Bitcoin’s price is only one step away from a record, and investors wait for a historic moment. But from a market value point of view, bitcoin has already made a record.
CoinGecko data show that Bitco’s market value reached $1.35 trillion, surpassing the $1.28 trillion peak of November 2021. That month, Bitco’s peak jumped to a high of $68,991.85 during the epidemic.
Since then, the supply of bitcoin has increased, and the market value has been driven by the latest boom in the city in the near future. London time dropped by 1.5 per cent at 8:16, bitcoin, to $66555, reaching $68804 earlier.
加密货币主经纪商FalconX的研究主管David Lawant表示,从历史上来看,创纪录的市值“是更可靠的价格信号,表明当前市场正在开启新的阶段”。
David Lawant, research director of the crypto-currency broker FalconX, stated that historically, the record market value “is a more reliable price signal that the current market is beginning a new phase”.
The US’s new spot bitcoin ETF and the upcoming “50-per-cent” triggered a recent upturn. Since its launch on 11 January, ETFs have attracted nearly $8 billion in net inflows, including Belede and Fuda.
There has also been a general return to speculative booms, from leverage bets in derivatives markets to double-digit rises in memes. For example, on 4 March, the unsilvered contracts at the Bitcoin futures market at Chicot reached record levels.
The expansion of investor positions suggests that if ETF demand starts to slow down, the market is likely to turn upside down. For the time being, however, activities in the spot, ETF, and derivative markets are mostly on the rise.
“资金流在推动价格的变动,”Pepperstone Group Ltd.的研究主管Chris Weston在报告中写道。
“Fund flows are driving price movements”, by Chris Weston, research manager of People Group Ltd., who wrote in his report.
Source: The Financial Community.
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