Contracts are already a popular game in the Bitcoin market, and traders, by using leverage multiples, locking in some of them to do more or more empty transactions, to achieve even small capital gains. Bitcoin contracts are similar to traditional futures contracts, usually provide 1-100 times leverage. It is also a huge temptation for newcomers, but many newcomers don't know how to do them.
Bitcoin's newer contract may have some problems, and it's being done mainly in , at 1、打开欧易OKX交易所官网(点击注册),在首页输入邮箱,点击“注册”,向右滑动滑块,完成拼图进行验证,然后输入邮箱收到的验证码,验证码有效时间为10分钟 1- Opening of the E-O-E-E-E-E-L 2、而后输入手机号,点击“立即验证”,输入手机收到的六位数字验证码,有效时间同样为10分钟 2. Then enter the cell phone number, click " Verify immediately ", enter the six-digit digital authentication code received by the cell phone for the same period of 10 minutes. 3、选择居住国家/地区,勾选服务条款、《风险与合规披露》及隐私政策与声明 3. Selection of country/area of residence, ticking of service terms, Risk and Compliance Disclosure and privacy policies and statements 4、创建密码需要符合长度为 8-32 个字符、1 个小写字母、1 个大写字母、1 个数字、1 个符号,如:!@ # $ %等条件 4. The creation of a password requires the following conditions: 8-32 characters in length, 1 lowercase letter, 1 capital letter, 1 number, 1 symbol, e. g.! @#$% 5、登录账号后,找到首页的“用户中心”图标,进入身份认证页面 5. After login into the account, find the user centre icon on the front page and enter the identification page 6、可根据不同需求进行不同等级认证(注意:视频认证需在APP上进行操作) 6. Different levels of authentication depending on needs (Note: Video authentication needs to be operated on APP) 7、完成身份认证后即可进行交易,找到首页的“买币”——“C2C买币” 7. Once the identification has been completed, the transaction can be carried out and the first page of the “buy for money” - “C2C buy for money” can be found. 8、选择“购买”选项,注意选择购买币种,支付方式可点击“全部支付方式”进行筛选 Selection of the “purchase” option, taking care to choose the currency of purchase, with payment being screened by clicking on the “full payment method” 9、选择商家后,根据商家留言进行操作,而后输入购买数量,点击“购买USDT”付款后等待商家放币即可(若是付款后未收到币种,与商家协商无果后可以点击页面需要帮助>其他>获取帮助>发起申诉) 9. After the selection of the vendor, the operation is performed on the basis of a message from the vendor and the purchase quantity is then entered and it is sufficient to wait for the vendor to give the currency after the payment of the “purchase USDT” (in the event that no currency is received after the payment has been made, consultation with the vendor will require help with > other > get help > launch the complaint) 10、如果想要进行合约交易,需要将账户模式开通并设置为单币种保证金模式或跨币种保证金模式。 If a contractual transaction is to be made, the account model needs to be opened up and set up as a single-currency bond model or a cross-currency bond model. 11、您可继续进行合约设置,个性化选择交易单位,下单模式。 11. You can continue with the contract setting, personalize the selection of the transaction unit, next mode. 12、您可自定义设置交易模式和看板模式,此处选择专业布局。 12. You can customize the transaction mode and watchboard mode and select the professional layout here. 13、交割合约分为USDT保证金交割合约,币本位保证金交割合约,这里以币本位保证金当周交割合约为例。首先将我们的数字资产从资金账户划转到交易账户,如已完成则无须进行额外划转操作。 13. The contract for delivery is divided into USDT bonds, and currency bonds, for example, on the week of the deposit. First, we transfer our digital assets from the fund account to the transaction account, without additional transfer operations if completed. 14、在交易页面点击币对右侧的下拉按钮,在搜索框输入币种,在保证金交易处选择交割,选择合约周期为当周、次周、当季或次季的币本位/U本位合约。此处以当季币本位合约为例 Click on the transaction page to pull the currency down to the right, enter the currency in the search box, select the delivery point at the bond trading place, and select the currency/U local contract for the current week, week, season or season. Here, for example, the local currency contract for the current season. 15、在选择账户模式、委托类型,输入价格、数量,点击买入开多(看涨)或卖出开空(看空)。未成交的委托挂单可单击撤单撤销委托。此处以开多为例。 15, in selecting account mode, commission type, input price, quantity, click to buy more open (to see up) or sell out (to see empty). Unsold commissioning order can be dropped by clicking to cancel the order. Many examples are given here. 16、挂单成交后,可在持仓界面中可查看订单的相关数据,例如保证金、收益、收益率、预估强平价等。 16. Upon placing a bill, relevant data on orders, such as bonds, returns, rates of return, projected over-parities, etc., can be viewed at the warehouse interface. 17、您可在持仓界面设置止盈止损,还可选择平仓,输入平仓价格和平仓数量确定平仓,或选择市价全平完成平仓操作。 