本文来源:时代周报 作者:马欢
Source: The Times. Author: Ma Qing.
The DogeFather Mask made another sound, but the doggie coin fell.
北京时间5月9日中午11点半,马斯克主持的首档综艺节目《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live,简称SNL)播出。在SNL节目吐槽单元中,主持人问马斯克:究竟什么是加密数字货币?马斯克回答:加密货币就是一种数字货币,不由央行控制,而是通过区块链技术实现去中央化。
On 9 May, at 11.30 p.m., Mask 随后主持人又提到了众人尤为关注的狗狗币:“究竟什么是狗狗币?” The moderator then referred to the dog coin, which was of particular interest to everyone: "What exactly is a dog coin?" 马斯克的回复是:“狗狗币是货币的未来,这是一种势不可挡的金融工具,将接管世界。” Mask responded: “The dog coin is the future of the currency, an unstoppable financial instrument that will take over the world.” 主持人开玩笑式地“恍然大悟”道:“那么,狗狗币是一场骗局?” And the host joked, "Apparently," and said, "So, is the dog coin a scam?" 马斯克无奈一笑:“嗯,好吧,它是骗局。” Mask laughed, "Well, well, it's a trick." 据《华尔街日报》报道,今年以来,狗狗币累计涨幅已经高达12000%。5月8日,在马斯克节目播出前,狗狗币一度飙升至73美分的历史高点。但马斯克在节目上作了上述表态后,狗狗币价格一度大跌近34%,报0.49美元。截至北京时间5月10日下午4点,狗狗币价格已回升至0.52美元。 According to the Wall Street Journal, the cumulative rise in dog coins has been as high as 12,000 per cent since this year. On May 8, before the airing of the Mask show, the price of dog coins jumped to an all-time high of 73 cents. But, after Mask made the statement on the show, the price of dog coins fell by almost 34 per cent to 0.49 dollars. By 4 p.m. Beijing time on May 10th, the price of dog coins had risen to $0.52. 虽然在节目中的回答出乎大家意料,但马斯克此前曾在社交媒体上多次力挺狗狗币。 Although the response in the programme was unexpected, Mask had previously been able to support him on a number of occasions in the social media. 5月10日,他旗下的SpaceX也表示,将接受狗狗币作为独家支付方式,用于发射月球卫星DOGE-1。 On 10 May, SpaceX, under his flag, also indicated that it would accept dog money as an exclusive payment method for launching the moon satellite DOGE-1. 狗狗币究竟有何种魅力,让“钢铁侠”马斯克大力推崇? What kind of charm does a dog's coin make the Iron Man masquerade? 因恶作剧而诞生 was born out of a prank. 狗狗币的诞生,源自一场互联网的大型恶作剧。 The birth of the dog price came from a big Internet prank. 2013年,正值比特币价格暴涨时期,大量“山寨币”也应运而生。 In 2013, during a period of sharp price increases in Bitcoin, a large amount of “samples” were also born. 这一年,一位从事虚拟货币研究的澳大利亚人杰克逊·帕尔默(Jackson Palmer),看到一只柴犬的表情包在网络上走红,于是有了自己的灵感。 This year, Jackson Palmer, an Australian researcher in virtual currency, saw a wood dog's face bag red on the Internet and came up with his own inspiration. 他为了讽刺加密货币圈的投机氛围,创造了狗狗币Dogecoin一词。“Dogecoin”由这只柴犬的昵称“Doge”和铸币“coin”组合而成。 He created the word Dogecoin in order to sarcastically encrypt the speculative atmosphere in the currency ring. “Dogecoin” is made of the nicked “Doge” and “coin” of this wooddog. “投资狗狗币,”帕尔默在推特上说,“我确定这是下一件大事。” “Investing in dog coins,” 这条推特引起了很多关注,大部分网友只是当做一个冷笑话看。但帕尔默决定将玩笑进行到底。他注册了一个dogecoins.com的域名,还P了一张带Doge头像的硬币图。他在网站上留言道:如果你想让狗狗币成为现实,那就联系我吧。 This tweet received a lot of attention, most of them simply as a cold joke. But Palmer decided to make a joke. He registered a dogecoins.com domain name and a coin map with the Doge's head. He left a message: If you want to make the doggies a reality, contact me. 