
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:44 评论:0
近期比特幣巨鯨出現拋售跡象,美國比特幣ETF對比特幣增持有所放緩。聯準會6月降息的預期已大幅下降,比特幣盤整時間預計將持續更久。近期比特幣生態資金流入大幅上升,比特幣減半前後大機率將出現突破,隨後或將迎來進一步調整。 從鏈上數據來看,近期比...



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  • 近期比特幣巨鯨出現拋售跡象,美國比特幣ETF對比特幣增持有所放緩。
  • 聯準會6月降息的預期已大幅下降,比特幣盤整時間預計將持續更久。
  • 近期比特幣生態資金流入大幅上升,比特幣減半前後大機率將出現突破,隨後或將迎來進一步調整。


Where do we go to the cattle market with the slow growth and release of bitcoins?


From the data on the chain, recent signs of sale of the Bitcoins whales were observed, while the United States currency ETF slowed the increase in its holdings of the Bitcoins.

近期美國出售比特幣引發市場擔憂,儘管量不大,但引發市場恐慌。根據《比推》4月7日報道, Scopescan 數據顯示,在轉移絲綢之路相關的BTC 後,美國政府在過去3 天已將600多個相關的BTC (價值4000萬美元以上)轉移到新地址。

The recent sale of bitcoins in the United States has caused concern in the market, albeit modestly, but has caused panic in the market. According to the April 7 report, Scopescan figures show that the US government has moved more than 600 related BTCs (valued over $40 million) to a new address in the last three days after the transfer of the BTC linked to the Silk Road.

另據Santiment數據顯示,自3 月24 日以來,持有100至1,000 BTC(通常被稱為「鯨魚」)的錢包數量保持相對穩定,在13,872 至13,841 之間小幅波動。這種穩定性顯示這些重要持有者目前並未累積更多比特幣。

According to Santiment, the number of purses holding between 100 and 1,000 BTCs (often called " whales " ) has remained relatively stable since March 24, with a small wave movement between 13,872 and 13,841. This stability shows that these important holders are currently not accumulating more bits of currency.


Where do we go to the cow market? ></p><p>本輪多頭市場中,比特幣ETF成為行情主要推手,但從近期數據觀察,其走勢也放緩。從數據來看,比特幣從1月-3月中旬資金流入量呈現持續成長;但從3月中旬之後,比特幣ETF資金流入量則出現下降趨勢,從3月18日-3月22日,比特幣ETF資金呈現持續淨流出,目前雖然資金出現淨流入,但從趨勢來看,比特幣ETF資金淨流入量已經明顯下降。整體來看,比特幣上方拋壓嚴重,資金持續增持跡像已明顯減弱。</p><p>In the current round of multiple markets, the Bitcoin ETF became the main pusher, but the trend has slowed from recent data observations. By the data, the Bitcoin inflows from January to mid-March have continued to grow; but since mid-March, the Bitcoins ETF inflows have declined, with the Bitcoins ETFs flowing from 18 March to 22 March, and the amounts currently flowing out of them, although they are well-inflowed, they have clearly declined.</p><p>3月各大市場表現強勁的原因之一,可能是各央行發出的降息訊號,受此影響比特幣的走勢也相對強勢。根據彭博社調查,除日本央行外,所有G10央行預計將在未來一年降息。上個月的各種事態發展強化了這個前景。例如,在3 月19 日至20日的會議上,聯準會官員表示,儘管預計GDP 成長強勁、通膨上升,但仍計劃今年三度降息。同樣,英國央行自2021 年9 月以來首次沒有官員支持升息,瑞士央行在3 月21 日出人意料地降息。</p><p>According to Bloomberg, all the G10 central banks, with the exception of the Central Bank of Japan, are expected to lose interest in the coming year. Developments in the last month have reinforced this prospect. For example, at the March 19-20 conference, the Associated Council officials said that despite the expected growth in GDP, inflation and inflation, three-degree cuts are planned for this year.</p><p> 4月5日(週四),美國3月非農業就業人數增加30.3萬人,遠高於預期值20萬人和前值27萬人,創下去年5月以來的最大增幅。勞動市場的再平衡明顯體現在離職數據、職缺、雇主和工人的調查,以及薪資成長的持續漸進下降中顯而易見。芝商所聯準會觀察工具顯示,聯準會今年6月首次降息的機率已降至50.8%左右,市場將完全定價聯準會首次降息的時點從7月延至9月。</p><p>On April 5th (Friday), the number of non-farmers in the United States increased by 303,000 in March, far above the expected 200,000 and 270,000, the largest increase since May. The rebalancing of the labour market is now evident in the continuous decline in job numbers, job vacancies, employer and worker surveys, and salary growth.</p><p>鮑威爾最新演講表示,最新數據並未對整體情勢有實質改變,整體情勢持續表現為穩健成長、強勁但正在再平衡的勞動力市場,以及通膨在時而顛簸的道路上朝著2%的目標下降。我們預計,在對通膨持續降到2%的信心增強之前,不會適合降低我們的政策利率。考慮到迄今為止經濟的強勢和通膨方面的進展,我們有時間讓未來的數據來指導我們的政策決策。</p><p>Powell’s latest speech indicated that the latest data did not make a real difference to the overall situation, that the overall situation continued to be a stable, strong but rebalancing labour market, and that inflation was falling on the path of 2% at a time. We did not expect to reduce our policy interest rates until confidence in inflation continued to fall to 2%. Given the progress made so far in bringing the economy to an end, there is time for future data to guide our policy decisions.</p><p>加密大V Bitwu.eth(@BTW0205)表示:聯準會降息預期驟降,6月首次降息的機率已經跌破50%,鮑威爾說的「今年降息三次」估計要打個問號了。結合目前的龐大債務和利息,為了維持經濟在大選年不崩潰,美國今年只有兩個選擇,要么符合市場預期地降息,要么繼續擴大發債,不然這個爛攤子丟給誰,都是史詩般的災難。但無論何種選擇,都將進一步推動黃金和#Bitcoin 的牛市。不出意外的話,2024年將是宏觀流動性從收縮到擴張的過渡之年,很有可能2025年才正式開始降息,新一輪的熱錢才會湧進來。</p><p>Encrypted Big V Bitwu.eth (@BTW0205) says that the union's expected rate of interest reduction has fallen by 50% for the first time in June, and Powell's estimate of


