i love you”. 3、乌鸦像写字台 3, crowlike writing desk 这个梗是从爱丽丝漫游仙境中流传出的梗,原句是爱丽丝对疯帽子说我喜欢你,疯帽子问为什么,爱句因为乌鸦像写字台的回答。其中的内涵,就是说爱其实是说不清的,是没有理由的。 This is from Alice in Wonderland, where Alice said to the Hatter that I liked you, and Hatter asked why, because the raven is the answer to the desk. The meaning of it is that love is inexplicable and for no reason. 4、花匠的姑姑有把伞在屋里 4. The flowerer's aunt has an umbrella in the house. 出自《月亮与六便士》,意为在某些人面前,即使心中早已打了多遍腹稿,最终却也只能这样口不择言,想想,虽然脸红有点羞,却还是有说不清道不明的欢喜。 From the Moon and Six Pence, it is suggested that even in the eyes of some people, even if their hearts have been written many times before, they can only say so in the end, thinking that, despite a bit of shame, there is a joy of confusion.
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