他的创意不久被对虚拟货币系统感兴趣的IBM工程师比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)看到。马库斯觉得创意不错,他表示,他想为“互联网的傻瓜们”创建自己的加密货币。 His ideas were soon seen by Billy Markus, an IBM engineer interested in virtual monetary systems. Macus, who said he wanted to create his own encrypted currency for the Internet fools. 马库斯采用了与另一加密货币莱特币一样的挖矿算法,创建出了狗狗币。 Marcus used the same mining algorithm as the other encrypted currency, Leitco, and created the dog coin. 马库斯坦言,比特币的太复杂,且数量有限。(比特币的总量为2100万枚,预计2140年开采完)。相比之下,马库斯把狗狗币发行量上限设置为1000亿枚,每年可以有50亿枚新币产生。 Markustan says that bitcoins are too complex and limited. (The total number of bitcoins is 21 million and is expected to be mined in 2140) By contrast, Marcus has set a ceiling of 100 billion puppies, which can be generated by 5 billion new coins a year. 马库斯更是给自己起了绰号“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”,用来嘲讽比特币的创始人“中本聪”(Satoshi Nakamoto)。他还改变了加密货币源代码中的一些字符来创建狗狗币。比如,把源代码中的mine改成了dig,因为狗只会刨洞(dig),但不会挖矿(mine)。 Marcus called himself “Shibettoshi Nakamoto” to mock Bitcoin’s founder, “Satoshi Nakamoto.” He also changed some characters in the encrypted currency source code to create dog money. For example, by changing the mee in the source code to dig, because dogs only scratch holes, but not mine. 马库斯创建狗狗币时,以娱乐精神为出发点 When Marcus created the dog price, he started with the spirit of entertainment. 即使帕尔默和马库斯创建了狗狗币,他们并没有认真对待它,也没有想要狗狗币升值。 Even if Palmer and Marcus created them, they didn't take it seriously, and they didn't want to appreciate them. 真正使狗狗币爆红的是Reddit社区。 It's the Reddit community that really makes the doggies red. 初上线后,狗狗币支持者主要活跃在网络社区Reddit。在狗狗币官网,官方对于狗狗币的定义是“有趣、友好的网络货币”。由于其数量多,门槛低,本身带有娱乐和戏谑意味,狗狗币短时间内在Reddit就取得了惊人的关注量,不到两周时间,狗狗币已经开设了专门的博客、论坛。 In the network, the official definition of dog money is “interested and friendly Internet money.” Because of its number, the threshold is low, which in itself implies entertainment and drama, it has received an alarming amount of attention in Reddit in a short period of time, and in less than two weeks it has created a special blog and forum. 帕尔默表示,最初关注狗狗币的网友并不是为了投机,而是为了分享和感恩。而且,没有哪种货币会以一只狗头作为标识。也正是这种迎合大众趣味的定位,才使得狗狗币成为了“网红”。 Palmer says that the initial focus on dog money is not about speculation, but about sharing and thanking. And, no currency is marked by a dog head. That's exactly what makes dog money "net red." 用户得到狗狗币的途径只有两种:一是通过狗狗币挖掘机进行挖掘,随着挖掘人数增多,挖掘难度和成本也会加大。二是通过完成指定任务如在线浏览指定网页获得狗狗币“打赏”。 There are only two ways for users to get a dog price: first, through a dog price excavator, which increases the difficulty and costs as the number of excavators increases. second, by getting a dog price by completing a given task, such as online browsing of a designated web page. 狗狗币还推出了一些玩法,比如应用软件“U盘钱包”供用户管理与使用自己的狗狗币。通过众筹的形式进行慈善活动:包括帮助纳斯赛车手Josh Wise;助力资金短缺的牙买加雪橇队参加2014年奥运会;筹集善款改善肯尼亚的清洁水供应。 Doggies have also introduced games such as the application "U-Round Wallet" for users to manage and use their own dog money. 用马库斯的话说,他们对“投资”这个词过敏。“我们只想创造一些慈善的力量,”帕尔默解释说。 In Marcus' words, they're allergic to the word "investment." "We just want to create the power of charity," Palmer explains. 