For bitcoins, the market would have used the franchise as a core push factor for a further increase in bitcoins, as the price of bitcoins would have been more likely to be higher. But, with the expected reduction in franchises, considering the weakening of whales over time, it would have been much longer than the season would have been expected. In addition, geographical tension has become an important factor affecting bitcoins, such as the Russian-Russian conflict and the Bar conflict.


Where did we go to the cattle market to slow the growth of the bitcoins whales?


There are many differences in the reality of the current cycle, from a weekly perspective, such as the beginning of the Meme season; however, the Bitcoins still have room for movement.

從鏈上數據來看,@0xCryptoChan基於幣天銷毀(Coin Days Destroyed)、總流通量(Liquid Supply)和已實現價格(Realized Price)構建的BTC頂底兩摸大周期幣價顯示:BTC 在階段③已持續約4個月;其中2012-2013年,#BTC 在階段③持續約7個月;2016-2017年,#BTC 在階段③持續約11個月;2020年,#BTC 在階段③持續約4.5個月。

According to the data on the chain, the top BTC, constructed by @0xCryptoChan, based on Coin Days Destroyed, Liquid Supply and Realized Price, shows that BTC has been running for about four months in Phase 3; #BTC continued for about seven months in Period 3 in 2012-2013; #BTC continued for about 11 months in Phase 3 in 2016-2017; and #BTC continued for about 4.5 months in Phase 3 in 2020.


Where do we go to the cattle market with a slow increase in the number of bitcoins?

除此之外,目前BTC 鏈上老手籌碼派發至40.6%。在歷史上的牛頂,老手最低把籌碼派發到10.4%及以下。圖中黑線為BTC價格;柱形為鏈上>1年未動過的BTC數量佔總量百分比,其中不同年齡層的BTC需經該年齡層BTC總買入成本市值(Realized Cap)的加權以消除遠古巨鯨籌碼放到現在佔比過大的問題。

In addition to this, the BTC chain currently has 40.6% of the old leverage in its historical tops, with a minimum of 10.4% and below. The black line is the BTC price; the column is the & gt; the number of BTCs that have not moved in a year accounts for a percentage of the total, with BTCs of different ages being required to buy the total market value of the cost (realized Cap) by the same age group to eliminate the problem of an ancient whale chip taking over the larger issue now.


Where do we go to the cattle market with a slow growth of bitcoins?


According to the technology map, the bitcoins are currently under pressure above, with short-term averages such as M5 and MA13 on the lower line. Considering the weakening of the Bitcoins ETF inflows, the linkage is likely to be delayed, and the Bitcoins short line is expected to maintain a tremor wash.

不過伴隨比特幣減半來臨,比特幣生態資金持續流入,特別是最近一周,資金流入量也相對較高。根據Defillama數據顯示,比特幣生態最近一周流入66.58%。比特幣生態多個知名項目也選擇減半後上線,比特幣生態多個項目選擇減半後上線。例如,Runes 協議宣布將於比特幣減半後正式啟用基於UTXO 模型的RUNE 符文協議,BRC 20協議也選擇在Runes 即將啟用的時間節點升級;參與Merlin's Seal 用戶的質押資產預計將在4 月解鎖;Stacks 聯創Muneeb Ali 曾表示,Stacks Nakamoto 升級將於4 月15 日-29 日之間開始推出;B2主網將在4 月啟動;BounceBit 計劃於4月23 日推出主網,並在五月進行空投。

For example, the Runes Agreement announced that RUNE, based on the UTXO model, would be officially launched after the UTXO model, and BRC 20 opted to be launched between 15 and 29 April; Merlin #39; B2B2B2B4B; and B2B4B4B2B2B2B3B3B4B.


On the whole, there are certain signs of strongness in the short line of the Bitcoins, which are expected to make a breakthrough after half the bitcoins have been cut; in the medium term, the Bitcoins whales have been sold, the Bitcoins ETF inflows have been slowed down, the Feds are expected to be delayed, and the Bitcoins are expected to run high after the reduction.




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