Author: BTC_Chopsticks
When the market for encrypted currency falls, people often spend a lot of time and effort analysing it, trying to predict the bottom of the market and acting with extreme caution. However, when the market rises, people become confident, and they simply click on the buttons, with little in-depth analysis. We seem to have gone as far as to chase green buy-ins without tomorrow.
究其原因,恐懼和貪婪是我們在加密貨幣市場中大部分行為的驅動力。當恐懼佔上風時,市場消息充斥著對進一步崩盤的警告和要求投降的呼聲,似乎一切都將走向末日。 「這是結束,再見了大家,很高興認識你們。」然而,當貪婪掌控局面時,狂喜和樂觀情緒瀰漫市場,每個人都變成了自信的專家,預測著新的高點。 「如果這幣再漲10000%,我就能退休了。衝!」
Fear and greed are the driving force of most of our actions in the encrypted currency market. When fear takes over, the news of the market is filled with warnings of further collapses and calls for surrender, as if everything was going to end. “This is the end, everyone is happy to know you.” But, when greed takes control of the situation, the ecstasy and the fun and the fun market becomes a confident expert, anticipating new heights. “If the currency rises by 10,000%, I can retire!”
Losses in human psychology are one of the main causes of this phenomenon. We feel much more of the pain of the loss than of the pleasure of the benefit.
And humans are social animals, and fear of missing (FOMOs) is very strong. When people around us get rich quickly, it is difficult for us to stay out of the world, with sheep taking the upper hand and wind entering, often at the peak of the market.
The feeling at the bottom of the market is unique, especially when it comes to the bottom. However, it is much more difficult to guess the top of the market, which usually starts shouting long before it really reaches the top.
In fact, predicting the bottom and the top of the market is a foolish thing. When the market reaches the extreme, the best chance is usually lost. Ironically, the best opportunity is often in reverse: buying when people are inundated by fear, selling it during greed and ecstasy. As an excellent investor said, "Be afraid when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are afraid."
The trader’s job is not to predict the bottom and top of the market, but to think about it from the point of view of accumulation and distribution. A plan based on his own analysis does not attempt to find the perfect entry or exit, but rather to build up in a fall and gain in a rebound. There is a strategy that persists, regardless of how the market moves.
Professionalism means that there is a plan and that it is strictly enforced, even when the mood rises. Discipline is about resisting the urge to get away from the program when the FOMO strikes or when the market is surrounded by fear.
Repeating means continuing to use your strategy, even if it feels boring. Ultimately, the ability to overcome repeated failures and disappointments is the key to success.
華倫?巴菲特的名言「在別人恐懼時貪婪」再次響起。然而,在實際操作中,當市場崩潰,你的投資組合下跌50% 時,買入是非常困難的。同樣,當市場狂喜時,我們知道應該謹慎,但當每個人周圍似乎都在輕鬆致富時,快速獲利的誘惑是非常強烈的。
Warren Buffett’s famous words, “Grieve when others fear”; yet, in practice, it is very difficult to buy when the market collapses and your investment pool drops by 50%. Likewise, when the market ecstasy rages, we know that caution should be exercised, but when everyone seems to be lightly rich, the temptation to profit quickly is strong.
If your plan is to accumulate when you fall, then whatever you feel, you buy it at a time of falling prices and depression. If your plan is to profit when you reach the goal, you will sell in stages on the way up, even if you feel that the upturn is likely to last forever.
Seizing the exact bottom and top may satisfy itself, but it is not a reliable way to build long-term wealth. The better way is to focus on your plans over and over again, even if it means missing some of the best days. Slow and stable approaches often win in investment.
Remember, in extreme circumstances, the flock is often wrong. Remember your plan, and your efforts to develop it. Discipline is the key to long-term success, and every setback is a chance to learn and improve. Be rational. Have a good investment!
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