然而,随着社区的发展,最初创建狗狗币的戏谑精神已经难以保持下去了。人们开始关心狗狗币的价格,他们想投资它。 However, with the development of the community, it is difficult to keep the puppies that were originally created. People are starting to care about the price of the puppies, and they want to invest in it. 这让马库斯感到恐惧。 It scares Marcus. “我不介意有人花几美元,得到一些狗狗币,”马库斯说,“就像买张电影票什么的,那很有趣。但是当有人投入2万美元的时候?这让我非常不舒服。” "I don't mind people spending a few dollars, getting some dog coins," Markus says, "like buying a movie ticket or something, that's funny. But when someone invests $20,000, that makes me very uncomfortable." 创始人的担忧根本无法阻止狗狗币的价格增长。狗狗币在发行初期的价格为0.0001美元一枚到0.0002美元。第一次增长发生在2017年4月1号到2017年6月1号之间,从最低价格0.0003美元上涨到0.004美元。第二次增长发生在2017年12月1号到2018年1月1号之间,从0.002美元上涨到0.0188美元,上涨了8.4倍。 The founder’s fears did not prevent the price of the dog price from rising. The price of the dog price ranged from 0.0001 to 0.0002 in the early days of issuance. The first increase occurred between 1 April 2017 and 1 June 2017, from a minimum price of US$ 00003 to US$ 0.004. The second increase occurred between 1 December 2017 and 1 January 2018, from US$0.002 to US$ 0.0188, an increase of 8.4 times. 帕尔默和马库斯也逐渐淡出狗狗币的中心。2015年,帕尔默高调宣布退出币圈,表示自己不想再参与其中。这一年,马库斯也不堪狂热分子骚扰,卖出自己手上所有的狗狗币,并用这笔钱买了一台二手本田思域。 In 2015, Palmer announced his withdrawal from the ring, stating that he did not want to be part of it. This year, Markus was also vulnerable to fanatics harassing, selling all the dog coins in his hands, and using it to buy a second-hand local domain. 创始人帕尔默失望退出 Founder Palmer is disappointed to quit. 2019年,马库斯宣布放弃维护项目。失去了创始人团队的狗狗币进一步加强了其去中心化特征,相当于让大家爱用不用。越是这样,网友们越发喜欢互相点赞打赏狗狗币,这也导致了狗狗币社区成为了目前最活跃的加密货币社区之一。 In 2019, Marcus gave up the maintenance project. The loss of the founding team’s dog money further strengthened its decentralised character, which is tantamount to letting people use it. 马斯克带货走红 Mask takes the goods red 狗狗币的走红,离不开马斯克在社交媒体上的大力推崇。 The dog money's red, it's hard to get rid of Mask's social media fanfare. “狗狗币可能是我最喜欢的加密货币,”2019年4月2日,马斯克突然发了一条推特,称狗狗币“太酷了”。在马斯克的安利下,狗狗币的价格开始出现上涨态势。 On April 2nd, 2019, Mask suddenly tweeted, saying that it was "so cool." Under Mask's Anly, the price of the dog price began to rise. 马斯克盛赞狗狗币是“人民的加密货币”,他表示:“狗狗币的发行本是为了嘲笑加密货币,但命运却总是如此讽刺。最具有讽刺意味的是,狗狗币将来会成为地球的货币。” He said, "The puppies are issued to make fun of the encoded money, but fate is always so ironic. The irony is that the puppies will become the currency of the Earth." 狗狗币头号粉丝 Doggie's number one fan. 步入2021年之后,马斯克更是不遗余力为狗狗币助威呐喊。 After 2021, Mr. Musketeer left no stone unturned to help the dog's coins. 2月4日,马斯克连发三条推特支持狗狗币:“没有高贵和低贱,不需要成为富翁就能拥有,狗狗币是人民的加密货币。”随后这种加密货币的价格迅速上涨了60%,市值达到100亿美元。 On 4 February, Musk issued three tweets in support of the dog coin: “Without nobleness and cheapness, there is no need to be rich enough to have it, and it is the people's encrypted currency.” The price of this encrypted currency rose rapidly by 60 per cent, with a market value of $10 billion. 同时,此前“美国散户抱团大战华尔街空头”事件,也助推了狗狗币的涨势。 At the same time, the previous incident of the “Wall Street Wars” of the United States Band-Aid also contributed to the rise in dog money. 