17. You can set up a terminal at the warehouse interface. You can also choose a silo, enter a silo price and a number of silos, or choose a full market price to complete the silo operation. 18、永续合约分为USDT保证金永续合约,币本位保证金永续合约,这里以USDT保证金永续合约为例。同样,将我们的数字资产从资金账户划转到交易账户,如已完成则无须进行额外划转操作。 18-Long-duration contracts are split into USDT bonds and currency bonds contracts, for example, USDT bonds. Similarly, transfer of our digital assets from fund accounts to transaction accounts without additional transfer operations if completed. 19、在交易页面点击币对右侧的下拉按钮,在搜索框输入币种,在保证金交易处选择永续,选择币种对应的币本位/U本位合约。此处以U本位合约为例 Click on the transaction page to pull the currency down to the right, enter the currency in the search box, select the constant value of the deposit at the trading place, and select the currency/U-bit contract. Take the U-bit contract here as an example. 20、选择账户模式、委托类型,输入价格、数量,点击买入开多(看涨)或卖出开空(看空)。未成交的委托挂单可单击撤单撤销委托。此处以开空为例。 20, select account mode, commission type, enter price, quantity, click to buy more open (look up) or sell out (see empty). Unsold order to cancel the order. This is an example. 21、挂单成交后,可在持仓界面中可查看订单的相关数据,例如保证金、收益、收益率、预估强平价等。 When a list is handed over, relevant data on orders, such as bonds, returns, rates of return, projected over-parities, etc., can be viewed at the warehouse interface. 22、您可在持仓界面设置止盈止损,还可选择平仓,输入平仓价格和平仓数量确定平仓,或选择市价全平完成平仓操作。 22. You can set up a stop-down on the warehouse interface and also choose to level the warehouse, enter the flat price and the number of silos to determine the level of the silo, or choose the market price to complete the staircase operation. 比特币合约能赚钱,但是也有可能造成亏损,但最终取决于多种因素,包括市场价格波动、你选择的合约类型、交易策略以及市场的整体走势。 Bitcoin contracts make money, but they may also result in losses, but ultimately depend on a variety of factors, including market price volatility, the type of contract you choose, the trading strategy and the overall market trend. 想要赚钱就要学会比特币期权知识,合约做多,那么期权就是看跌对冲;合约做空,那么期权就是看涨对冲。逻辑上虽然是风险对冲,本质上就是相当于你买了一份反向的保险,这样的好处就是,合约方向对的话,可以直接实现盈利。若合约方向错的话,账户能够实现保本,即便合约爆仓,期权方向的利润依然可以覆盖合约的损失,所以,这就是真正意义上的风险对冲,即无风险套利策略。 If you want to make money, you need to learn more about the options than bitcoin, and more about the contracts, so the options are about the hedges; if the contracts are empty, the options are about the hedges. Logically, the risk hedges are essentially the equivalent of the insurance that you buy in reverse, so that the benefits are that if the contracts are in the right direction, they can be directly profitable. If the accounts are in the wrong direction, the profits in the options can still cover the contract losses, even if the contracts are out of hand, so that is the real risk hedge, that is, the risk-free arbitrage strategy. 在进行比特币合约交易之前,深入研究市场,了解比特币的基本面和技术面。还要不断去学习和运用技术分析工具,例如图表模式、趋势线、指标(如移动平均线、相对强度指数等)。制定明确的交易策略,并在交易中始终遵循。 There is also a need to learn and apply technical analysis tools, such as charting patterns, trend lines, indicators (e.g. mobile mean lines, relative intensity indices, etc.). Clear trading strategies are developed and followed consistently in transactions. 对于风险管理也是至关重要的,设定明确的止损点和获利目标,以规避潜在的损失,不要将过多的资金投入到单个交易中,保持适度的仓位大小。使用合理的杠杆,避免过度杠杆交易。并且关注合约的资金费率的变化,了解资金费率的机制,并考虑它在你的交易策略中的影响。 Risk management is also essential, with clear cut-off points and profit targets to avoid potential losses and to not invest too much money in individual transactions and maintain a modest warehouse size. Use reasonable leverage to avoid excessive leverage. 以上全部内容就是对比特币新手怎么做合约这一问题的教程解答,由于合约交易的实质是保证金交易,因此需要交易者将保证金维持在仓位所需的最低金额。当保证金余额低于维持保证金水平时,仓位便会被强制平仓,俗称“爆仓”,触发强制平仓时的标记价格即为强平价格。另外杠杆越大,起始保证金越少,越接近维持保证金,就越容易被强制平仓。因此交易者需要合理选择杠杆比率及保证金比例,并及时根据市场价格进行仓位调整,保护自己资金不因爆仓而全盘损失。 All of this is an answer to the question of how to make a contract with the newer Bitcoin, and since the essence of the contract deal is a bond transaction, the traders are required to keep the bond at the minimum level. When the balance of the bond is below the level required to maintain the bond, the position is forced to level off, commonly known as “shocks”, and the price of the mark that triggers it is set to be flat. The smaller the leverage, the closer the initial bond is to maintaining the bond, the easier it is to be forced down.
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