Do you want to feel like you're on a roller coaster? Let's start with bitcoin, which is going up 17 times in a year and 50% of a month's waterfall jump.
Do you want to see a horror movie without ghosts? Focus on digital money, "Death" has been declared 158 times in seven years and is still active on the headlines of the media;
想走进精分的世界吗,加入比特币圈吧, 前一天政府还在封禁交易渠道、关停矿场,第二天就有高级玩家用它在欧洲买了房:
You want to go into the perfect world, join the Bitcoin Circle, and the other day, the government shut down the trading channels, shut down the mines, and the next day, high-level players used it to buy houses in Europe.
You are not mistaken. According to the Italian AGI news agency, on 23 January, a young Chinese woman purchased a property in the heart of Turin in bitcoin in Turin, Italy.
具体的交易价格没有在报道中透露,但都灵的一位公证人员Remo Morone为这笔房产交易的真实性敲下了实锤。
The specific transaction price was not disclosed in the report, but Remo Morone, a notary in Turin, hammered down the authenticity of the property deal.
Remo Morone说,“是真的,买家(华人女子)想用比特币买房,卖家也有此意。他们一起来找我做买卖公证,正好我也挺支持虚拟货币的,我没有理由阻止新技术的发展,所以,为什么不呢?”
Remo Morone said, "It's true, the buyer wants to buy a house in bitcoin, and the seller wants it. Together, they come to me for a notary, and I'm very supportive of virtual money, and I have no reason to stop the development of new technologies, so why not?"
Italy became the sixth global real estate market to embrace bitcoin.
The purchase of houses in bitcoin was unprecedented in Italy and was not new to the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, the United Arab Emirates and Indonesia.
14 December 2017, United States: online real estate broker Redfin sign-off for the first United States property to be paid in bitcoin at a price of 33 bitcoins (approximately 2.3 million yuan);
2017年12月15日,英国:一个20多岁的软件工程师用19枚比特币(约合人民币308万元),)从地产商 Go Home 手中买到了埃塞克斯的一个四间卧室的住宅。
另据Trend-online.com网站报道,意大利建筑公司Gruppo Barletta于2017年底宣布,将使用比特币在罗马圣洛伦佐区(San Lorenzo)购买123套公寓。
Also reported on the Trend-online.com website, the Italian construction company Gruppo Barletta announced in late 2017 that 123 apartments would be purchased using Bitcoin in San Lorenzo, Rome.
However, in contrast to former investors, the price of bitcoin is volatile.
曾经有这样一则段子:“在 2009年发行当初,1美元相当于1300个比特币,啥叫投资?8年翻了754万倍,当时你花38000元人民币买些比特币,那现在中国首富就是你了,超过了身家2900亿元的许家印!
There was a paragraph like this: "In 2009, when it was released, $1 was equivalent to 1,300 bitcoins, what was the investment? Eight years ago, 7.54 million yuan went up, and you spent 38,000 yuan to buy some bitcoins, and now China's richest man is you, more than his family's Xu family seal of $290 billion!
On 17 December 2017, on the basis of the London CEX.IObitcoin platform, the United States dollar offer for Bitcoin was at one point worth $20,000.
Subsequently, the Chicago Stock Exchange's (Cboe) Bitcoin on-line, with smelting twice
但在突破了两万美元大关的短短一个月之后,比特币的跌幅就达到了50%,这种情况,即使是对本身波幅较大的数字货币市场而言,也是罕见的。 难怪业内人士表示,如果要用两个字来形容,目前的比特币,那无疑是“疯狂”。
But a month after the 20,000-dollar threshold was broken, Bitcoin fell by 50%, a situation that is rare, even for its own larger digital currency market. No wonder business people say that, if two words were to be used, the current bitcoin would undoubtedly be “crazy.”
Trends in United States dollar prices from 1 January 2017 to the present (source: coindesk)
In response to the surge in Bitcoin, authoritative financiers and economists have issued warnings.
Warren Buffett considered that digitally encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin would not end well, and that he would never invest in
The Vice-President of the British Central Bank for Financial Stability, Sir Jon Cunliffe, once said, "People should understand that this is not a real currency, and that has no central bank behind it, and no government behind it supports ."
诺贝尔经济学奖获得者,耶鲁大学教授罗伯特·席勒(Robert J. Shiller)一直都对比特币不看好,认为比特币可能会继续存在一段时间,但终有一天会“完全崩溃”。
Nobel Laureate in Economics, Professor Robert J. Shiller of Yale University, has always been unattractive to Bitcoin, believing that Bitcoin may continue for some time, but that one day “the strong will collapse completely”.
He said that “the central issue of Bitcoin is that it does not address any meaningful economic problems in its current form and that 针对比特币的热潮,各个政府相继出台了新规。 去年9月,中国虚拟货币全面进入严监管时期,韩国可以说是紧跟其后,正在加强通过数字货币洗钱、非法融资的调查。 In September of last year, China’s virtual currency entered a period of strict regulation, and Korea can be said to have followed closely and is intensifying its investigations into money-laundering and illegal financing through digital money. 相反,日本、新加坡、英国、澳大利亚对比特币较为友好;美国的情况比较复杂,各个州的态度不一;俄罗斯、泰国的态度经历了从严令禁止到逐步放松。 On the contrary, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia andbitcoin are friendly; the United States is more complex and states have different attitudes; and Russia and Thailand have experienced attitudes ranging from strict prohibitions to gradual easing. 面对全球各国如此精分的态度,也有人提出,比特币7年被全球绞杀上百次不成,却暴涨了30万倍,它才是打不死的小强。 In the face of such elegance on the part of nations around the globe, it has also been suggested that Bitcoin, who has been hanged hundreds of times in seven years, has skyrocketed by 300,000 times. BK资产管理数字货币对冲基金经理布莱恩·凯利(Brian Kelly)说:“人们已经第175次说到,比特币结束了,我认为现在是开始考虑入手的时候了。 The BK asset management digital currency hedge fund manager Brian Kelly said: “It has been said for the 175th time that bitcoin is over, and I think it is time to start thinking about it. 由于韩国等国家数字货币监管环境的不确定性,加密货币正处于”交接“阶段,从零售亚洲投资者转向美国、欧洲和日本的机构投资者。 As a result of uncertainties in the regulatory environment for digital money, such as in the Republic of Korea, encrypted currencies are in the “trans-shipment” phase, moving from retail Asian investors to institutional investors in the United States, Europe and Japan. 这些钱还在进来,流量还没有停止。这不是比特币的终结。他警告投资者,在价格高的时候购买这种极不稳定的资产可能是危险的。” The money is still coming in, and the flow hasn't stopped. This is not the end of Bitcoin. He warns investors that it may be dangerous to buy this highly unstable asset at a high price.” 目前,比特币依然处于舆论的漩涡中,不知道什么时候就会听到这样的故事,“从前我有个朋友,几年前他买了比特币,后来就消失了...” At the moment, Bitcoin is still in the throes of public opinion, and I don't know when I'll hear the story, "I had a friend who bought bitcoin a few years ago, and then disappeared..." 凤凰卫视欧洲台报道 {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The Phoenix is watching Europe .
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