今年1月,Reddit社区散户发起了对香橼、梅尔文等华尔街做空机构的战争,一度把此前低价的游戏零售商GameStop的股票推高数倍。 In January of this year, the Reddit community diaspora launched a war on empty facilities on Wall Streets, such as Shanti, Melvin, which at one point pushed up the stock of the formerly low-priced game retailer, GameStop. 1月28日,WSB论坛一名为“WSBChairman”的用户发帖询问“狗狗币曾经达到过一美元吗?”一时间激起了众多散户的投资热情,也导致了狗狗币的一轮暴涨。1月29日,狗狗币价格最高达到约0.085美元,24小时涨幅超过900%。直到“WSBChairman”在推特上做出澄清,表示自己与WSB并无关系,他发布的任何东西也并非投资建议后,1月30日,狗狗币价格才降至0.04美元左右。 On January 28, a WSB forum user asked “Has the dog price ever reached a dollar?” A time-spills investment enthusiasm among a large number of dispersed households and led to a surge in the dog price. On January 29, the price of the dog price amounted to about US$0.085, a 24-hour increase of more than 900 per cent. Until “WSB Chairman” made it clear on Twitter that he had nothing to do with the WSB, and that nothing he issued had been an investment proposal, the price of the dog price fell to around US$ 0.04 on January 30. 4月1日,马斯克再度表示,Space X将把一枚狗狗币带到月球上,随后狗狗币涨幅超14%。 On 1 April, Mask again stated that Space X would take a puppie to the moon, and that the puppies would then increase by more than 14 per cent. 4月15日,马斯克特地在推特上发了一张图片,并配文:“狗狗在月球上吠叫(Doge Barking at the Moon)”,狗狗币当日大涨50%,市值一度达到近600亿美元。 On April 15, Muskett posted a photo on Twitter with the following text: “Doge Barking at the Moon”, which rose by 50 per cent that day, with a market value of nearly $60 billion. 马斯克“带货”狗狗币的截图 A screenshot of Mask's "carrying" dog coins. 5月7日,马斯克又在推特上转发一段标题为“马斯克称狗狗币可能成为加密货币的未来”的视频,并为视频配文,“加密货币很有前景,但请谨慎投资。” On 7 May, Mr. Mask sent a video on Twitter entitled “Mask claims that the dog coin may become the future of an encrypted currency” and wrote for the video, “The encrypt currency is promising, but be careful to invest”. 尽管马斯克声称谨慎投资,但狗狗币的上涨势头可一点都不谨慎。这条推特发出后不久,狗狗币盘中飙升 21%。 Despite Mask’s claims of prudent investment, the puppies are not growing at all. Soon after the tweet, 21% of the puppies rose. 下一个比特币 像比特币一样,狗狗币也越来越被认可为一种支付方式。 Like Bitcoin, dog coins are increasingly recognized as a form of payment. 4月20日,在线零售商Newegg宣布,该公司现在接受狗狗币作为官方支付方式。Newegg成立于2001年,它为客户提供最新的消费电子、娱乐、智能家居和游戏产品的全面选择,也是最早开始支持加密货币支付的公司之一。除Newegg之外,NBA球队达拉斯独行侠队(原达拉斯小牛队)从今年3月4日起开始接受狗狗币付款。 On April 20, Newegg, an online retailer, announced that the company now accepts dog money as an official payment method. Newegg was established in 2001 to provide customers with the most up-to-date options for consumer electronics, entertainment, smart homes, and play products, and was one of the first companies to start supporting the payment of encrypted money. dogecoins.com网站上显示,已经有20家公司愿意接受狗狗币支付。 The website dogecoins.com shows that 20 companies are already willing to accept payment of dog money. 微博网友奉献的接受虚拟货币支付的“商家” Weibo friends' dedicated “businesses” paid for in virtual currency 对于狗狗币未来价格趋势的变化,许多散户投资者持看涨的观点。但马库斯却表示:“这太荒谬了,我从来没有见过这样的事情。狗狗币一旦开始上涨,它可能就会停不下来。” Many of the bulk investors have a view of the future price trends of the dog price. But Marcus says, "This is ridiculous. I've never seen anything like it. Once it starts to rise, it may not stop." 狗狗币虽然愈发瞩目,但挑战比特币的地位似乎还很遥远。有分析认为,比特币当前价值基于其稀缺性,以及主流机构不断加持,这些都是狗狗币所不具备的。 It seems that the challenge to Bitcoin’s status is far away, although its visibility is growing. It is argued that the current value of Bitcoin is based on its scarcity, and that mainstream institutions continue to hold onto it, which they do not. 然而,和比特币一样,它也可能面临着多国监管的考验。英国政府表示,正在与英国央行合作,研究引入英国官方数字货币的相关事宜,而美国或将进一步加强对数字加密货币的监管。 But, like Bitcoin, it may face the test of multinational regulation. The British government has indicated that it is working with the British Central Bank to look into issues related to the introduction of British official digital currencies, and that the United States may further strengthen its regulation of digital encrypted currencies. 监管之下,还有泡沫。 Under supervision, there's foam. 加密货币风险管理平台TRM Labs的企业策略师席特拉(Akand Sitra)表示:“目前市面上65%的狗狗币掌握在全球98个人的投资帐户中,最大投资户一个人就握有28%的狗狗币,但没有人知道他是谁。” Akand Sitra, an enterprise strategist of the encrypted money risk management platform TRM Labs, states: “To date, 65 per cent of dog money on the market is held in a global investment account of 98 people, with the largest investor holding 28 per cent of dog money, but no one knows who it is.” 有金融监管机构表示,“如果投资价值暴跌,狗狗币的投资者们应该做好损失所有资金的准备。” According to some financial regulators, “in the event of a collapse in the value of investment, investors in dog money should be prepared to lose all their money”. 不少加密货币爱好者担心,投机者的涌入,会徒增市场的波动性。 Many encoded currency fans fear that the influx of speculators will increase market volatility. 帕尔默表达了自己的担忧:“我认为加密货币领域越来越感觉像一群无政府主义者围坐在一起,希望一夜暴富,并提出一些去中心化和自由化的时髦商业想法,而这些想法往往会最终走向失败。” Palmer expressed his concern: “I think the area of encryption money is increasingly feeling like a group of anarchists sitting around, hoping to be rich overnight, and putting forward modern business ideas for de-centralization and liberalization, which tend to end up failing.” 帕尔默表示,让他失望的不是错过的狗狗币的大涨,而是银行家和机构投资者对加密货币的侵犯。 Palmer stated that he was disappointed not by the missed increase in dog money, but by the invasion of encrypted currency by bankers and institutional investors. 人们对狗狗币的暴涨毁誉参半,支持者力争将它的价值推高,而反对则警告称,该资产具有资产泡沫的一切特征。 There was a mixed reputation for the surge in dog coins, and supporters tried to push its value up, warning that the asset had all the characteristics of the asset bubble. 但这并不能掩盖散户们对此的狂热,毕竟,没多少人预料到,当年价格不足1美元的比特币,如今已突破6万美元大关。 But that does not obscure the fanaticism of the diaspora, which, after all, hardly anyone expected to have passed the $60,000 mark when the price was less than $1 in bitcoin. CoinDesk的首席内容官说,在这个时代,没有什么比讲好一个金钱故事更重要的了。狗狗币的故事很有意思,它的火爆,恰恰说明了社交媒体正在颠覆传统货币体系。 CoinDesk's C.O. said that there was nothing more important in this era than telling a story about money. The story of the dog price was interesting, and its fire was a sign that social media was destabilizing the traditional monetary system.
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